Dr. Ruscio Radio: Health, Nutrition and Functional Medicine

Dr. Ruscio Radio: Health, Nutrition and Functional Medicine

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Cutting edge information in health, nutrition and functional medicine distilled into practical advice you can use to improve your health.

Heart disease is one of the most common causes of death worldwide, but it’s not inevitable. 90% of the risks can be prevented. Wondering how? This video identifies the four signs of heart disease you shouldn’t ignore and how to address them for optimal heart health. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kmdu0C-XbJg My book Healthy Gut, Healthy You is available at https://drruscio.com/getgutbook If you're in need of clinical support, please visit https://ruscioinstitute.com Looking for more? Check out https://drruscio.com/resources

Many gut health related questions came in from listeners, which prompted responses about the benefits of triple therapy probiotics, limbic retraining, digestive enzymes, and Elemental Heal for acid reflux, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), gastritis, and other gastrointestinal conditions. Outside of the gut health discussions, a few other questions were asked: How does dysbiosis affect bladder health? If stevia is an irritant, what’s another healthy sweetener to use? Is there a connection between hydrogen SIBO and sound sensitivity? Tune in to hear the answers and learn more. https://drruscio.com/listener-questions-acid-reflux-sibo-paleo-diet My book Healthy Gut, Healthy You is available at https://drruscio.com/getgutbook If you're in need of clinical support, please visit https://ruscioinstitute.com Looking for more? Check out https://drruscio.com/resources

Knowing whether or not gluten is an issue for you is important. If it is, it can cause inflammation and uncomfortable digestive issues. If not, your diet may be more limited than it needs to be. In this video, I cover how to eliminate and then reintroduce gluten in your diet as well as when to consider other potential culprits of your symptoms, like FODMAPs and prebiotics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDnnkNUCgo4 My book Healthy Gut, Healthy You is available at https://drruscio.com/getgutbook If you're in need of clinical support, please visit https://ruscioinstitute.com Looking for more? Check out https://drruscio.com/resources

If you haven’t heard about muscle-centric medicine, you might be surprised to hear that skeletal muscles may be the key to longevity. Here to elaborate more on this is Dr. Gabrielle Lyon–a functional medicine physician specializing in this innovative approach. In her practice, she emphasizes building muscle to improve metabolic health, combat diseases, and long-term wellness. Listen in to learn the science behind muscle-centric medicine and how you can benefit from consuming adequate protein and performing resistance training exercises. https://drruscio.com/protein-intake-is-crucial-for-your-health My book Healthy Gut, Healthy You is available at https://drruscio.com/getgutbook If you're in need of clinical support, please visit https://ruscioinstitute.com Looking for more? Check out https://drruscio.com/resources

While the Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is just one of the lab markers on a standard thyroid panel, it carries a lot of weight. If it’s interpreted incorrectly, someone may end up on lifelong thyroid medication that they don’t need. In the video, I explain which TSH levels are considered normal and which values truly warrant medication. Watch now to learn the steps to take for better thyroid and overall health. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7n0P47YWRo My book Healthy Gut, Healthy You is available at https://drruscio.com/getgutbook If you're in need of clinical support, please visit https://ruscioinstitute.com Looking for more? Check out https://drruscio.com/resources

While the main symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) are known, the root cause can often be a mystery to a patient. Dr. Jennifer Tufenkian—naturopathic physician and functional medicine educator—has spent two decades treating CFS and helping patients regain their energy. In this episode, she shares her clinical wisdom about what natural remedies work to combat chronic fatigue caused by viral infections, mold and heavy metal toxicity, emotional trauma, hormonal imbalances, and mitochondria dysfunction. https://drruscio.com/chronic-fatigue-mitochondria-and-other-4-causes My book Healthy Gut, Healthy You is available at https://drruscio.com/getgutbook If you're in need of clinical support, please visit https://ruscioinstitute.com Looking for more? Check out https://drruscio.com/resources

In the story of modern medicine, antibiotics play the role of both hero and villain. They are often prescribed to clear up respiratory, abdominal, vaginal, pelvic, ear, sinus, and throat infections. But as with any medication, they can come with unwanted side effects. However, not all antibiotics are created equal. Some antibiotics offer more benefits and fewer risks, and vice versa. To know which these are and why it’s a must to take probiotics with them, watch our video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTjcioXVTOE My book Healthy Gut, Healthy You is available at https://drruscio.com/getgutbook If you're in need of clinical support, please visit https://ruscioinstitute.com Looking for more? Check out https://drruscio.com/resources

Your rib cage and pelvic floor play a bigger role in improving chronic pain, abdominal distention, digestion, and sexual function than you may think. Deborah Bowes—physical therapist and Guild Certified Feldenkrais teacher—shares how to reduce rib cage tension and improve gut, pelvic, and mental health using breathing and movement exercises. Listen in as she provides more information about how her techniques and the Feldenkrais Method have helped people with complex health conditions and have not had much success with traditional therapies. https://drruscio.com/pelvic-floor-therapy-for-better-gut-health My book Healthy Gut, Healthy You is available at https://drruscio.com/getgutbook If you're in need of clinical support, please visit https://ruscioinstitute.com Looking for more? Check out https://drruscio.com/resources

By now, you have likely heard about the connection between your gut and other organs like your thyroid, brain, and liver. This episode has the latest findings about these unique connections, particularly between: Depression and gastrointestinal symptoms Gut microbiota and mood disorders Gut dysbiosis and rheumatoid arthritis IBS and hypnotherapy GI infections and post-infectious IBS Histamine intolerance and gut dysbiosis SIBO and subclinical hypothyroid … and a lot more. Tune in to the episode for gut health research updates. https://drruscio.com/what-your-gut-microbiota-says-about-mood-thyroid-and-more My book Healthy Gut, Healthy You is available at https://drruscio.com/getgutbook If you're in need of clinical support, please visit https://ruscioinstitute.com Looking for more? Check out https://drruscio.com/resources

Are your symptoms coming from your gut or somewhere else? Gut issues like Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) can cause digestive and non-digestive symptoms, making it tricky to understand what to treat and how to find relief. To help you identify if SIBO is the root cause of your fatigue, brain fog, bloating, and thyroid and mood issues, I provide the main signs and symptoms to look out for. Watch the video now to learn more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmKxwSlf1iU My book Healthy Gut, Healthy You is available at https://drruscio.com/getgutbook If you're in need of clinical support, please visit https://ruscioinstitute.com Looking for more? Check out https://drruscio.com/resources

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