Everyday Life Coach (God Centered Life Coach)

Everyday Life Coach (God Centered Life Coach)

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I left the corporate world after a life reset where I found my purpose to by a life coach. My specific focuses are digital detox, self-care, and building life action plans. I want to help people achieve what they deserve in life in a real way, not with tarot cards, crystals or the law of attraction. Real ways that don’t cost you a crazy amount of money and that are totally doable. My podcast subjects will be on fitness, wellness, essential oils, stress, digital detox, self-care, meditation, sleep, nutrition & much more. I’m the everyday life coach with no bs trying to help transform your life. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/everydaylifecoach/support

We have all heard that saying, you’re your own worst critic. It’s so true. Why are we so mean and harsh to our SELF? It’s about being insecure. Not loving ourselves enough. Not being perfect. Because we’re pushed to have certain ideals that aren’t real. Learn some tips on how to find more self compassion. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/everydaylifecoach/support

feel like sometimes in our lives we can’t find peace. Lots of things going on in our day with work and family. Running around and we leave little time to ourselves to center. Listen I’m not saying you’re going to step out and be at 100% peace like a zen buddhist, I’m just saying we need to find more moments of inner peace. And you can tell when people have this freedom of peace. They look lighter and are smiling. They are focusing on a rhythm. Think about when we were in our mothers wombs only listening to her heart beat. When we came out there were machines that our parents put next to us listening to a heart beat. It soothes us. Calms us. It’s listening to the rhythm. With that in mind think about the rhythm of your life is it beating a million miles a minute or slow and focused. Let’s talking about ways to get that peaceful rhythm back Here are ten ways I have pulled together. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/everydaylifecoach/support

We only have one life. Let’s face it everyone is in denial about something. We tell ourselves little and sometimes big lies to “protect” ourselves but really we’re just sabotaging our own life. Why the heck do we do this? It’s about fears, insecurities and pain and not facing them. It’s just easier to lie then actually live our truth. It’s comforting and many times we’re avoiding self-responsibility. But through our truth is happiness. I have put together five ways we lie to ourselves and ways to stop doing it. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/everydaylifecoach/support

Decide what and who is most important in your life, and say yes to them.and say no to the rest. Why is this so important to do? There’s only 24 hours in a day and you only have so much room literally and figuratively. Focus on what matters. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/everydaylifecoach/support

We spend our lives comparing ourselves to others. What we don't realize when we do this is we're wasting precious time being negative. We take the focus away on achieving our goals and instead become unhappy with feelings of jealousy and being inadequate. This episode tells you how you can stop comparing yourself to others and why it's important to do so. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/everydaylifecoach/support

What would happen if we chose a path of love instead of hate? Learn how to make that mindshift and how it can change your life. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/everydaylifecoach/support

What is the difference between a therapist and a life coach and how can each of them help you. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/everydaylifecoach/support

April is Stress Awareness Month and stress is the root of so many health (physical and mental) issues in our life. According to the American Institute of Stress, about 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related disorders. I want to first say that I’m not here telling you that you can live a stress-free life. If someone is telling you, you can they are FOS. What I’m saying is there are ways to keep your stress levels in check by responding to stress better. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/everydaylifecoach/support

I’m pretty sure at some point we have all felt stuck in a situation whether it was a relationship, job, crossroad in our life, weight, etc. Feeling stuck is rooted in 3 basic things: self-worth, safety, and love. Learn how to get unstuck and keep moving forward to the life you deserve. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/everydaylifecoach/support

It’s that time of year that we start to think about spring cleaning. There's some cleaning up we all could do in our life beyond our home but with our mind, body and spirit. Spring is that time of year for new beginnings, where we get out of the winter blues and feel motivated to make some moves. The episode provides tips on where to start. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/everydaylifecoach/support

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