15 16歲的時候 at the age of fifteen or sixteen 以那樣的方式 in that way 關注學習和工作 What I care more is about my work and my study 有點過時了 it's a bit old fashioned
夢中細節 anything of my dreams 睡眠質量 the quality of my sleeping 没那麼多 not that much 百萬富翁 millionaire
在我的文化當中 in my culture 送錢做禮物 giving money as gift 信用卡 credit card 接受 be fine with
上高中的時候 when I was in my senior high school 那時候有點貴 a bit expensive at that special time 騎個車 went for a ride 幸運 I am lucky enough
搜集了很多香水 I used to collect more than a hundred kinds of perfumes 現在更多 till now even more than that 讓我的生活多姿多彩 make my life more colorful 很長一段時間 for a while
理由很簡單 The reasons can be very simple 大公司 super large companies 光明的前途 a bright future and great career 大企業 famous enterprise
充滿智慧 full of wisdom 在我們的地區 in my region 不可能的事兒 an impossible mission 建立淘寶 he was the founder of Taobao
没興趣 I got no interest at all 只關注自己 What I care more is about myself 考慮 I would think about it 搞明白 I would make it very clear in my mind
一定是我自己 I must say it is me 許多建議 a lot of advice 徒勞 that means nothing to me 結果理想 the results would be better