Everyday VOpreneur with Marc Scott

Everyday VOpreneur with Marc Scott

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You‘re a Voice Actor. You‘re an Entrepreneur. You‘re a VOpreneur! The Everyday VOpreneur Podcast is your Guide Through the Business of Voice Over. Each new episode presents actionable, practical advice designed to help you grow your voice over business through more confident and effective marketing and business tips from the pros in their respective fields.Having great skill in the recording booth isn‘t enough anymore. You also need to think and operate like a business owner. Among the tasks you could be responsible for including marketing your voice over business, managing your books, invoicing and tax preparations, providing customer service, understanding voice over rates and negotiation, protecting yourself legally, using social media channels like LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and others to build brand awareness and add value to your audience and soooooooo much more!If it‘s related to voice over marketing or the voice over business, odds are it‘ll be covered in the Everyday VOpreneur Podcast with Marc Scott.Listen online at https://vopreneur.comBook Voice Over Marketing Coaching at https://marcscottcoaching.comRequest a custom voice over audition and quote at https://marcscottvoiceover.comYouTube - https://youtube.com/marcscottInstagram - https://instagram.com/marcscottTwitter - https://twitter.com/marcscottFacebook - https://facebook.com/marcscottvoiceoverLinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcscottvoiceover/

The social media soapbox... a lot of voice actors take "advantage" of social media to create a platform to air their grievances. Rarely does a day go by that someone isn't complaining about rates, jobs, casting sites, auditions, agents or any other number of things. But is complaining online the best use of social media? And your time? Or could it be that all that whining, grumbling and griping is actually costing you work while potential clients form decisions about you as a talent, actor and person? -- Welcome to the Summer Series. For June / July / August 2022 I'll be offering up simple, quick hit episodes of the podcast designed to give you one good piece of advice and get you back to doing whatever you're doing to enjoy summer. The Everyday VOpreneur interview series will return in September. Marc Scott on Instagram - @marcscott RESOURCES * One Piece of Advice Free eBook https://marcscottcoaching.com/onepieceofadviceebook/ * Get an instant $25 credit when you sign up for VoiceZam Visithttps://voicezam.com/marcscott * Need a little marketing help? Download a FREE eBook - 5 Steps to Marketing Like a VOpreneur Download now athttps://marcscottcoaching.com/5marketingstepsebook * For voice over services: Visithttps://marcscottvoiceover.com * Want VOpreneur Swag? Visithttps://teespring.com/stores/vopreneur * Join the VOpreneur Facebook Group Visithttps://facebook.com/groups/vopreneur EVERYDAY VOPRENEURS IN THIS EPISODE * Thanks to "Uncle Roy" for production assistance! Visithttp://antlandproductions.com * Thanks to Christy Harst for VO contributions! Visithttps://christyharst.com * Thanks to Krysta Wallrauch for VO contributions! Visithttp://krystawallrauch.com If you need guidance with your voice over business or learning how to more effectively market, I can help. Book a 15 minute free consultation with me to discuss your specific needs.Book Your Consult

Every voice actor knows they need a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), and most of us use some kind of office software such as Googe Workspace or Microsoft 365. In additional to those obvious staples, I'm offering five other software suggestions in this episode. Tools that can absolutely impact your business, but maybe aren't traditional pieces of software you'd normally think of. Enjoy these five software recommendations for the Everyday VOpreneur. -- Welcome to the Summer Series. For June / July / August 2022 I'll be offering up simple, quick hit episodes of the podcast designed to give you one good piece of advice and get you back to doing whatever you're doing to enjoy summer. The Everyday VOpreneur interview series will return in September. Marc Scott on Instagram - @marcscott RESOURCES * One Piece of Advice Free eBook https://marcscottcoaching.com/onepieceofadviceebook/ * Get an instant $25 credit when you sign up for VoiceZam Visithttps://voicezam.com/marcscott * Need a little ...

For so many voice actors, the idea of a directed voice over session causes stress and anxiety. It doesn't need to be that way. When you change your approach to these Source Connect sessions (or Zoom, ipDTL, Skype etc...) it'll change the way you feel about them. In this episode I offer up a few tips to help you relax more and stress less when it comes to heading into the booth to record with clients on the line. -- Welcome to the Summer Series. For June / July / August 2022 I'll be offering up simple, quick hit episodes of the podcast designed to give you one good piece of advice and get you back to doing whatever you're doing to enjoy summer. The Everyday VOpreneur interview series will return in September. Marc Scott on Instagram - @marcscott RESOURCES * One Piece of Advice Free eBook https://marcscottcoaching.com/onepieceofadviceebook/ * Get an instant $25 credit when you sign up for VoiceZam Visithttps://voicezam.com/marcscott * Need a little marketing help? Download a FREE eBoo...

Whether it's at the beach, by the pool or fireside, take some time this summer to grab a good book, learn some new skills, and apply them to growing your voice over business. In this episode I offer up three of my recent favorite reads. Book 1: Atomic Habits - James Clear (Buy Now) Book 2: The Psychology of Money - Morgan Housel (Buy Now) Book 3: Crushing It - Gary Vaynerchuk (Buy Now) (Links are Affiliate Links) -- Welcome to the Summer Series. For June / July / August 2022 I'll be offering up simple, quick hit episodes of the podcast designed to give you one good piece of advice and get you back to doing whatever you're doing to enjoy summer. The Everyday VOpreneur interview series will return in September. Marc Scott on Instagram - @marcscott RESOURCES * One Piece of Advice Free eBook https://marcscottcoaching.com/onepieceofadviceebook/ * Get an instant $25 credit when you sign up for VoiceZam Visithttps://voicezam.com/marcscott * Need a little marketing help? Download a FREE eBo...

