Financial Issues

Financial Issues

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Dan has worked for 35 years as an entrepreneur and businessman, as owner of his own businesses for 25 years, and at one time managing over 600 million dollars. Dan has developed and uses a Biblically-responsible system of financial management with great success.

Shana Burt as the host of ‘Financial Issues'Shana Burt graduated Cum Laud from Lamar University with a BA in finance and began her career in the financial services industry in 1999. After hearing Dan Celia on her local American Family Radio station in 2013, Burt felt led by God to shift her financial career focus to specialize in Biblically Responsible Investing. After she contacted Celia, he recognized a kindred heart and common goal in Burt and Celia began mentoring her in 2015. By 2020, Burt was regularly co-hosting with Celia on his daily live radio program.Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries has been a pillar of Biblically Responsible Investing since its’ inception in 1997. The ministry exists to help people around the world make godly financial decisions with the resources with which God has blessed them.The “Financial Issues” program is heard on more than 660 radio stations and several television networks nationwide, including FISM.TV, and viewed on several post-cable television platforms and online.Daniel J. Celia, founder, CEO and President, of Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries (FISM, and host of the nationally syndicated live daily radio and television show, Financial Issues, passed away and entered into Glory on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. Dan won his battle over long-term health issues as the Lord ushered him into his eternal home.

Shana Burt as the host of ‘Financial Issues'Shana Burt graduated Cum Laud from Lamar University with a BA in finance and began her career in the financial services industry in 1999. After hearing Dan Celia on her local American Family Radio station in 2013, Burt felt led by God to shift her financial career focus to specialize in Biblically Responsible Investing. After she contacted Celia, he recognized a kindred heart and common goal in Burt and Celia began mentoring her in 2015. By 2020, Burt was regularly co-hosting with Celia on his daily live radio program.Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries has been a pillar of Biblically Responsible Investing since its’ inception in 1997. The ministry exists to help people around the world make godly financial decisions with the resources with which God has blessed them.The “Financial Issues” program is heard on more than 660 radio stations and several television networks nationwide, including FISM.TV, and viewed on several post-cable television platforms and online.Daniel J. Celia, founder, CEO and President, of Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries (FISM, and host of the nationally syndicated live daily radio and television show, Financial Issues, passed away and entered into Glory on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. Dan won his battle over long-term health issues as the Lord ushered him into his eternal home.

Shana Burt as the host of ‘Financial Issues'Shana Burt graduated Cum Laud from Lamar University with a BA in finance and began her career in the financial services industry in 1999. After hearing Dan Celia on her local American Family Radio station in 2013, Burt felt led by God to shift her financial career focus to specialize in Biblically Responsible Investing. After she contacted Celia, he recognized a kindred heart and common goal in Burt and Celia began mentoring her in 2015. By 2020, Burt was regularly co-hosting with Celia on his daily live radio program.Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries has been a pillar of Biblically Responsible Investing since its’ inception in 1997. The ministry exists to help people around the world make godly financial decisions with the resources with which God has blessed them.The “Financial Issues” program is heard on more than 660 radio stations and several television networks nationwide, including FISM.TV, and viewed on several post-cable television platforms and online.Daniel J. Celia, founder, CEO and President, of Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries (FISM, and host of the nationally syndicated live daily radio and television show, Financial Issues, passed away and entered into Glory on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. Dan won his battle over long-term health issues as the Lord ushered him into his eternal home.

Shana Burt as the host of ‘Financial Issues'Shana Burt graduated Cum Laud from Lamar University with a BA in finance and began her career in the financial services industry in 1999. After hearing Dan Celia on her local American Family Radio station in 2013, Burt felt led by God to shift her financial career focus to specialize in Biblically Responsible Investing. After she contacted Celia, he recognized a kindred heart and common goal in Burt and Celia began mentoring her in 2015. By 2020, Burt was regularly co-hosting with Celia on his daily live radio program.Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries has been a pillar of Biblically Responsible Investing since its’ inception in 1997. The ministry exists to help people around the world make godly financial decisions with the resources with which God has blessed them.The “Financial Issues” program is heard on more than 660 radio stations and several television networks nationwide, including FISM.TV, and viewed on several post-cable television platforms and online.Daniel J. Celia, founder, CEO and President, of Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries (FISM, and host of the nationally syndicated live daily radio and television show, Financial Issues, passed away and entered into Glory on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. Dan won his battle over long-term health issues as the Lord ushered him into his eternal home.

Shana Burt as the host of ‘Financial Issues'Shana Burt graduated Cum Laud from Lamar University with a BA in finance and began her career in the financial services industry in 1999. After hearing Dan Celia on her local American Family Radio station in 2013, Burt felt led by God to shift her financial career focus to specialize in Biblically Responsible Investing. After she contacted Celia, he recognized a kindred heart and common goal in Burt and Celia began mentoring her in 2015. By 2020, Burt was regularly co-hosting with Celia on his daily live radio program.Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries has been a pillar of Biblically Responsible Investing since its’ inception in 1997. The ministry exists to help people around the world make godly financial decisions with the resources with which God has blessed them.The “Financial Issues” program is heard on more than 660 radio stations and several television networks nationwide, including FISM.TV, and viewed on several post-cable television platforms and online.Daniel J. Celia, founder, CEO and President, of Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries (FISM, and host of the nationally syndicated live daily radio and television show, Financial Issues, passed away and entered into Glory on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. Dan won his battle over long-term health issues as the Lord ushered him into his eternal home.

