Do you really know?

Do you really know?

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You’ve heard about it, but do you really know it? In 3 minutes, we help you understand the true meaning behind the trends, concepts and acronyms that are making headlines. After listening, you will really know for sure.

Who invented emojis? We all know them and use them; so today let’s celebrate them. World Emoji Day falls on 17th July. Yes that’s right, a day has been set aside for honouring the little pictograms we use to brighten up our digital messaging exchanges. You can find them in emails, messaging apps, and on social media. Everywhere really. But we’re so used to them that we don’t really think about who created them to start with, or how new ones emerge these days. So what’s the difference between an emoticon, a smiley and an emoji then? Where do new emojis come from? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions ! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here : Why do we love hate-watching certain films and series? How can the unisex condom improve my sex life? What is citizen science, the concept opening up research to the general public? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. In partnership with upday UK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

What is the insider-outsider theory? The insider-outsider theory is a New Keynesian economic model which developed in the 1980s, explaining certain disparities in the job market. Insiders are those who already have a job in a company, most of the time a permanent contract and having undergone expensive training. Meanwhile, outsiders are those with unstable jobs or unemployed.The theory considers whether, in a period of wide unemployment, companies would be better off replacing their insiders with outsiders, who would be likely to accept a lower salary.On the other hand, the resources needed to replace insiders can quickly add up. Think of severance packages, hiring processes and training for example. These labour turnover costs often end up being more expensive than the money saved by paying a lower salary.So it’s not really in a company’s best interests to fire its insiders. Does that mean the insiders are in a position of strength then? Is there any hope for the outsiders then?In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here : Why do we love hate-watching certain films and series? How can the unisex condom improve my sex life? What is citizen science, the concept opening up research to the general public? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. In partnership with upday UK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

How can I get the most out of daytime napping? Studies have repeatedly shown that human sleep quality is deteriorating year after year, for a number of reasons, including workaholic lifestyles and rising global temperatures. Daytime napping shouldn't be seen as a replacement for insufficient nighttime sleep, but there are a number of health benefits nevertheless. It’s actually pretty natural for our bodies too, and has long been ingrained in a number of cultures. When’s the best time to have a nap then? How can I get off to sleep quickly? What evidence is there of the benefits of napping? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions ! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here : Why do we love hate-watching certain films and series? How can the unisex condom improve my sex life? What is citizen science, the concept opening up research to the general public? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. In partnership with upday UK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Why do we love hate-watching certain films and series? Matchmaking reality TV show Love Island is a guilty pleasure for many of us, and it’s back on TV screens for the summer. The latest group of contestants have entered the villa, aiming to couple up and take home the £50,000 main prize. Love Island is a typical example of a show that people love to hate-watch. The practice has become more and more widespread in recent years with the rise of streaming platforms. It seems mutual hatred makes for a strong bond! How exactly does one hate watch then? Why do people keep watching shows they don’t like? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions ! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here : How can the unisex condom improve my sex life? What is citizen science, the concept opening up research to the general public? What are the benefits of slow sex? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. In partnership with upday UK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

How did Better Call Saul nearly become a sitcom? It’s somewhat of an event in the world of series. The five-episode final season of Better Call Saul was released earlier this week on Netflix. If you’re anything like us, you’ve been closely following the moral dilemmas of nice guy Jimmy McGill as he turns into shady lawyer Saul Goodman. So if you haven’t already binged your way through the final episodes, you must be on edge! It’s a fitting finale for a show which was launched back in 2015 as a spin off of Breaking Bad. Now Breaking Bad has long been seen as one of the best crime drama series out there, alongside the likes of The Wire and The Sopranos. So bringing out a prequel was somewhat risky. But it certainly ended up paying off. Many people rate Better Call Saul just as highly as Breaking Bad, if not higher. Was the spin off series planned all along? What should we expect from the final episodes? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions ! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here : How can the unisex condom improve my sex life? What is citizen science, the concept opening up research to the general public? What are the benefits of slow sex? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. In partnership with upday UK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

What is the Big Quit? Remember our episode on #QuitMyJob, about thousands of Americans publicly quitting their jobs on TikTok? Since then, the phenomenon has continued gaining momentum in the United States under a new name: the Great Resignation, or the Big Quit. According to a report published by the US Department of Labour on October 13, 2021, this August alone saw 4.3 million resignations nationwide. Count in the rest of summer and spring, and the figure jumps to a staggering 20 million. In the spirit of similar past initiatives, The Big Quit is yet another movement that offers resistance to unfair employers and unsafe working conditions. What got this trend started then? Has the movement spread to other countries? Does the movement prompt companies to become more attractive by raising wages, for example?In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here : How can the unisex condom improve my sex life? What is citizen science, the concept opening up research to the general public? What are the benefits of slow sex? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. In partnership with upday UK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

How can the unisex condom improve my sex life? It was widely expected that the condom industry would thrive throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, but to many people’s surprise, it actually struggled. Malaysian world number one Karex actually lost 50% of its stock value. And talking of Malaysia, the country has seen a remarkable development in the field of gynecology, with Dr John Tang Ing Chinh creating creating the first ever unisex condom, known as Wondaleaf. What does it look like and how much does it cost? Why do we need a unisex condom then? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions ! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here : What is citizen science, the concept opening up research to the general public? What are the benefits of slow sex? What is Roe vs Wade, the ruling that guaranteed American women abortion rights? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. In partnership with upday UK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

What is citizen science, the concept opening up research to the general public? Also known as community science, citizen science is the active participation of amateurs or non-professional scientists in research. In recent years, it’s grown in a number of fields, becoming bigger and more networked thanks to new technologies and connectivity. It’s a link between professional researchers and volunteers who are interested in science and want to help it progress. Why would we want civilians doing important scientific research? Who are these amateur scientists? Which fields in particular are involved? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions ! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here : What are the benefits of slow sex? What is Roe vs Wade, the ruling that guaranteed American women abortion rights? Could tourism quotas help preserve endangered local environments? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. In partnership with upday UK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

What is OPEC? The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is an international cartel currently made up of thirteen member states. Over the years, it has played an important role in the global economy, coordinating the petroleum policies of its members. But right now, its influence is waning, due in no small part to the Covid-19 pandemic. OPEC was created in 1960 in Baghdad. At the time, there was a high level of competition between petrol companies, meaning prices were low. The main petrol-producing Arabic countries therefore decided to join forces to rival Western companies. Together, they decided to produce less petrol, forcing prices up as a result. When was it created ? What’s the link between petroleum and a health crisis? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions ! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here : What are the benefits of slow sex? What is Roe vs Wade, the ruling that guaranteed American women abortion rights? Could tourism quotas help preserve endangered local environments? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. In partnership with upday UK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

What are the benefits of slow sex? We all know that having sex is a great form of stress relief. It releases pleasure hormones, like endorphins and oxytocin, also reinforcing the cardiovascular and immune systems. But slow sex may be a way of further enhancing pleasure and allowing you to fully savor the multi-sensory experience that is good sex. It doesn’t have to be a race to the finish line! How does it differ from the kind of sex most people are having then? How can slow sex help partners to be more intimate? In under 3 minutes, we answer your questions ! To listen to the last episodes, you can click here : What is Roe vs Wade, the ruling that guaranteed American women abortion rights? Could tourism quotas help preserve endangered local environments? Is bikini waxing harmful for your health? A podcast written and realised by Joseph Chance. In partnership with upday UK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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