Financial Survival Network

Financial Survival Network

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A show about how to thrive in the New Economy. It's All About What's Next!

Summary: College can be a great investment for anyone’s human capital, but you have to do it right. Here to discuss how individuals and families can plan for college and minimize debt is Brad Baldridge, a certified financial planner that specifically deals with college planning. It is a process that is different for each individual because there are so many moving factors, so it’s important to take into account all of the ways that one can save money ahead of time and eliminate extra costs. Brad gives a lot of great advice that can help young adults and families prepare for this milestone, so be sure to tune in. Highlights: -It’s a twofold process—picking an are of expertise that will give you a return on your investment, and using all of the hacks/tips that will minimize your future debt -College planning is not a cookie cutter process. There are a lot of moving factors that differ for each individual -Start planning sooner than you think you need to; there is early stage planning and late stage planning -Late stage happens when you’re dealing with the admissions process, testing, etc. -The early stage happens when people are younger and not at the end of their high school career -For some, Brad advises not to attend college immediately after high school -Once you get a serious job, it’s difficult to go back to school -Some people take longer to get their degree, and face more debt later -There are many professionals that help students figure out what they want to eventually do, and what college major will help them funnel into their desired career -College is paid for by income, savings/investments, financial aid, scholarships, and reductions/other expenses -Becoming more efficient is half the battle, and it’s important to be aware of the resources that are available to you Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Baldridge College Solutions

Summary: We’re experiencing financial, societal, and global insanity that has been a long time coming. In this episode, I speak with Darryl Schoon, who predicted our current situation many years ago when he wrote The Time of the Vulture. Darryl notes the way that the money supply has increased and subsequently lost any value it had. Join us for this episode to hear some of Darryl’s knowledge, and to get an idea of what’s to come. Highlights: -Darryl Schoon saw all of this coming many years ago -Darryl talks about the concept of the ‘vulture,’ who feeds on blind ignorance and denial -His book predicts the event that we are in now -Individuals and corporations will go bankrupt before the government -After the Federal Reserve took control of the money supply, money no longer had the same value -If all debt was paid, money would disappear; in a capitalist society, there is debt based currency Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Darryl Schoon

Summary: Student debt is higher than ever. Many young adults applying for universities, scholarships, and student loans don’t always know what they’re getting into in terms of financial commitment. Here to talk about this is Ann Garcia, who recently wrote a book called How to Pay for College. Ann stresses that a great education can come from universities that aren’t as costly or exclusive, and we discuss multiple tips for saving money when preparing to apply for college. Tune in for more amazing insight from Ann, and be sure to check out the links below if you want to purchase her book or browse her online resources. Highlights: -There is over a trillion dollars in student loan debt -It’s important for students to understand the reverse mortgage they are taking out when they enroll in an institution -If you’re signing up for six figures worth of college debt, it’s important to look at the return on this investment -The collateral is the student’s future -People often equate cost and exclusivity with quality, assuming that only the most high caliber universities produce the most successful people -When Rhodes scholars are announced, more than half of them usually come from public universities with higher acceptance rates -The factor that will really impact a young adult’s life is the amount of debt that they face after they complete their degree -Transferring institutions and spending more years enrolled can add on to your debt immensely -It’s good to talk with your children about how to set up savings and grow them over time -You can often save money by taking Advanced Placement or IB courses during your high school career, or enrolling in prerequisite courses at a local community college -It is important to keep in mind, however, that not all universities accept these courses. Taking these classes needs to be part of your research on what university to attend -It’s also crucial to focus on having a high GPA; if you’re going to take AP or IB courses, make sure that you will still be able to perform well in these classes -Dual enrollment is also a great option that many schools offer; you can experience the four year college experience without the high price tag -What you see on your FAFSA is not necessarily what college will cost you in total -Students whose families that have saved some money for their education are more likely to graduate -Read the fine print on your financial aid letter Useful Links: Financial Survival Network How to Pay for College Ann Garcia's Book

Summary: A major concern in the economy is preventing recession, but it looks as if we are already in one. I sit down and chat with Michael Pento, the President and Founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies, and he has been accurately predicting the Fed’s moves for quite some time. People are losing their jobs, home prices are about to tank, and we are experiencing the direct effects of a recession. Tune in for more insight from Michael. Highlights: -Michael Pento has been predicting the Fed’s moves very accurately -Powell is saying that there is no recession in sight, but we seem to be in one now -A recession is two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth -The Fed is forced to hike into a recession because they have no other choice -They keep raising and the dollar is going higher, which is killing manufacturing and exports -If they want to get to neutral, they have to be restrictive -They’re just now starting to flight inflation, but we’re already in a recession -With a deflat...