Shana Burt as the host of ‘Financial Issues'Shana Burt graduated Cum Laud from Lamar University with a BA in finance and began her career in the financial services industry in 1999. After hearing Dan Celia on her local American Family Radio station in 2013, Burt felt led by God to shift her financial career focus to specialize in Biblically Responsible Investing. After she contacted Celia, he recognized a kindred heart and common goal in Burt and Celia began mentoring her in 2015. By 2020, Burt was regularly co-hosting with Celia on his daily live radio program.Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries has been a pillar of Biblically Responsible Investing since its’ inception in 1997. The ministry exists to help people around the world make godly financial decisions with the resources with which God has blessed them.The “Financial Issues” program is heard on more than 660 radio stations and several television networks nationwide, including FISM.TV, and viewed on several post-cable television platforms and online.Daniel J. Celia, founder, CEO and President, of Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries (FISM, and host of the nationally syndicated live daily radio and television show, Financial Issues, passed away and entered into Glory on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. Dan won his battle over long-term health issues as the Lord ushered him into his eternal home.

Shana Burt as the host of ‘Financial Issues'Shana Burt graduated Cum Laud from Lamar University with a BA in finance and began her career in the financial services industry in 1999. After hearing Dan Celia on her local American Family Radio station in 2013, Burt felt led by God to shift her financial career focus to specialize in Biblically Responsible Investing. After she contacted Celia, he recognized a kindred heart and common goal in Burt and Celia began mentoring her in 2015. By 2020, Burt was regularly co-hosting with Celia on his daily live radio program.Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries has been a pillar of Biblically Responsible Investing since its’ inception in 1997. The ministry exists to help people around the world make godly financial decisions with the resources with which God has blessed them.The “Financial Issues” program is heard on more than 660 radio stations and several television networks nationwide, including FISM.TV, and viewed on several post-cable television platforms and online.Daniel J. Celia, founder, CEO and President, of Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries (FISM, and host of the nationally syndicated live daily radio and television show, Financial Issues, passed away and entered into Glory on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. Dan won his battle over long-term health issues as the Lord ushered him into his eternal home.

Shana Burt as the host of ‘Financial Issues'Shana Burt graduated Cum Laud from Lamar University with a BA in finance and began her career in the financial services industry in 1999. After hearing Dan Celia on her local American Family Radio station in 2013, Burt felt led by God to shift her financial career focus to specialize in Biblically Responsible Investing. After she contacted Celia, he recognized a kindred heart and common goal in Burt and Celia began mentoring her in 2015. By 2020, Burt was regularly co-hosting with Celia on his daily live radio program.Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries has been a pillar of Biblically Responsible Investing since its’ inception in 1997. The ministry exists to help people around the world make godly financial decisions with the resources with which God has blessed them.The “Financial Issues” program is heard on more than 660 radio stations and several television networks nationwide, including FISM.TV, and viewed on several post-cable television platforms and online.Daniel J. Celia, founder, CEO and President, of Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries (FISM, and host of the nationally syndicated live daily radio and television show, Financial Issues, passed away and entered into Glory on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. Dan won his battle over long-term health issues as the Lord ushered him into his eternal home.

Shana Burt as the host of ‘Financial Issues'Shana Burt graduated Cum Laud from Lamar University with a BA in finance and began her career in the financial services industry in 1999. After hearing Dan Celia on her local American Family Radio station in 2013, Burt felt led by God to shift her financial career focus to specialize in Biblically Responsible Investing. After she contacted Celia, he recognized a kindred heart and common goal in Burt and Celia began mentoring her in 2015. By 2020, Burt was regularly co-hosting with Celia on his daily live radio program.Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries has been a pillar of Biblically Responsible Investing since its’ inception in 1997. The ministry exists to help people around the world make godly financial decisions with the resources with which God has blessed them.The “Financial Issues” program is heard on more than 660 radio stations and several television networks nationwide, including FISM.TV, and viewed on several post-cable television platforms and online.Daniel J. Celia, founder, CEO and President, of Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries (FISM, and host of the nationally syndicated live daily radio and television show, Financial Issues, passed away and entered into Glory on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. Dan won his battle over long-term health issues as the Lord ushered him into his eternal home.

Shana Burt as the host of ‘Financial Issues'Shana Burt graduated Cum Laud from Lamar University with a BA in finance and began her career in the financial services industry in 1999. After hearing Dan Celia on her local American Family Radio station in 2013, Burt felt led by God to shift her financial career focus to specialize in Biblically Responsible Investing. After she contacted Celia, he recognized a kindred heart and common goal in Burt and Celia began mentoring her in 2015. By 2020, Burt was regularly co-hosting with Celia on his daily live radio program.Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries has been a pillar of Biblically Responsible Investing since its’ inception in 1997. The ministry exists to help people around the world make godly financial decisions with the resources with which God has blessed them.The “Financial Issues” program is heard on more than 660 radio stations and several television networks nationwide, including FISM.TV, and viewed on several post-cable television platforms and online.Daniel J. Celia, founder, CEO and President, of Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries (FISM, and host of the nationally syndicated live daily radio and television show, Financial Issues, passed away and entered into Glory on Wednesday, March 30, 2022. Dan won his battle over long-term health issues as the Lord ushered him into his eternal home.

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