Dorothy and the Dealer Podcast

Dorothy and the Dealer Podcast

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Dorothy and the DealerWhat’s the meaning of life? Why do we think the way we do? Is our perception of reality real? What influence do our thoughts and actions really have over our reality? If life was one big game and you were handed the ultimate cheat sheet, would you use it to win? Or, would you take a chance on the roll of a dice?Dorothy and the Dealer take you on a joy-ride down life’s many rabbit holes. Discover what makes you and the universe tick. Get inspired by fresh takes on how to win at life: in relationships, career, finances, and overall health and wellbeing. Hear from the greatest minds and leading experts in human development and relationship psychology, neuroscience and neurobiology, quantum physics and ancient mysticism.Hosted by Mitch Behan and Emilia Tomeo, self-proclaimed life hack junkies, human development specialists to everyone else. "We’re serious about human development, but we don’t take ourselves to seriously"MJB Seminars Inspiring lives since 2000

How can you level up your business if you don't know the foundations it's built on? The answer - through a lot of pain and trouble. Listen in to hear Evolve Business Strategist Mike Johnston discuss the four key areas of any business, and how to ensure you have all of them covered in your strategy.

Your top questions about money, from how to beat inflation to whether money management is something kids should be learning in schools, are on the table during this Q&A episode of Dorothy and the Dealer, with MJB Seminars' savings strategists Mitch and Mills.

She calls herself the 'Unlikely' Olympian, but Danielle Kettlewell's story is really one you have to hear to believe. Coming from 16th place to 4th on the Synchronised Swimming team to compete in the pinnacle of any athlete's career - The Olympics.

Trends emerge out of nowhere and can sometimes disappear just as fast. So, how does one make the most of them while they last? Easy - learn whether you're following them, creating them, or expanding into the counter trend. Find out more in this beers and business episode.

With men accounting for less than 30% of people who do personal development, we thought it was important to talk to someone who's been there and done it, about why they would choose a self-growth journey. So, we sat down with our dear friend and client, George Lewer. Listen to his powerful and inspiring story now!

Are you part of the tired parents club? We get it, it's tough to raise kids, whether they're going through their terrible twos or their even-more-terrible teens. But having the right mindset and communication tools can be a saving grace - so tune in to this episode for some helpful hints and a little perspective shift.

Currency, it's how we pay for stuff, right? But it's always changing, from it's origins in livestock and precious metals, to today's crypto-crazy world. But what is the real PRICE of this progress? That's the debate by Wealth Principles master Mitch and Mills in this episode.

What makes a good business leader? Is it someone that can manage teams? Someone that can see the big picture and then bring that to life? Or is it someone that knows how to delegate? Tune in to this episode of Dorothy and the Dealer, with business expert, Mike Johnston, to find out.

Gratitude is more than just an 'attitude'. It's a magnetic force that can drive our lives to transformation if we're willing to let it. Learn how to harness gratitude in your life today with this episode of Dorothy and the Dealer.

What is Relationships and You? It's our most secretive seminar (for good reason), but today we are loosening the reins a little and shedding some light on this special experience, with two guests who have just gone through it.

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