Our adventure begins aboard The Brazen Pegasus, as the ship carries its secret cargo through deadly waters towards the mysterious peninsula of Chult. Follow our show and our caston Twitter and on our awesome website!
Far from The Brazen Pegasus, we meet two new adventurers and get a glimpse at both the strange depths of the Chultan jungle -- and the chaotic shanty town, Malar’s Throat. Follow our show and our caston Twitter and on our awesome website!
The marooned adventurers Remy the Bard, Magnus the Artificer, and Wallo the Scribe must all work together if they are to escape a haunted isle off the coast of Chult. Follow our show and our caston Twitterandon our awesome website!
While navigating the perilous slums of Port Nyanzaru, the stone guardian Purpose and the young goblin Dreknish make a deal. Follow our show and our caston Twitterandon our awesome website!
Remy, Purpose and Dreknish are all forced to strike dangerous bargains with powerful individuals. Follow our show and our caston Twitterandon our awesome website!
Purpose and Dreknish find themselves dropped into a savage situation with Hew Hackenstone, a boisterous dwarf. And Wallow, Magnus and Remy come face to face with a primordial force of nature. Follow our show and our caston Twitterandon our awesome website!
In the midst of a bloodthirsty parade, our five heroes finally meet at Executioner’s Run, and learn a terrible truth ... in Port Nyanzaru, life is cheap. Follow our show and our caston Twitterandon our awesome website!
The finale of Chapter One! Terror consumes Old Town, forever scarring the destinies of our adventurers. Follow our show and our caston Twitterandon our awesome website!
After the shocking finale of Chapter One, our players and DM Slack get together for drinks, comradery and to talk about their characters and the story so far. Follow our show and our caston Twitterandon our awesome website!
Chapter Two begins! After a tragic loss, our adventurers unite to escape a horde of zombie dinosaurs. Follow our show and our caston Twitterandon our awesome website!