A Third Human Foot Is Found In Bath 6/8/2016 - The Independent newspaper released an article stating Police are 'keeping an open mind' as to whether the foot found on 6/8/2016 is linked to two previous severed foot discoveries in February and July of that year, the earlier feet were found separately but the police declared that the finds were not suspicious. The severed human foot was found in a garden of a house in Bath, the third of its kind to be discovered in the area that year.The body part was found in Cranwells Park in the north west of the historic city, according to Avon and Somerset Police, who have sent it for forensic analysis. Police say they are keeping an "open mind" as to whether a foot found in a garden is linked to two previous discoveries nearby. All three feet were found within a few hundred yards of each other. The first foot was discovered under a bush by a dog walker in Weston Park East in February - and pathologists were stumped at its lack of DNA.
I was getting the washing in from the garden. I remember it was summer and it was just after 10pm so it was getting dark out. My German Shepherd dog named Cody was looking at something outside of our garden. I couldn't see anything or make anything out. But then I heard a loud growl, as though something was standing right next to my ear and my brother said "you f###ing heard that right?" and I explained that I did and that it was right close to my ear. So we got our other brother to come outside with us because it terrified us.To Make a Report: you can contact Deborah at debbiehatswell@gmail.comDebs Email - debbiehatswell@gmail.comFACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063604569253BBR Website - https://wordpress.com/view/debhatswell.wordpress.comTWITTER: https://twitter.com/BbrDeborahPATREON: https://www.patreon.com/DeborahHatswellBigfootReportsYOUTUBE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYGn8pR90PO_oBzOjiZ23tA/SPREAKER: https://www.spreaker.com/show/british-bigfootAPPLE PODCASTS: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/british-bigfoot-dogman/id1480592906?uo=4MAP OF REPORTS - https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1s1zOmmdM216PMftPUM9K1qqGrFg&usp=sharing
I had a lovely time at first. I sat in a glade listening to the birds sing and the breeze moving through the leaves. It was a really relaxing time until I saw it. I was just sitting there chilling, remembering all the times I had played there for hours as a child. We used to make dens and rope swings and spend all day out there only coming home for tea. Those were some of my happiest memories. Sadly that is no more.As I was sitting there I saw a movement within the shrubbery and I realised what I was looking at and it was terrifying. I don't know what to call it, It had a man's body only hairier. It had a dog-like face, with amber orange eyes. It had pointed ears and I remember the teeth clearly. I don't know if that creature was smiling or growling as the face was a grimace and you could see pointed canine teeth. Now when I think about it, some features are not clear as I concentrated on the width of the shoulders, the power of this thing and the face of the creature. He was muscled and big and looked far more stronger than me. It just stood there and looked at me. Audio & Interview - Deborah HatswellVideo Editing & Images - Mark HatswellYou can help to support BBR by liking, sharing and commenting on the video.CHECK OUT OUR OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA SITES. Hear early Podcasts and sighting reports by joining Patreon or become a Youtube Member.To Make a Report: you can contact Deborah at debbiehatswell@gmail.comDebs Email - debbiehatswell@gmail.comFACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063604569253BBR Website - https://wordpress.com/view/debhatswell.wordpress.comTWITTER: https://twitter.com/BbrDeborahPATREON: https://www.patreon.com/DeborahHatswellBigfootReportsSPREAKER: https://www.spreaker.com/show/british-bigfootAPPLE PODCASTS: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/british-bigfoot-dogman/id1480592906?uo=4MAP OF REPORTS - https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1s1zOmmdM216PMftPUM9K1qqGrFg&usp=sharingAUDIBLE: https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Deborah-Hatswell-Cryptid-Creatures-and-Unexplained-Events-Podcast/B08K5YRHB6?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp&shareTest=TestShare
Tonight we look at cases of Winged Humanoid Creatures, here in the UK and also in the US and a number of other countries. You will hear personal experiences from the witnesses to these creatures. From the Birdman of Wiltshire to the Man Dragon of China. We will also hear stories of the disasters that accompany these creatures wherever they go it would seem. From the famous Point Pleasant bridge disaster, to a mine collapse in Germany. You can help to support BBR by liking, sharing and commenting on the video.CHECK OUT OUR OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA SITES. Hear early Podcasts and sighting reports by joining Patreon or become a Youtube Member.To Make a Report: you can contact Deborah at debbiehatswell@gmail.comDebs Email - debbiehatswell@gmail.comFACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063604569253BBR Website - https://wordpress.com/view/debhatswell.wordpress.comTWITTER: https://twitter.com/BbrDeborahPATREON: https://www.patreon.com/DeborahHatswellBigfootReportsSPREAKER: https://www.spreaker.com/show/british-bigfootAPPLE PODCASTS: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/british-bigfoot-dogman/id1480592906?uo=4MAP OF REPORTS - https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1s1zOmmdM216PMftPUM9K1qqGrFg&usp=sharingAUDIBLE: https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Deborah-Hatswell-Cryptid-Creatures-and-Unexplained-Events-Podcast/B08K5YRHB6?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp&shareTest=TestShare
Miss St Denis decided to pack her things and made her way out of the station. Glancing back, she was horrified to see that the man was now following her. She quickened her pace and started to whistle in order to appear unconcerned. It was now twilight and the path had taken her to a remote spot surrounded by cliffs and disused quarries.Realising that a cry for help would go unheard she decided to confront her stalker. She spun round and shouted ‘What do you want? How dare you?’ He didn’t respond. As he drew nearer she was now able to see him clearly as the last rays of sunlight fell on the path. He was not a man after all. The ‘Thing’ appeared to be covered in grey hair and, although human in form, had a wolf’s head. It sprang forward with a look of ferocity on its face. The terrified woman quickly grabbed a torch from her pocket and shone it at the beast.The Thing shrank back, its paws trying to hide the light from its face. It then faded away leaving her alone in the darkness.” The “shaken but unhurt” Miss St Denis asked locals for an explanation. They had no real explanation for her, only the rumours of missing cattle and a collection of bones, some human and some animal, that had been discovered in a slate quarry near to where the wolf-man had vanished. Nearby residents shun the area after dusk as it had a “bad reputation”.
