Disney at Work & Play

Disney at Work & Play

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The Disney At Work Podcast: Ideas on Life & Work from the Happiest Place on Earth

This summer marks the 50th year of the premiere of Disneyland's Main Street Electrical Parade. I saw it that first summer it came out and I've been spellbound ever since. With a timeline, we'll look at the entire history of this parade experience. The Main Street Electrical Parade is a technological pioneer and has created innovations we see in Disney parades today. We'll look at its predecessors and the other nighttime spectacular parades that have travelled the Disney theme parks the world over. From SpectroMagic to FantIllusion; From DreamLights to Light Magic and to the newest parade, Paint the Night. We'll look at all of it and its contribution to the Disney theme park experience. And we'll talk about why it may never come back to the Magic Kingdom. Check out the complete history, videos and links at Disney at Play.

Many Disney fans were stunned last week when Disney's Board of Directors announced CEO Bob Chapek's contract had been extended. While insiders expected this, many are still puzzled as to why when they see prices going up in the parks, quality going down at the movies, and politics whirling everything around in between. I wasn't in "the room where it happened" but we can look at a number of factors that occurred when the board of directors met at Walt Disney World last week. We'll look at events during a critical ten day period and how they supported Bob Chapek's role. We'll consider how Walt Disney World was the stage for making a case in favor of Bob Chapek. We'll look at five very tough questions about Bob's performance, and how they have probably been countered. And finally, we'll look at the number one concern the board had--and it wasn't around politics, box office performance, or even Genie+. Join us in this podcast while we look at the crazy events of June and try to answer why CEO Bob Chapek's contract was extended at Disney. Check out photos, links and more at DisneyatWork. Also, check out our Wayfinder Society Patreon group with interactive adventures, exclusive podcasts, and more.

Want to get a glimpse of the Disney Wish? We welcome you to this podcast, perhaps the first to look at The Disney Cruise Line’s newest ship. David, Leah and their family had the good fortune of a special complimentary preview sailing across the Atlantic Ocean as the Disney Wish left Germany and headed to Port Canaveral in Florida. David and Leah share what they were able to experience and how it looks.

This July marks the 10th anniversary that a 2.0 Disney California Adventure was re-dedicated by Bob Iger. At the expense of some 1.1 billion dollars, this was at the time the most comprehensive park redo ever attempted. Still, in the first year of re-opening, park attendance went up some 23% and it became far more equal in terms of balancing out the number of guests visiting it and its sister park, Disneyland. We will look at the attractions, restaurants and experiences that became extinct as a result of this re-investment, particularly as it relates the Golden Gateway and Sunshine Plaza, Bountiful Family Farm, and Paradise Pier. We’ll look at all that went away, and what ultimately came in its place 10 years ago and later. Check out photos, links and more at Disney at Play Also, check out our Wayfinder Society Patreon group with interactive adventures, exclusive podcasts, and more.

During this 50th anniversary of the Walt Disney Resort, I would be amiss if I didn't pay homage to great attractions that have come and gone from the original park, Magic Kingdom. I celebrate my top 10 favorite and now forgotten attractions that I miss--and include in that number a few that I never had the chance to see. Are there attractions and rides that you miss? Compare your list to mine as we talk about retired attractions at the Magic Kingdom.

Welcome to this Disneyland Paris trip report My wife and I had an incredible opportunity to spend time in London during the Queen's Jubilee, in far away places in England, and in Paris as well. But we also spent several days in Disneyland Paris and I can't wait to share! There were many fantastic moments along the way as well as some wonderful surprises at both the Disneyland Parc and the Walt Disney Studios Paris Parc. Between the two is the dining and shopping experience of Disney Village. I talk about them as well as many of the logistics of our stay, to include two Disneyland Paris Resort hotels, the Santa Fe and the Sequoia. I also get into the weeds of our stay to include trains and planes, getting to and from within the resort, and even handling laundry. It was a fantastic trip and for those of you who have ever wondered about visiting, this podcast for you. I'll even explain how this park has now become one of my favorite parks around the world. It was that good. Join us for this Disneyland Paris Trip report and more.

As May comes to a close and summer starts up in June, we're here to update you on all the greatest Disney happenings here and afar. We'll start at the Walt Disney World Resort, where the new Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind has officially opened. We'll update you on the latest with that, and then merge those issues with new Genie+ changes that have come about in the last month. From there we'll head over to the "not so happiest place on Earth" where a number of problematic events have been occurring at Disneyland. Despite new entertainment and character opening this month, there are some real struggles with attractions, and with annual pass holder options. Then let's talk about Disney+ and some unique and strange options that have come through that entertainment option. It's a busy update, so join us in this last podcast before I head out to Disneyland Paris.

What would a new theme park at Walt Disney World look like! We look at what it might be and why it needs to be built.

In almost two weeks my wife and I will be heading to Europe. For my wife this is her first trip as we see the United Kingdom and France. For me it is a returning trip, but as it relates to visiting Disneyland Paris, it has been some 17 years since I last visited. I'm anticipating this trip and excited to not only take in all that is precious and beautiful about this park, but to be able to see things I haven't had a chance to see before. I'll walk through both the Disneyland Paris park and the Walt Disney Studios park to outline places that are new that I haven't taken in before--even places you may have never heard of. I'll also talk about the resort end of the experience. Plus, I'll discuss things some really wonderful things I may be missing as a part of this experience, because I was too late, or too early (i.e. Avengers Campus).

I was fortunate to experience Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind during previews at Epcot, and so I'm excited to share the entire experience with you. We'll go in depth on the entire layout of this attraction, and without really sharing too many details of the story, what you'll experience as you move throughout. This has an impressive queue, but nothing holds a light when it comes to the ride experience. We'll talk about why this is really a fantastic roller coaster experience. We'll compare it to other attractions not only Epcot but at Walt Disney World and even beyond. Moreover, I'll discuss how it compares to Tron Light Cycles coming to the Magic Kingdom. Having done both, I'm excited to share my insights on what works and what doesn't and why you want to put Guardians of the Galaxy on your next Walt Disney World Epcot visit.

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