Elite Baseball Development Podcast

Elite Baseball Development Podcast

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The Elite Baseball Development Podcast is a one-stop-shop for baseball development. Please subscribe to get updates for every new show!

Zach Dechant, the Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Performance at Texas Christian University, joins the podcast with guest host, John O'Neil. Zach oversees the development of baseball at TCU as well as the development and implementation of the TCU sports performance internship program which has equipped over 250 coaches to enter the world of strength and conditioning over the last 15 years. Zach also conducts off-season work with athletes at the professional level.

Attending Orthopedic Surgeon and Co-Chief Emeritus of the HSSSports Medicine Institute, Medical Director for the New York Mets, and medical consultant for the NBA Dr. David Altchek dives into understanding anterior shoulder pain.

In the episode, CSP-MA Director of Performance John O'Neil sits down with Director of Performance Scouting and Major League S&C Coach for the LA Dodgers Eric Yavarone to discuss the relationship between scouting and player development.

CSP-FL Pitching Coordinator Matt Hinkley dives into the multifaceted nature of pitching development.

In this episode, Eric Cressey provides a framework for tackling both short and long-term power development

Hosted by CSP co-founder Pete Dupuis, CSP-MA Director of Performance John O'Neil and Director of Pitching Jordan Kraus talk about the range of options available for summer player development, how players can best evaluate their summer situation and make the best decision for their career, and how CSP-MA models their summer program to maximize the development of the individual.

In Ep. 109, we countdown our Top 5 Episodes of 2021. 5 - Should Pitchers Take Time Off From Throwing? (https://ericcressey.com/csp-elite-baseball-development-podcast-should-pitchers-take-time-off-from-throwing) 4 - Developing Pre- and Post-Throwing Routines w/ Tanner Allen (https://ericcressey.com/csp-elite-baseball-development-podcast-developing-pre-and-post-throwing-routines-with-tanner-allen) 3 - High Performance Nutrition Principles w/ Brian St. Pierre (https://ericcressey.com/csp-elite-baseball-development-podcast-high-performance-nutrition-principles-with-brian-st-pierre) 2 - Understanding Asymmetry w/ Ron Hruska (https://ericcressey.com/csp-elite-baseball-development-podcast-understanding-asymmetry-with-ron-hruska) 1 - Current Concepts in Performance Training w/ Dan Pfaff (https://ericcressey.com/csp-elite-baseball-development-podcast-current-concepts-in-performance-training-with-dan-pfaff)

In this episode, Eric Cressey answers a few of our audience's questions including: why some individual's come back stronger from Tommy John, what are the biggest mistakes made with long toss, and is it important to perform direct strengthening work for the forearm, wrists, and hands of throwers.

CSP-MA Pitching Coordinator Jordan Kraus dives into developing pitchers of all ages from youth athletes to high schoolers to high level college and professional arms.

CEO Sam Miller and Head of Performance and Sports Science Will Waterman of Proteus Motion talk the capabilities of the company and their innovative system, their developments in power testing and assessments, and how they are working to revolutionize strength and conditioning.

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