Don't Stop Us Now! Podcast

Don't Stop Us Now! Podcast

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Authentic stories and practical advice from awesome, innovative women from around the globe.

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We’re back from our much needed holiday and super excited about our guest this week. She’s a technology veteran who’s just made the leap, after a long career with big global tech brands, to run a climate tech startup in Singapore.Maya Hari spent over 15 years in the digital media, mobile and e-commerce industries, working in the US and in Asia Pacific with companies such as Google, Samsung and Microsoft. She also led Twitter’s operations in Asia Pacific.Now she’s taken up the reins as CEO of a startup called Terrascope with a mandate to scale the young venture. She’s had three months in her new role and is excited about how it fits both her professional and her personal purpose.You can tell Maya is a deep thinker and we love how she talks about:How she made the decision to leave big corporates to join a startupHow she assesses when it’s right to make a career transitionWhat she learnt from her most challenging career experience,And we just loved a habit of hers that she calls ‘Serendipity Reading’.So without further ado, enjoy this conversation with the strategic and thoughtful Maya Hari.Useful LinksMaya on LinkedInTerrascope website See for privacy and opt-out information.

This week we have a treat in store for you: an Australian entrepreneur who’s literally bringing nature indoors with her creation of a whole new segment using Australian native botanicals for products such as handwash, cleaning products, and dog shampoo.Founder of Bondi Wash, Belinda Everingham, launched her business in 2013. Today, the premium Bondi Wash range is sold and known around the world for its quality, chemical-free formulations and beautiful scents.Curiously, what Belinda’s doing now with her business is light years away from how her career started as a management consultant.In this episode you’ll learn:How serendipity helped Belinda scale her overseas presence not long after launchingWhat happened when Belinda had to go into battle with a US giant trying to stop her using her brand nameThe one thing she believes is critical for success in businessAnd why, when starting Bondi Wash, Belinda threw her rigorous and structured management consultant training out the window.We think you’ll love this episode with the super thoughtful and inspiring Belinda Everingham.Useful LinksBelinda on LinkedInBondi Wash WebsiteWyalba PerfumesWash Wild Website See for privacy and opt-out information.

We can hardly believe it but Don’t Stop Us Now! is officially 4 years old!It was quite a different world back when we launched in 2018. Covid wasn’t a ‘thing’, working from home was often seen as a privilege, and organisations never would have believed they could ‘convert’ to digital and remote operations as easily and rapidly as they did.We’ve had a ball going back through the 146 episodes of the past four years to bring you this special episode featuring wonderful highlights and memories. We also identified a few key incredibly helpful themes that keep cropping up with our inspiring, pioneering and innovative female leaders (83 so far and counting).You’ll also hear about the one moment Claire will NEVER repeat again as well as the moments that filled us with wonder and awe. Plus, learn how you could win a $100 Amazon gift card.So come on a highlights-filled journey with us now. . .preferably whilst eating cake and supping champagne! :-)LinksOur How to Manage Your Inner Critic episode:Our How to Breathe Easy About Your Purpose episode :Claire on LinkedInGreta on LinkedIn See for privacy and opt-out information.

Our guest this week is a truly pioneering woman in so many fields. For instance, if you live in Australia today, then many of the rights you may take for granted came about thanks, at least in part, to the determined and courageous stand of feminist pioneer, businesswoman and writer, Wendy McCarthy.From campaigning tirelessly for women’s rights, to smashing the glass ceiling time after time, Wendy, now in her 80s, has done it all including just publishing a book: ‘Don’t Be Too Polite Girls’. Unsurprisingly, she’s been described as a national treasure.Starting out as a teacher, Wendy has evolved over the decades to be an executive, a founder and company director. Across all these endeavours, she has worked for change in education, family planning, human rights, public health, conservation and the Arts to list a few.In this episode you’ll hear the formidable Wendy share:How one profound lesson as a young girl has shaped her lifeHow she’s learnt to take risks and not be intimidatedHow trying to retire at 60 was a huge mistake, andHow Wendy thinks about claiming her space when she walks into a room.Enjoy the stories and wisdom from true pioneer and trailblazer, Wendy McCarthy.LinksWendy’s new book: ’Don’t Be Too Polite Girls’Wendy on LinkedInWendy on Twitter See for privacy and opt-out information.

This week’s guest was named IT Woman of the Year for the APAC region in 2020 and despite her illustrious and super busy career in senior regional leadership roles at Google, Twitter and Cloudflare, Aliza Knox also managed to find time to mentor many women along the way.As a result of all her rich experience, Aliza has just published a book on the 6 essential mindshifts you need to rise and thrive at work. The book is called Don’t Quit Your Day Job.These days, Aliza serves as a non executive director on Boards in multiple countries and is a senior advisor to her old consulting firm, Boston Consulting Group.We were fascinated to catch up with Aliza to learn more about her own career lessons as well as the 6 key mindshifts she’s identified in her book. We think you’ll be fascinated too.Hear unique advice and stories including:Why a bad job situation led to Aliza moving countriesWhy reflecting on your career options at any point in time is so valuableWhat job dating isAnd, which of the 6 essential mindshifts Aliza believes has been the most influential in her own career.Aliza has some amazing career advice so sit back and enjoy this episode.LinksAliza’s websiteAliza on TwitterAliza on LinkedIn‘Don’t Quit Your Day Job’ on Amazon, Booktopia See for privacy and opt-out information.