I was outside playing and I was swinging. It was while I was swinging that I saw a strange creature. It is hard to describe what this creature looked like but it had from what I could see a wolf's body, it was standing upright just like a man would and its legs were bent back. It was about 8 feet tall. It peeked around the corner of my lake house so I only saw half of its body but I got a good look at his face and it claws if you wanna call them that. It had tall pointed ears on top of its head and the colour of the thing was black and brown and it had yellow eyes and we stared at each other for what seemed like 2 minutes and he was about 10 yards away from at the most. Debs Email - debbiehatswell@gmail.comFACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063604569253BBR Website - https://wordpress.com/view/debhatswell.wordpress.comTWITTER: https://twitter.com/BbrDeborahPATREON: https://www.patreon.com/DeborahHatswellBigfootReportsSPREAKER: https://www.spreaker.com/show/british-bigfootAPPLE PODCASTS: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/british-bigfoot-dogman/id1480592906?uo=4MAP OF REPORTS - https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1s1zOmmdM216PMftPUM9K1qqGrFg&usp=sharing
One night Andrew was driving down Johnson Road which borders Silver Creek Metro Park, when he saw something that was anything but routine. Approximately 50 yards from the intersection with Medina Line Road, he stopped his car when two deer raced across the road heading south. What caught his attention was not the deer more what they were running from. Andrew explained “I would place those creatures chasing the deer somewhere between 6’6” and 7′ tall. They chased the two deer (which were both smaller, by the way) out across the street and into the woods. They ran in formation, one in front, two behind, kind of next to each other. They were roughly 30-40 yards behind the deer. They were bipedal, very muscular, and fast. Lightning fast. It all happened in just a few seconds. I couldn’t describe any features, unfortunately; I’m assuming it was either a new moon or cloudy because it was very dark, but they were definitely a dark colour, maybe chocolate-brown or a black?”
Assuming the lights to be from a car, Barton drove toward them in order to intercept any unauthorised trespassers. The lights vanished when he arrived at the site where he had last seen them, but now he found his vehicle mired in the soft desert sand. Walking approximately two miles back to base, the sergeant intercepted a patrol and they radioed for a tow truck. When the truck arrived and everyone returned to the Sergeant’s vehicle, they found 3-toed tracks measuring 14 inches long with what appeared to be a clawed digit at the heel. The wind was blowing soft sand and the footprints were filling in rapidly, making any precise identifications difficult. But whatever "it" was that left the tracks had completely circled the truck as if inspecting it and then walked off on two legs into the desert.
Witness Report: "As a child I had a really strange experience that I have never understood. I was walking to my gran’s home, I thought about this today actually, that's why I contacted you. I was about six year old at the time. I remember leaving mum's house to walk up a straight road. It was around 5.30pm. I think it was winter as it was dark, there were some cars on the side of the road that were parked up but in the distance, just as the road bends around I looked up and saw a huge figure standing up suddenly from behind this gate.""It was not standing erect like a human, it was hunched over a tad and I stood and thought 'oh' and I was really afraid. What is that?!
When I was around 19 I was on a date with a lad that I was seeing and we went to the pub that has the little phone box next to it. It was called the Crime View at the time. Now it's an Italian restaurant. If I remember correctly I had maybe half a larger and we had been playing pool. We left the pub and walked a little ways down the road from the pub. We are both standing there just chatting on the pavement close to the trees. From nowhere came this mighty 'roar'. I don't know how to describe it, it wasn't a growl or a roar, more a mixture of the two. It was nothing that myself or the lad recognised. It wasn't your usual wildlife, it wasn't a fox or a deer or anything like that. The 'roar' was coming from a place on level with us, but the land has a steep embankment here. So whatever growled was either really, really tall or it was in one of the trees close to us. I can't describe just how deep this roar was. It was like a lion's roar, a very deep baritone roar.