EmPowered Couples with The Freemans

EmPowered Couples with The Freemans

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This podcast is all about Couples and the 3C’s: Communication, Conflict, Connection. These are not skills you automatically have when you get into a relationship, but that need to be developed to overcome the inevitable challenges that will come up. Couples who listen to the podcast say, “are they watching us?!” because of how extremely relatable and practical to your day-to-day life together these topics are! Hosts Jocelyn and Aaron Freeman are authors of The Argument Hangover and their programs and workshops have reached over a million people. They are parents to baby Skye Noël and live in Phoenix, Arizona.

A funny thing in a relationship is that in the beginning your differences attracted you to your partner. Some time later those differences become points of tension and butting heads. All of a sudden you want them to be less assertive and opinionated, more organized and to remember to put household things in the places you want, you want them to change their tone and sound less accusatory, or you differ on decisions to either go on a trip or to save money. In this episode you will understand more about where your personality differences come from, but also that you don’t have to seek to change them. You will hear about how our discovery of our differences in personality actually led us to being able to create more understanding, ease, and flow in our relationship. We use a type of personality test called Human Design to give us amazing insights into our natural characteristics, where we are different, but then how to use them to be a better team. Resources For Your Relationship: You can sign-up for a 2-on-2 Relationship Breakthrough Session here Learn more about The Communication Mastery Bundle course for you and your partner to grow closer together, communicate more effectively, and fight smarter!

Trips to see your in-laws… these are supposed to be times of fun, connection, and relaxation. Yet many times they can be quite the opposite. You might feel drained, depleted, constrained from being yourself and what you really want to do, and end up ending the trip without it being what you really wanted and would have fulfilled you. The core reason for this is blurred or crossed boundaries. In this episode you will hear, after we just went on a trip to see our families, the categories of boundaries, why they get crossed, the reasons you do not bring them up, and some tips to create more harmony on your trips to see family. Resources For Your Relationship: Get $50 OFF The Live Couples Workshop which now you can attend from anywhere in the world, to enhance your communication skills together. Use code: podcast50 Order our book, The Argument Hangover, and get over $200 of free bonus gifts (like the mini course and a 90 minute training) You can also sign-up for a 2-on-2 Relationship Breakthrough Session here

The most important thing in relationships is repairing and resolving conflicts. Because conflicts WILL happen, it’s not about the amount or even having them. Now true repair is not necessarily an easy thing, because of the emotion you both have, the different perspectives you have, and the complex dynamics that happen from making a few mistakes. These mistakes leave you feeling unresolved, that it’s your fault, blamed, or forced to move on and get past it. In all cases you don’t feel understood or confident that anything will change or keep this from happening again. In this episode you will hear the mistakes that keep you from truly repairing after having arguments, so that you can effectively do the most important thing for your relationship... actually repair from conflicts! Resources For Your Relationship: Get $50 OFF The Live Couples Workshop which now you can attend from anywhere in the world, to enhance your communication skills together. Use code: podcast50 Order our book, The Argument Hangover, and get over $200 of free bonus gifts (like the mini course and a 90 minute training) Watch our FREE WebClass on: The 5 Steps to Fully Repair After an Argument So You Reconnect in Minutes (Instead of Hours, Days, Weeks). Pick a time to watch it here.

Having frustrations and feelings of resentment over your roles and responsibilities is a common thing we hear. One parter is frustrated about not getting help, then the response they get is: “just tell me what you need me to do” OR “I’m happy to help, just tell me what” OR sometimes “it’s your job, you stay at home, I work, so just get it done". This is frustrating for both partners, and triggers defensivness and often a conflict. This is because: For the partner having to remind: it feels like it’s one person’s responsibility to “own” the housework. It can feel like parenting your partner. For the partner feeling blindsided: I just don’t see those things, I wish you’d tell me before you get so frustrated, they feel like a lot of emotion comes at them suddenly. In this episode you will hear the main sources of this dynamic and what you can do differently to get back on the same page and feeling supported and loved in the roles and responsibilities you choose. Resources For Your Relationship: Get $50 OFF The Live Couples Workshop which now you can attend from anywhere in the world, to enhance your communication skills together Order our book, The Argument Hangover, and get over $200 of free bonus gifts (like the mini course and a 90 minute training)

You and your partner both do a lot of things for the relationship and marriage to work. A lot of these things are done each day and are very routine. But it’s easy to feel taken for granted, or even taken advantage of when you do not feel that your partner has acknowledged you for those things. In this episode you will be reminded to acknowledge your partner more often AND 3 “things” to acknowledge them for that will progressively have them feel more and more acknowledged for. There are things that you would have not thought of! Resources For Your Relationship: Watch our FREE WebClass on: The 5 Steps to Fully Repair After an Argument So You Reconnect in Minutes (Instead of Hours, Days, Weeks). Pick a time to watch it here. Then learn more about The Communication Mastery Bundle course for you and your partner to grow closer together, communicate more effectively, and fight smarter!

