Entrepreneurs on Fire

Entrepreneurs on Fire

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John Lee Dumas is the founder and host of the award winning podcast, Entrepreneurs On Fire. With over 100 million listens of his 3000+ episodes, JLD has turned Entrepreneurs On Fire into a media empire that generates over a million listens every month and 7-figures of NET annual revenue 8-years in a row. His first traditionally published book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success is the modern day version of Think and Grow Rich with a revolutionary 17-step roadmap to financial freedom and fulfillment. Learn more at UncommonSuccessBook.com

Jason Haugen is a husband, father, Serial Entrepreneur and business owner. I am the CEO of the Haugen RV Group a $100m+ dealership group across multiple states. Top 3 Value Bombs: 1. Entrepreneurship, anything is about taking risks. Be willing to take it. 2. Create objectives and goals around what you are trying to accomplish, customize them, and make them achievable. 3. Love your people. Think of them as an asset and not just a way to get your money. Check out and follow Jason on Instagram - Jason's Instagram Sponsors: HubSpot: Customer expectations are at an all-time high, and making things easy is how you’ll win. Learn more about how HubSpot can help your business grow better at HubSpot.com. Thinkific: Download your free report that reveals what the top 20% of course creators are doing right now to be so darn successful at Thinkific.com/firetrends!

Teresa Vozza is a leadership expert, certified executive coach, NLP Trainer, and former executive C-Suiter. In 2022, she took her small and might side hustle and made the GIANT leap (or escape!) from corporate to woman in BIZ. She has been ON FIRE ever since. Top 3 Value Bombs: 1. Women are no longer interested in having a seat at the table; instead, they want to move beyond it. 2. Being precedes doing. 3. To set the proper foundation for building the more tactical side of your business, you must focus on the what instead of the how. Visit and get your FREE 3-part video workshop from The Corporate Turned Entrepreneur Mindset Makeover - Teresa's Website Sponsors: HubSpot: Customer expectations are at an all-time high, and making things easy is how you’ll win. Learn more about how HubSpot can help your business grow better at HubSpot.com. Thrivetime Show: Is this your year? Visit ThrivetimeShow.com/eofire to see how Clay Clark’s business coaching helps thousands of entrepreneurs to dramatically increase profitability.

Jake Stenziano & Gino Barbaro are Multifamily Investors, educators and Operators with over $175,000,000 in assets under management. Their students have closed 40,000 units and have $2 Billion in Deal volume! Top 3 Value Bombs: 1. You can scale up your multifamily portfolio by having a better system. 2. Multifamily allows you can create multiple revenue streams. 3. In a multifamily space, education times action will equal you results. Multifamily is for everybody; get started and scale-up. Visit and learn how to invest in apartments from Jake and Gino - Jake and Gino's Website Sponsors: HubSpot: Customer expectations are at an all-time high, and making things easy is how you’ll win. Learn more about how HubSpot can help your business grow better at HubSpot.com. Roll by ADP: The first chat-based mobile payroll app designed for small businesses and startups! Visit GetRoll.com/fire to get your first 3 months free!

Neil Patel is a New York Times bestselling author and co-founder of Neil Patel Digital. Top 3 Value Bombs: 1. When you enter a market, if you don’t have physical presence in it, then you should first build up traffic. 2. When it comes to market competition, America is 2-4 times more competitive than countries with high GDP like Germany, France, or Japan. 3. What worked in the United States 2 or 3 years ago, will work in almost all other countries today. Check out the #1 online podcasting community in the world, Podcasters’ Paradise - Podcasters’ Paradise Sponsors: HubSpot: Customer expectations are at an all-time high, and making things easy is how you’ll win. Learn more about how HubSpot can help your business grow better at HubSpot.com. Work Check: A podcast that takes your most pressing questions about the ways we work together and hashes out the best arguments on either side! Listen to Work Check on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts!

Agie Sihotang is a cellphone-seller from Indonesia who came to the US at age 15. He taught himself how to sell online at age 16, and built a million-dollar wholesale company in 9 months at age 25. Top 3 Value Bombs: 1. Your profitability will be affected greatly by your hospitality. 2. People will help an acquaintance much sooner than they will help a stranger. 3. Don’t restrict yourself to one niche; if the demand and supply are there, why not go for it? Enroll and take advantage of ITU’s exclusive offer for Fire Nation - Automating & Streamlining Growth Sponsor: HubSpot: Customer expectations are at an all-time high, and making things easy is how you’ll win. Learn more about how HubSpot can help your business grow better at HubSpot.com.

