Eat the Rules with Summer Innanen

Eat the Rules with Summer Innanen

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Eat the Rules is dedicated to empowering you to break free of societal standards, body shame and live life beyond the scale. Summer interviews the leading experts in body image, the anti-diet movement, self-help and intersectional feminism, covering a range of topics that include: body positivity, size acceptance, fat positivity, self-worth, self-esteem, intuitive eating and eating disorder recovery, health at every size and positive psychology. Summer also gives practical advice and shares personal experiences to help you accept your body and break free of diet culture. Summer Innanen is a professionally trained coach specializing in body image, self-worth and confidence and is the best-selling author of Body Image Remix.

In this best of episode, I’m revisiting the second episode in the body image series and talking about the relationship between our body image and our ability to eat intuitively. Show In this episode, I talk about: - Why body dissatisfaction drives the diet mentality, - Why accepting our bodies doesn’t mean giving up, - 5 ways that body image work will facilitate healing your relationship with food, - What it means to “trust yourself” around food and how to overcome that hurdle if you feel like you just can’t, - Your free worksheet - Eat Like A Grown-Ass Adult - 4 prompts to inspire you to live your life without diets, - Plus so much more! Get the shownotes:

In this best of episode, I’m revisiting the Body Image Series: How to feel better in your body. I’m talking about the biggest mistake we make when trying to feel better in our body and how to feel better in your body both mentally and physically. Show In this episode, I talk about: - The body image series of podcast episodes I’m going to be doing, - Why I intertwine the words self-worth and body image, - The biggest mistake we make when trying to feel better in our body, - The one question to ask yourself when working on feeling better in your body, - 7 ways to feel better in your body mentally, - How to feel better in your body physically, Plus so much more! Get the shownotes:

I’m running solo giving you a bit of a personal update as to what’s been going on in my life over the past few months, including a diagnosis with Adenomyosis and the horrible anxiety I experienced as a result of my IUD. Show In this episode, I talk about: - How I was diagnosed with Adenomyosis this year, - The ways that I manage the pain, - Why I got a IUD to help and the side effects I experienced, - How I experienced horrible anxiety as a result of the IUD, - What I’ve done to treat it and heal moving forward, - What to expect from this podcast through the summertime, Plus so much more! Get the shownotes:

I’m running solo talking about how to navigate alcohol and intuitive eating. I talk about the two differences between alcohol and food when it comes to intuitive eating, how to assess what you want your relationship with alcohol to look like, and what to do if you feel guilty when you drink. Show In this episode, I talk about: - A different way to think of what it means to have a drinking problem, - That there is a high correlation between eating disorders and substance abuse, - How alcohol is not the same as food, - Questions to ask yourself to define your relationship with alcohol, - How many of our internal compasses or value systems actually stem from diet culture, - The different ways you can interpret feelings of guilt, Plus so much more! Get the shownotes:

I’m running solo ranting about the 5 reasons why eating in moderation is useless advice. I also explore what moderation means, how this phrase is actually just dieting disguised, and questions to ask yourself when you’re about to eat. Show In this episode, I talk about: - How this is framed as not a diet, but is actually code for dieting, - That moderation is up for interpretation, but usually lines up to rules and limitations, - How fitness and health professionals use this language to avoid talking about dieting, - That not honouring our needs ignores our satiety, - How anti-fat bias and fatphobia mess up the way we think about food, - How this advice often backfires, Plus so much more! Get the shownotes:

I’m joined by Marie-Pier Pitre-D’Iorio, RD, answering lots of your questions on how to find food freedom. You don’t want to miss this one as we talk about why giving yourself permission with food isn’t always enough, how to get past that place where you feel like you’re eating things that don’t make you feel good, how to overcome the diet mentality and scarcity mindset, the importance of satiety, and so much more. Show In this episode, we talk about: - Why giving yourself permission to eat all the foods isn’t enough to have a good relationship with food, - The difference between eating without restrictions and actual food freedom, - The importance of curiosity over judgement, - How to create body safeness with food, - How body image and food freedom go hand in hand, - Tips for checking-in on your hunger and satiety, Plus so much more! Get the shownotes:

I’m joined by Emma Wright talking about how to end the struggles and mealtime battles that happen with kids. She talks about how the pressure to have kids eat and look a certain way sets parents up for feelings of frustration at mealtimes and kids not knowing how to trust their bodies. She also explores how to teach kids body autonomy so they learn to eat intuitively and create an environment where eating feels easier. Show In this episode, we talk about: - What changed Emma’s thinking in relation to food and diets, and how this shift opened up space in her mind for other things, - How good intentions are no match for diet culture, - The deep sense of failure that parents internalize and how it steals the joy from their family life, - How this parental pressure leaves kids confused and mistrusting their own bodies and hunger cues, - The importance of getting out of the way and allowing our children to make mistakes and figure things out on their own, - How all of this applies to adults, as well as kids, Plus so much more! Get the shownotes:

We know diets don’t work, but what if you need to lose weight for health/mobility? What about conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea? Vinny Welsby and I talk about that today in our last Death to Diets episode and also share the two reasons why you may choose to go on a diet or intentionally lose weight. Show In this episode, we talk about: - Some of the reasons people feel they need to lose weight, - The importance of creating your own personal definition of health, - That we don’t have as much control over our health as diet and wellness culture would like us to believe, - How to look at health in terms of what you can add, instead of what you should take away, - The huge problem in the medical industry that makes some people need to lose weight in order to receive care, - The lies told to us about infertility, joint issues, diabetes, and many other medical concerns, Plus so much more! Get the shownotes:

The Biggest Loser, Friends, and Bridget Jones have a LOT to answer to when it comes to body image! In the fifth episode of Death to Diets, Vinny Welsby and I are talking about the tv shows and movies that did a number on our self-esteem. Have things gotten better recently or is it the same old BS, and were there ANY good shows from the ’00s that helped with body image? Show In this episode, we talk about: - How representations in pop culture fed into the belief that you have to be thin to be worthy, - That these shows often included other problematic things, including transphobia and racism, - How these shows fed into the idea that fat people need to be saved, - The shows that have had a good impact on body image, - That even on shows with better body diversity, they’re always still model-types, - That the standards have continued to morph and now these shows and movies make things like lip fillers and Botox feel like the norm, Plus so much more! Get the shownotes:

We are exploring whether food is toxic and challenging the notion of food addiction in this rebroadcast of the Death To Diets mini-series. We also look at the new Jonathan Van Ness show called Getting Curious where they answered the question “Why Do I Love Snacks So Much?” Instead of a delightful foray into the wonderful world of snacks, this episode took a dark turn into debunked science from 1996, fatphobia, and food shaming. Fun! Vinny Welsby and I break down the BS around it and other “toxic” food myths. Show In this episode, we talk about: - How food shaming and fatphobia is disguised as health in popular culture, - That chemicals in food does not mean it’s toxic or bad for you, - That sugar and food addiction doesn’t exist and how restriction makes people think they are addicted, - That there are no morally superior foods, but our culture’s obsession with losing weight makes us think there are, - How altering the BMI was used to support fatphobic statistics, - That there’s still a lot of fear and misinformation around food and eating, Plus so much more! Get the shownotes:

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