Summary: While all asset classes are experiencing volatility, the self storage sector of real estate has a lot of promise. Drew Dolan comes on the show to discuss some of the advantages of investing in self storage. As the Principal and Fund Manager of DXD Capital, he is extremely knowledgable on this sector, and explains how it has flourished in recently years. If you want to know more about self storage and the logic behind investing in it, be sure to tune in to this episode. Highlights: -Real estate is up in the air, and virtually every asset class is going through tremendous volatility -Self storage is a sector of real estate that may become a beneficiary of this uncertainty -It’s extremely efficient from an operational standpoint -Picking location matters the most in self storage, and you can look at a lot of data before making investment decisions -Even though interest rates and constructions costs are up, there are still many great deals available in self storage -In develop...

Summary: With the dollar going higher and precious metals going lower, the markets are crazy. Here to analyze this is Bob Hoye, who uses historical trends in financial markets to evaluate what is happening in the contemporary economy. The current patterns within precious metals and interest rates are indicative of a great financial bubble. Tune in to hear Bob’s perspective, and data driven predictions on what’s to come. Highlights: -The markets are crazy; the dollar is going higher and precious metals are going lower -Bob has looked at extensive history on financial markets, and over time we’ve seen patterns with financial bubbles -With the conclusion of a great bubble, copper’s real price goes up and gold’s real price goes down -In July 2020, the precious metals sector got completely overbought -In a financial bubble, gold deflated goes down; then it stabilizes and goes up -Bob has been specifically looking at the rise of gold’s real price in relation to the CPI -If you’re i...

Summary: Markets are in turmoil, commodities are crashing, and instability seems to be the overarching theme. Here to talk more in depth about this is Octavior Marenzi, CEO/co-founder of Opimas. The fundamental issues and problems have not changed, as central banks pump huge amounts of money into the markets. Once these inflationary waves start, they’re extremely difficult to suppress. Is there hope for the future? Tune in to find out. Highlights: -Wars are continuing—perhaps with more on the way -It’s a hazardous minefield you have to navigate through to protect your wealth -It’s better to lose to inflation than to lose in the markets or in bonds -Is this decline/bear market different than the previous ones? -The deciding factor in this market is what the Fed does—and Jay Powell seems to be playing a poker game -The fundamental issues and problems have not changed—central banks pump a huge amount of money into the markets -There may be expectation that they will drain liquidi...

Summary: Have we already reached a recession? As the economy slows down and people begin to stop purchasing, it seems as if this is the case. Here to discuss this is John Rubino from Dollar Collapse, and he unpacks the current decline of the global economy—expanding beyond the US and touching all markets. Things are only going to get messier, so tune in to hear what to expect in the near future. Highlights: -Gold and silver are getting decimated, and everything else seems to be getting decimated worse—such as oil -The economy is slowing down; people are buying less stuff because prices have increased astronomically -We are possibly in a recession already -The dollar is going up relative to other currencies; the European bank was forced to tighten, and yields started to go up -Their plan was to tighten German bonds, and they are going to keep financing deficits -Investors have to figure out how to allocate their money based on what the economy of the world is going to do going forw...

Summary: Many people are leaving their corporate jobs to become entrepreneurs. This can be good move in many circumstances, but it’s important to know what you’re getting into. Business coach Kevin Stansfield comes on the show to talk about how you can minimize your risk when purchasing or starting a business, and there are a number of factors to keep in mind with both. You must have a clear vision of where you want the business to be in the future, and it’s crucial to get advice to someone who has bought or started a business before. Tune in for more insight. Highlights: -Many people are leaving their jobs to become entrepreneurs -There is a big difference, however, between starting a business and buying one -Kevin has been coaching businesses now for about 16 years -Kevin’s Dad had a difficult experience buying/owning a business -Kevin got into business coaching for business owners like his Dad who are passionate about what they do -Try to find the business that is going to be...

Summary: If you don’t change the way you’re doing things, you may have to retire the idea of retirement. Thankfully, Randy Sevcik has great advice about how to better plan/manage your retirement. In order to plan for the future, it’s important to consider the psychology behind what has brought us to the current point in the economy. Randy helps clients build timelines by looking at each individual investment, and then creating a strategic plan for balancing income and growth as someone gets closer to retirement. Tune in for more insight. Highlights: -There has been madness in the markets; we knew this was coming, but it still has a large impact on us -You have to look into the psychology of what has brought us to this point -Roughly 10,000 citizens are retiring every day, and it will stay like this for the next 8-9 years -For the first time, half of our population will be at or in retirement -This isn’t going to be your typical recessionary or inflation period because the psycho...

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