Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast

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Need some Entrepreneur Motivation? Look no further. In this show, Chris Bello covers the mindset as well as practical actions that are critical for entrepreneurs at all stages and industries. Chris strives to add valuable information and actionable steps in short and concise episodes. This isn’t just a rah-rah, get hype podcast. While Chris does cover motivation and mindset for those times when you feel like quitting, he also highlights the importance of working towards automation, outsourcing, and more in both your business and life.After starting and failing with several ideas and side-hustles, Chris discovered and committed to real estate, where he has been consistently closing 5-figure deals on a monthly basis. 1.4M downloads and counting. Welcome to the show.

Mike Patton is on a mission to solve the healthcare inflation problem. Costs are getting out of hand and many people are becoming "functionally uninsured." In our conversation, he shares what he's seeing in the industry as well as insurance resources for entrepreneurs that he recommends. Connect with Mike: https://www.excelhealthplans.com/ Connect with Chris: Connect with Chris:https://linktr.ee/chrisbello

A lot of people are afraid of success... and they therefore play too small. My conversation with Austin Linney will help you think bigger, take more action, and stop being afraid of success. Connect with Austin: https://www.austinlinney.com/ Connect with Chris: https://linktr.ee/chrisbello

Be the change you wish to see in the world. It all starts by working on improving yourself. As you do this, you'll shift from being a tugboat to being a lighthouse... You'll start to attract people who are ready and willing to make positive change in their lives. Connect with Chris:https://linktr.ee/chrisbello

Are you a connector? You can add a ton of value to others simply by making helpful introductions or bringing them together. It doesn't take much effort, and you'll get a ton of credit and "thank yous" from others. Connect with Chris:https://linktr.ee/chrisbello

The days are long but the years are short. We often get frustrated at how long it takes to see progress. We need to zoom out and see the big picture. Connect with Chris:https://linktr.ee/chrisbello

Zig when others zag. Go against the grain. So many people get caught up in emotions of the market and following the crowd... It often makes sense to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing. Connect with Chris: https://linktr.ee/chrisbello

Leland Redfield shares the power of recurring revenue through a membership offer. He and his wife run a 7-figure a year membership business. He also enjoys helping other entrepreneurs break through to the next level. Connect with Chris: https://linktr.ee/chrisbello Check out Leland's membership podcast: https://spoti.fi/3A6MeUV

Dealing with burnout? Same. But we gotta keep on keeping on. Connect with Chris:https://linktr.ee/chrisbello

Most people just notice the outcomes or results of successful people. Little do they know that the real success happens during the process when nobody sees you. Connect with Chris: https://linktr.ee/chrisbello

Do you have a money printer? A skillset or asset that can literally print money for you on demand? If not, you need one. Connect with Chris: https://linktr.ee/chrisbello

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