Every month we put together an income report to share a behind-the-scenes look at the ups and downs of running a 7-figure business. In full transparency, it’s not easy – but it IS possible. Through hearing about our mistakes, lessons learned, and our wins, we hope to inspire and motivate you to take action in your business with just one step forward every single day. For our full income report, visit EOFire.com/income106, and IGNITE! June 2022 Income At-A-Glance Gross Income for June: $176,198 Total Expenses for June: $14,896 Total Net Profit for June: $161,302 Difference b/t June & May: -$64,009 % of net profit to overall gross revenue: 92% Sponsors: HubSpot: Customer expectations are at an all-time high, and making things easy is how you’ll win. Learn more about how HubSpot can help your business grow better at HubSpot.com. Thinkific: Download your free report that reveals what the top 20% of course creators are doing right now to be so darn successful at Thinkific.com/firetrends!

Dave Foster is the founder and CEO of The 1031 Investor. He is a degreed accountant and serial real estate investor who is a qualified intermediary and consultant for tax saving strategies such as the 1031 exchange and the section 121 homestead exemption. He started fixing and flipping in the 90s and realized that about 40% of his profits were going directly to the IRS. Dave tells us about the updated rules and regulations around using the1031 exchange to legally compound your tax interest that will stay with you instead of going straight to the government. Top 3 value Bombs: 1. The IRS wants you to do this 1031 exchange. It’s nothing out of ordinary. They are encouraging investing in real estate. The key component is that for 1031 exchange allows you to harness compound interest. 2. The positive side of 1031 is that you can use it to move real estate anywhere you want in the country, of any type, and any nature. 3. People will use the 1031 exchange to sell from a highly appreciated environment to an environment where they’ll get more cash flow. Keep all your taxes working for you and get $50 off your first online order - The 1031 Investor Offer for Fire Nation Sponsors: HubSpot: Customer expectations are at an all-time high, and making things easy is how you’ll win. Learn more about how HubSpot can help your business grow better at HubSpot.com. AG ONE: AG ONE helps you absorb 75 high-quality vitamins, minerals, whole- food sourced superfoods, probiotics, and adaptogens! And right now you'll get a free 1-year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D and 5 free travel packs with your first purchase at AthleticGreens.com/jld! ZipRecruiter: Outstanding talent is crucial for a successful business. And if you’re hiring, you can find talent for any role at ZipRecruiter. Try it for free today at ZipRecruiter.com/fire!

Jeremy Parker is a Serial entrepreneur and award-winning documentary filmmaker. He is currently the Co-Founder and CEO of Swag.com (Acquired by Custom Ink, Nov 2021). Swag.com is the best place for companies to buy and distribute quality swag that people will actually want to keep. They work with 5,000+ companies including Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, and TikTok. Top 3 Value Bombs: 1. You do not need to know everything; you just need to pick an industry you can fall in love with and start from there. 2. Focus on identifying who the buyer is, and from there, they expand. 3. Overnight success does not happen. You will encounter a lot of failures and learnings along the way. Keep your head up, keep learning, be open-minded, and improve. Connect with Jeremy for all your swag needs - Jeremy's Email Address Sponsors: HubSpot: Customer expectations are at an all-time high, and making things easy is how you’ll win. Learn more about how HubSpot can help your business grow better at HubSpot.com. Thinkific: Download your free report that reveals what the top 20% of course creators are doing right now to be so darn successful at Thinkific.com/firetrends!

Matthew Dominic Sercely is an attorney and tax planner who helps you set up your business to save tens of thousands of dollars in future taxes. Top 3 Value Bombs: 1. You’re always a work in progress. You’re never done. Only successful understand that. 2. If you’re not yet making money, you don’t need to worry about taxes. You need to worry about making money. If you’re making a little bit money, you need to worry about making more money. 3. You need to start working on taxes as soon as you. The faster you get started, the better things are. Schedule a free consultation with Matthew - Agorist Tax Advice. Sponsors: HubSpot: Customer expectations are at an all-time high, and making things easy is how you’ll win. Learn more about how HubSpot can help your business grow better at HubSpot.com. Roll by ADP: The first chat-based mobile payroll app designed for small businesses and startups! Visit GetRoll.com/fire to get your first 3 months free!

Timothy Sykes is a stock trader, teacher, philanthropist, traveler, and a foodie. Top 3 Value Bombs: 1. We live in a truly exceptional time. If you want, the more people you see, the more communities you see, the more subjects you learn about, education has never been easier. But, you need to push yourself. Choose what you love and cherish it. 2. When you find what doesn’t fulfill you, don’t be afraid to change. 3. Travelling, getting out there and pushing your limits, even if you don’t want to, try it. You’d be shocked at the mindset of people and families who have literally nothing in the third world countries yet they’re still happy being alive and having each other. Visit Tim’s website - Timothy Sykes Website Sponsor: HubSpot: Customer expectations are at an all-time high, and making things easy is how you’ll win. Learn more about how HubSpot can help your business grow better at HubSpot.com.

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