Divine Living

Divine Living

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Embrace what is rightfully yours: the call to play a much bigger game in the world. Your feminine leadership is desperately needed. It’s time for you to be the benevolent Queen who never denies her abilities, her self-worth, or her spiritual purpose on this planet.Global women’s empowerment coach, speaker, and author, Gina DeVee, brings you controversial, soul-awakening stories and candid conversations with influential women who are modeling what it looks like to create total career fulfillment while also enjoying a beautiful lifestyle of their design (and not apologizing for either!). We’ve gotten pretty good at ‘divine working’, Gina affirms, and now she’s here to show you how to do “divine living”. Come join the conversation! Follow @ginadevee on Instagram for daily inspo, subscribe to this podcast, and be sure to share the show with other women in your life. There is #nowomanleftbehind in this community and you can help that mission! Looking for more? Head over to https://divineliving.com

This weekend I had the most epic experience at one of my fav NYC restaurants La Grenouille with my AMAZING friend + founder/designer of Skin Worldwide, Susan Beischel. Which made me reflect on the essence of life– experience. Experience is rooted in connection. A deeper connection with spirit, with yourself, and with others is where life gets really good! If you’re looking for soul-nourishing connections, tune into this episode + register for my upcoming luxury retreat (8/5-8/7) to get in the room with other big-thinking women! EPISODE RESOURCES Register for my 3-day luxury retreat (August 5-7, 2022): divineliving.com/ownyourthrone Apply for private coaching here

It seems there’s a collective energy right now where many women are feeling as if their desires aren’t manifesting fast enough. This can happen when we put our power into the hands and influence of others. Or when we place limitations on our own version of glorious. And even when we flat out ignore what our true desire is. If you’re looking for a boost of divine guidance, then go ahead and press play! EPISODE RESOURCES Register for my 3-day luxury retreat (August 5-7, 2022): divineliving.com/ownyourthrone Apply for private coaching here

Ever wonder how to manifest successfully? We always talk about becoming a match for our desires in order to receive them, but what does that actually mean? In this episode, I’m breaking down exactly what this looks like and how to prepare. I share how to stop being hooked to external validation and instead cultivate certainty from the internal. When you can master this, your manifestations will become an effortless flow of abundance! EPISODE RESOURCES Register for my 3-day luxury retreat (August 2022) + receive the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program: divineliving.com/ownyourthrone

There’s nothing more courageous than a woman who’s willing to sit in the question. Too often we jump into a decision just to make one and avoid the discomfort that comes with embracing the unknown. No longer are women like us available for anything less than epic. If you’re in the midst of transformation looking for your answer, then this episode is for you! EPISODE RESOURCES Register for my 3-day luxury retreat (August 2022) + receive the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program: divineliving.com/ownyourthrone

Have you ever woken up with a pit in your stomach because you’re unclear and uncertain about what’s next for you? It can be easy to lose faith when we can’t see the physical evidence of our desired manifestation. But what if I told you this is happening because God has a BIGGER assignment for you? Because you’re stronger and more capable now than ever before? Yes, Queen. Tune in and let’s discover! EPISODE RESOURCES Join the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program: divineliving.com/ownyourthrone

Women are amazing! There’s so much we go through. And yet, we rise up and still stand for our “for such a time as this” moment. One thing I know for sure is no matter where you’ve been, you have the power to heal it. With Spirit by your side, all things are possible. If you’re available for the bigger life, then press play! EPISODE RESOURCES Register for the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program + luxury retreat at divineliving.com/ownyourthrone (Start Date: June 29, 2022)

Becoming a MAGNET for abundance happens when you decree + declare your ultimate truth. If you’ve found yourself in a cycle of self-sabotaging behaviors that have become demagnetizers in your life, then this episode is here to remind you that complete and total healing IS possible for you. Press play to begin attracting at a higher frequency than ever before! EPISODE RESOURCES Register for the Own Your Throne 10-week Program + luxury retreat at divineliving.com/ownyourthrone Access the replays: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

Have you ever been so attached to a certain outcome that you had a hard time accessing your spiritual toolbox when things didn’t go as planned? What I’ve come to learn is that when this happens, it’s a clear sign my imagination wasn’t big enough. There’s so much more available to us all that we don’t need to settle for “good enough.” In this episode, reclaim the power of the present moment + receive the gifts it's meant to give you! EPISODE RESOURCES Get yourself in for my FREE Own Your Throne Encore call 6/21/22 at 8am pst/ 11am est at divineliving.com/encore (password: throne) Access the replays: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

What if you gave yourself permission to dream bigger than you ever have before? To become the magnetic match for your manifestations without having to “go out and get it”? Today on the podcast, I’m sharing Day 3 of the Own Your Throne series where we royally declare the co-creation of our epic futures through spiritual activation. Tune in to discover how to increase your magnetism and draw every opportunity to you + manifest your deepest desires in the most pleasurable ways possible! EPISODE RESOURCES Join the extended journey + luxury women’s retreat Own Your Throne 10-week Program (begins June 29th)

Are you working really really hard to find abundance yet gaining zero traction or worse, burning out? Today on the podcast I’m sharing the second session of Own Your Throne, my 3-day online event (get yourself in here), where we talk about how to become a Queen Bee vs. a worker bee to generate abundance the feminine way plus find ultimate clarity + fulfillment. Tune in! EPISODE RESOURCES Join my FREE 3-day live event Own Your Throne (June 15th-17th, 2022) Join the extended journey + luxury women’s retreat Own Your Throne 10-week Program (begins June 29th)

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