It’s not everyday you come across a global marketing leader who trained as an engineer and computer scientist! But that’s true for our visionary guest this week, Lucinda Barlow.Lucinda is Senior Director, Head of Marketing for Asia Pacific for Uber. Before joining Uber two years ago, Lucinda was global Marketing Director for YouTube, with its 2 billion daily users.With more than 20 years of experience working in Internet and mobile in Asia, the US and UK, Lucinda has some incredible and varied experience coupled with a true passion for championing creativity.In this episode you’ll hear how:How Lucinda changed her life, and her job, after receiving some wise advice from fashion designer and icon Diane von FurstenbergHow she thinks about making big career transition decisionsWhy she believes failure should be celebrated moreAnd how Lucinda brings creativity out in her teams.Enjoy this episode with the incredibly passionate and creative Lucinda Barlow.P.S. A reminder that our mini episodes are taking a little break right now so we’re back with a new episode every 2nd week.LinksLucinda on LinkedInLucinda on TwitterUber.comUber on YouTube See for privacy and opt-out information.

We’re back from Covid (hooray!) and so even more excited about this week’s inspiring guest!Joanna Flint is Chief Commercial Officer for the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group where she’s responsible for its global marketing, sales, revenue management, brand and distribution functions. She is also a member of the company’s Board.Joanna joined the luxury brand last year after more than twelve years with Google in Asia where, amongst other roles, she was Managing Director of Google Singapore. Based in Singapore with her family, after 20 years living in Asia, Joanna is also a member of YPO and a mentor to early stage start-ups.If you’re contemplating your career or thinking about changing roles then you have come to the right place because Joanna has some of the most thoughtful musings on this topic we’ve heard.In this episode you’ll learn:The incredible story of why Joanna nearly didn’t apply for the top job at Google in Singapore and what happened to make her change her mindThe opportunities she feels she wasted because she wasn’t super clear about what she wanted next in her careerExactly how Joanna got that clarity on what her next role needed to look likeAnd how she manages the challenges of leading a truly global team without working 24/7.We know you’ll love the amazing insights and advice shared in this conversation, so enjoy this episode with the insightful and passionate Joanna Flint.A quick P.S. from us that we are giving our mini episodes a little break for a while, so we’ll be back in two weeks time with our next conversation with an amazing, pioneering female leader. Hint - she’s ‘uber’ cool.Useful LinksJo on See for privacy and opt-out information.

This week’s mini episode explores what it takes to build a successful partnership with a co-founder.One thing we’ve noticed with numerous early stage startups is the challenge in those very early days of finding a co-founder, or co-founders, whom you can really work with for the long term, even when the pressure’s on.So often you hear of acrimonious founder breakups and it got us asking ourselves, how do you create a good working relationship over time if you have co-founders?One person who’s brilliantly navigated the co-founder challenge is serial Scottish entrepreneur Lesley Eccles, who with her 4 other co-founders built a blockbuster business called FanDuel. We spoke to Lesley on the podcast a year ago and she has some amazing stories and experiences if you haven’t heard that episode. In this mini episode you’ll hear how Lesley and her co-founders made a success of working and pivoting together for more than ten years to create a business that has ultimately been valued over $11 billion.We also share some of our observations from the four years of producing this podcast and from years of observing and advising numerous startups first hand.As the saying goes: “it takes two to tango” and it typically takes two or more to build an epic business. So enjoy this mini episode on Succeeding with Co Founders.LinksLink to Lesley Eccles original episodeLink to Adina Jacobs orig episode See for privacy and opt-out information.

We have a smart operator and a great champion for women on the show this week.Her name is Vered Raviv Schwarz and she’s spent the past 20 years in disruptive tech companies, based in Israel.These days Vered is President and Chief Operating Officer for Guesty, a property management platform offering software that’s used by people renting out short term and vacation rental properties around the world. With Guesty’s multiple features they can easily list and manage their rentals on multiple sites such as AirBnb and Vebo.Before Guesty, Vered spent nearly 6 years at the freelancer marketplace Fiverr as Chief Operating Officer. And prior to that she was a lawyer and General Counsel at other tech companies.We’ve been struck by what a smart operator and thinker Vered is.In this episode you’ll hear a lot of great advice including:How some of the best advice Vered was given, and now gives herself, changed the course of her entire careerWhy she’s passionate about making tech companies more diverse and what she’s doing about thatHow she helps companies successfully scale and grow globallyAnd why Vered’s a great believer in being able to make decisions quickly.Without further ado enjoy this episode with the switched on and dedicated Vered Raviv Schwarz.LinksGuesty WebsiteVered on LinkedInVered on Twitter - @VRavivSchwarz See for privacy and opt-out information.

This week’s mini episode is all about the value of having a mindset of ‘keeping on going’ even when you stumble. Now that isn’t always easy is it?One woman who’s really mastered the knack of telling herself constructive stories when things don’t go to plan, is US-based international Uber executive, Julia Paige. Julia is Uber’s global head of Social Impact and she also happens to be a mum of triplets.When Julia was on the show 18 months ago we were really struck by how good she is at constructive self-talk and her ability to dust herself off and keep moving.At the heart of Julia’s outlook on tackling tough times is the powerful idea that we all control our own stories. We get to write our narrative and we get to say how our stories end - and, for Julia, she makes sure that the story never ends with failure.Enjoy this mini episode. See for privacy and opt-out information.

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