Dr. and Mrs. Guinea Pig with Heather and Terry Dubrow

Dr. and Mrs. Guinea Pig with Heather and Terry Dubrow

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Join Terry and Heather as they explore the world of all things health, wellness, and beauty from a clinical science effectiveness to consumer practicality. The husband and wife team and best-selling authors subject themselves to everything that is currently available from celebrity fads to the best and worst treatments out there, and share their results to help you look and feel your absolute best.

As Terry's 60th birthday looms in the near future, Heather & Terry take the time to figure out the importance of exercise in your later years, especially in terms of fighting off late-stage dementia!

Heather & Terry are in love with cardio again! They're getting ready to welcome back their children from camp while Terry talks about some crazy Botched! cases (including a VERY big baby) and the back and forth going on behind the health risks of coffee!

The Dubrows are taking you through the medicine cabinet to get your health game on point with the vitamins, herbs, and other things you should be stocking up on!

Heather & Terry shine a light on the taboo of female hair loss and their latest development on the Dubow Diet before talking to the Brooklyn-based optometrist to find out the truth behind eye damaged caused by screens, how to protect your eyes from effects of Blue Light and aging, and what are the best restaurants in NYC!

Heather & Terry look at the importance of mentorships to living a successful life and avoiding grossness that people don't wipe up after a work out--and tries to uncover some BS about reusing wet wipes on equipment.

Terry's med school roommate turned best friend and gifted orthopedic surgeon steps into the studio to talk about the one thing everyone can literally stand on and go into detail on plantar fasciitis (a.k.a why your feet hurt after a hard day at the gym) and the truth about bunions!

Heather and Terry talk to Dr. Jennifer Haythe who works at NewYork-Presbyterian and ask what it's like working at a hospital in the city hardest hit by COVID-19. She also describes what it's like for those pregnant during this time and what they can do to protect themselves.

The ex-Obama health care head also has a podcast, check it out here: http://www.westwoodonepodcasts.com/pods/in-the-bubble-with-andy-slavitt/

Heather & Terry aren't messing around when it comes to high-powered acne treatment like Accutane!

Dr. Leah Lagos calls in from one of the cities hardest hit from the COVID-19 pandemic and offers techniques on how to get a handle on your stress. Dr. Leah Lagos is a New York psychologist specializing in biofeedback, sport psychology, and psychotherapy for optimal health and performance,

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