Would anyone actually raise their hand and say that they enjoyed failure? If any, it would be a small number for sure because we just don’t like that feeling that comes with failing. But what if failure wasn’t a separate thing from success? What if failure had to happen on the journey to success? In this motivational moment episode, Aaron goes into the idea he got from his experience traveling to Austin Texas for a crypto conference. Though it was an unlikely place to get an idea for relationships, tune into this episode for a new perspective and motivation around any failure you experience in your relationship. Resources For Your Relationship: Watch our FREE WebClass on: The 5 Steps to Fully Repair After an Argument So You Reconnect in Minutes (Instead of Hours, Days, Weeks). Pick a time to watch it here. Then learn more about The Communication Mastery Bundle course for you and your partner to grow closer together, communicate more effectively, and fight smarter!

As you know from listening to this podcast, actually resolving conflict is the most important thing for a healthy relationship. TODAY this topic falls into the next most important thing in a relationship and that is making positive and lasting change toward what you desire in the relationship. This is not as easy as it sounds as you know that you can learn something from reading a book, listening to a podcast, or going to a seminar and only have the ‘change’ last for a short period of time. So in this episode today you will not only learn what creates lasting change but also get a way to actually make that happen in your life and marriage long term. Resources Mentioned in the Episode: Learn more about The Communication Mastery Bundle course for you and your partner to grow closer together, communicate more effectively, and fight smarter! The Power of One More by Ed Mylett

​​There are going to be times that you feel ... something. That something might be what you would think of as a "negative emotion". Typically what happens however is that you point the finger at your partner for that emotion and tell them that they need to change. However this motiviational moment is about looking inward and taking ownership of being a better person first so that the marriage can get better! Then learn more about The Communication Mastery Bundle course for you and your partner to grow closer together, communicate more effectively, and fight smarter!

You have a lot of life to manage. You have your job, getting kids where they need to go, paying bills and managing finances, scheduling trips and events with family, and on it goes. A part of living life is this management of things but sometimes it can make you feel that they are significant, heavy, or even a burden. This energy of course impacts your relationship, how you communicate with each other, and your general attitude toward one another. But what we all are innately wired for is play, fun and exploration. Somewhere along the line we forgot that or traded it in for the “adulting. This episode is about 5 ways to bring more fun and inspiration into your day, your life, and your marriage so you can experience more of what you are truly supposed to in your life together as a couple. Resources Mentioned in the Episode: The Power of One More by Ed Mylett The Untethered Soul Guided Journal by Michael Singer Resources For Your Relationship: Watch our FREE WebClass on: The 5 Steps to Fully Repair After an Argument So You Reconnect in Minutes (Instead of Hours, Days, Weeks). Pick a time to watch it here. Then learn more about The Communication Mastery Bundle course for you and your partner to grow closer together, communicate more effectively, and fight smarter! About Us: We’re The Freemans, your go-to couple for authentic and actionable relationship advice. Send us your relationship questions for the show with a DM on Instagram. As you listen to the episode, tag us on an IG story and let us know what you loved.

It’s pretty clear that world circumstances are making things more difficult right now. For some, maybe more than ever. There are political tensions with countries, a slowing down of the job and economic markets, costs of goods going up, even inequalities that still linger. All of these factors might be having you feel uncertain about the future or even worried or afraid for what might happen next. Either way sometimes you need s a little extra motivation to kick start your day to jar you loose from the slump of doubt, concern, or worry that you feel. This episode is the short and sweet motivational moment you need to get back to being the best person and partner you can be! Resources For Your Relationship: Watch our FREE WebClass on: The 5 Steps to Fully Repair After an Argument So You Reconnect in Minutes (Instead of Hours, Days, Weeks). Pick a time to watch it here. Order our book, The Argument Hangover, and get over $200 of free bonus gifts (like the mini course and a 90 minute training)

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