Feminist Current

Feminist Current

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Canada's leading feminist website.

In this episode, Meghan Murphy speak with Katherine Deves, the co-founder of Save Women's Sports Australasia, who ran as the Liberal candidate for the seat of Warringah in 2022.

In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Mary Lou Singleton, a midwife and nurse practioner, about the flaws in the abortion debate and the implications of overturning Roe v. Wade.

On the podcast, Meghan Murphy speaks with Maya Forstater, co-founder of Sex Matters and the 'Respect my sex if you want my X' campaign.

In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Holly Lawford-Smith about social media censorship and her new book, "Gender-Critical Feminism."

Surrogacy has become a relatively mainstream practice. Celebrities and those with means treat surrogacy as a harmless option to aid women who cannot or do not wish to carry their own babies or to allow gay couples to have children. Few seem to consider the impact on mother and baby. A new surrogacy bill in…

The stories of those who exited prostitution tend to be wildly different than those still working in the industry and identifying as “sex workers.” And what men tend to believe about those working in prostitution tends to align with that “sex worker” narrative as well — that some women just really enjoy prostitution, that it…

In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Elvira Pablo of Girls Not Brides about child marriage in Mexico.

Milli Hill is a freelance journalist and author The Positive Birth Book, Give Birth like a Feminist, and a new book for preteens, My Period. She founded the Positive Birth Movement in 2012 and ran it until recently, when she was “cancelled” for defending woman-centered language when talking about pregnancy and birth. In this episode,…

One of the most common questions I receive from women is, “How can I take action?” So many women are concerned about the legislation and ideology being embraced by politicians, the media, and institutions, yet feel helpless to make a difference. A new book, Practical Politics for Bold Women, is for women who want to…

In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with The Famous Artist Birdy Rose, a UK-based artist from Essex who has been subject to an ongoing slander campaign on account of her advocacy for women and women’s rights. Find her online @artistbirdyrose.

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