Nothing guarantees voice over work quite like announcing you'll be out of the studio. As soon as you do it, some voice over work will appear. Then, when you actually leave the studio... even more auditions and bookings will appear! Knowing this can make taking an actual vacation stressful. But it shouldn't be. Why? Because voice actors are humans and we deserve to take vacation too. So listen to this episode, and then leave that travel rig behind for a few days! -- Welcome to the Summer Series. For June / July / August 2022 I'll be offering up simple, quick hit episodes of the podcast designed to give you one good piece of advice and get you back to doing whatever you're doing to enjoy summer. The Everyday VOpreneur interview series will return in September. Marc Scott on Instagram - @marcscott RESOURCES * One Piece of Advice Free eBook https://marcscottcoaching.com/onepieceofadviceebook/ * Get an instant $25 credit when you sign up for VoiceZam Visithttps://voicezam.com/marcscott *...

What makes someone a professional voice actor? Is there a standard definition? An acceptable definition? For some, the belief is you can only be professional if you're doing voice over work full-time. I'm not in that camp. With that in mind, I offer up what I think makes one a professional and it has nothing to do with hours work. -- Welcome to the Summer Series. For June / July / August 2022 I'll be offering up simple, quick hit episodes of the podcast designed to give you one good piece of advice and get you back to doing whatever you're doing to enjoy summer. The Everyday VOpreneur interview series will return in September. Marc Scott on Instagram - @marcscott RESOURCES * One Piece of Advice Free eBook https://marcscottcoaching.com/onepieceofadviceebook/ * Get an instant $25 credit when you sign up for VoiceZam Visithttps://voicezam.com/marcscott * Need a little marketing help? Download a FREE eBook - 5 Steps to Marketing Like a VOpreneur Download now athttps://marcscottcoaching....

You've probably noticed that Reels have become much more prominent on Instagram. As Meta doubles down on this feature to compete with TikTok, it's only going to grow. So how can you use Reels for your voice over marketing efforts? I'm glad you asked! Ally Murphy is doing a brilliant job of incorporating reels into her efforts. She's having fun, she's connecting with her audience, she's getting views and it's leading to voice over opportunities for her. In this episode we talk about her strategy for Reels as part of her Instagram / Facebook marketing efforts, how she comes up with ideas, tips for putting together Reels and how it all ties back to her client relationships. She's got a lot of value to offer and I know you're going to learn things. Ally on Instagram - @allymurphyvoice Website - www.allymurphy.co.uk Marc Scott on Instagram - @marcscott RESOURCES * One Piece of Advice Free eBook https://marcscottcoaching.com/onepieceofadviceebook/ * Get an instant $25 credit when you sign...

On a given week, I've got a lot of things to get done. A podcast to record and produce, a video tip to shoot and edit, social media content to create, coaching sessions to conduct, voice overs to record, and everything else that comes up in my schedule. It can be a lot. So the question often comes, "how do you get it all done? In this episode I share a few of my favorite productivity hacks. Things that help me to check off my task list consistently and still have time leftover for family and fun and relaxation. It is possible! Marc Scott on Instagram - @marcscott RESOURCES * One Piece of Advice Free eBook https://marcscottcoaching.com/onepieceofadviceebook/ * Get an instant $25 credit when you sign up for VoiceZam Visithttps://voicezam.com/marcscott * Need a little marketing help? Download a FREE eBook - 5 Steps to Marketing Like a VOpreneur Download now athttps://marcscottcoaching.com/5marketingstepsebook * For voice over services: Visithttps://marcscottvoiceover.com * Want VOprene...

It's been ten years since I made the jump into voice over full-time and in that time, I've learned a lot of lessons along the way. Some harder than others. As I was reflecting on a decade of growing my business, I started thinking about what I might do differently given the chance. For the most part, I'm pretty happy with where my business is, and I don't have many regrets on the lessons I've learned a long the way. That said, if I were to get a Delorean and go back in time, there are a few things I'd like to do differently. A few things I wished I had figured out sooner. That's what I'm sharing in this episode. Marc Scott on Instagram - @marcscott RESOURCES * One Piece of Advice Free eBook https://marcscottcoaching.com/onepieceofadviceebook/ * Get an instant $25 credit when you sign up for VoiceZam Visithttps://voicezam.com/marcscott * Need a little marketing help? Download a FREE eBook - 5 Steps to Marketing Like a VOpreneur Download now athttps://marcscottcoaching.com/5marketings...

The voice over community has always been a generous community. From simple acts of information sharing through social media, to blockbuster contests and giveaway, scholarship programs and even helping individual members in times of need. Now there's a new way for the community to show how amazing and generous it can be. 100 Voices Who Cares is an organization started by Claire Dinsdale. The purpose is simple... to bring together a community of voice actors and voice over adjacent providers to help support deserving local charities. In this interview Claire expands on the mission. Join 100 Voices Who Care @ https://100voiceswhocare.org/commitment-form Website - https://100voiceswhocare.org Instagram - @100voiceswhocare Twitter - @VoicesWho Marc Scott on Instagram - @marcscott RESOURCES * One Piece of Advice Free eBook https://marcscottcoaching.com/onepieceofadviceebook/ * Get an instant $25 credit when you sign up for VoiceZam Visithttps://voicezam.com/marcscott * Need a little marke...

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