Fauxthentic History

Fauxthentic History

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Hosted by Holly Frey (Stuff You Missed in History Class) and Bryan Young (Full of Sith) Fauxthentic History is your most reliable source of fictional history inside the many, varied worlds of popular culture, mythology, and nerddom. From Star Wars and Star Trek to Disney films and Lord of the Rings, your hosts will take you through the finer details of your favorite stories in ways you never imagined.

The spirit world is full of unique and eccentric entities. Two of the most fascinating may be the twin witches of Yubaba and Zeniba, but we only have a little information about them.

Noted Padme Amidala and Handmaiden historian EL Fhlonston joins Holly and Bryan to talk about the lives of the young queen and her loyal handmaidens. Chiefly, they talk about the handmaidens in the context of Padme's transitions from Queen to Senator and the tragedies that befell them.

X-Wings. A-Wings. B-Wings. U-Wings. Alphabet soup. This episode goes into detail on a number of ships in wide use by the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War.

Bavmorda, known as the Demon Queen of Andowyne, was a powerful sorceress in her early life and grew up to take over the land of Tir Asleen, Nockmaar, and Galadoorn. It was only the prophecy of the child named Elora Danan, an enchantress named Fin Raziel, and a would-be magician named Willow Ufgood that was able to end her tyrannical rule.

Senator Padme Amidala was a central figure in the politics of the Clone Wars, and during her time in office, she was linked closely with a number of other key players in the conflict, often with different ideologies. This episode examines two other senators that were part of Padme Amidala’s circle, Mina Bonteri and Onaconda Farr.

Bryan and Holly delve into the history of one of Springfield's biggest folly: their monorail system. Naturally, this episode delves into the lives of some of the key players, including the Simpsons.

For almost thirty years, the New Republic governed the galaxy in the wake of the dark times of the Empire in the aftermath of the Galactic Civil War. This episode covers a quick recap of political history in a galaxy far, far away from the formation of the Old Republic, to transformation to Empire, rebellion leading to the New Republic, and how the First Order destroyed it all.

The Kanto region is the cradle of Pokemon and Pokemon trainers. In this episode of Fauxthentic History, we talk about the history of the entire region, Pokemon training culture, and the trainers of gyms in Kanto from the late '90s.

In her brief life and even briefer time with the Resistance, Paige Tico made a strong impact on her more well-known sister Rose. Paige’s story shows how one single person can create significant change and inspire others to do the same.

While many people have heard of Jookiba’s Experiment 626, fewer know about his beginnings as an evil genius scientist. His work prior to 626 included a vast array of unique efforts at creating new life, and has, unbeknownst to most of the planet’s inhabitants, threatened to cause havoc on Earth repeatedly.

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