Dave & Chuck the Freak Podcast

Dave & Chuck the Freak Podcast

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We try our best to help you get your ass out of bed by poking fun at pretty much everything that’s going on around us. If you are easily offended – take caution – no one is safe from Dave & Chuck the Freak’s wrath. That includes the President, the Pope, our significant others and ourselves, as well as everything in between. Our feeling is that nothing is sacred, and you should be able to laugh at everything life throws at you. Our show is a show about truth and we’re not going to candy coat anything. We’ll tell you how we feel no matter how many complaints we receive. We approach every day trying our best not to be like anything else you’ll find on your radio dial. If that’s by taking Dave’s unique views on the news…or cutting up celebrities. You’ll hear stuff you won’t hear anywhere else. Thanks for checking us out. If you have a comment, suggestion or nude pictures to pass along – send us an email.

Dave and Chuck the Freak talk about why going “commando” on a hot day is a good idea, Brad Pitt wore a skirt at a recent movie premiere, a guy that went to bed with a gun in his waistband & shot his partner, the worst thing you accidentally did to your partner, over a half million dollars of Pokémon cards stolen from a collector, a husband that bought a sex doll that looks like his wife for when she’s not in the mood, a naked man running on a busy highway, an escaped emu that was holding up traffic in a busy intersection, KFC testing out new chicken nuggets, a car company charging a subscription fee to use heated seats, a 16-year old that has mastered playing 100 different instruments, and more!

Dave and Chuck the Freak talk clothing that is frowned upon to wear in the workplace, pro wrestlers that tracked down a purse thief, an actress that claims Arnold Schwarzenegger deliberately farted in her face, a woman arrested for assaulting an elderly man with eggs & beans, a chick that took a guy to court for $10K over a bad date, a guy that claims Bigfoot is why he killed his fishing partner, a dude busted taping nude photos of himself to cars, a UK Church official busted having sex with a vacuum, a DUI suspect confesses to cops he drinks booze like coffee, a 2-year old that was exposed to testosterone gel, a guy robs a strip club and makes off with $22k in singles, a called 911 to get his girlfriend some Sour Patch Kids candy, a guy that is getting ripped by running like a dog, and more!

Dave and Chuck the Freak talk about taking an offer from an airline to give up a ticket, Ricky Martin accused of having an incestual relationship, something Dave and Brad Pitt may both suffer from, a construction worker caught on line 30 stories in the air, a student pilot ran out of fuel and landed on an interstate while drunk, how did a sex game go wrong?, a guy that had a water bottle stuck inside his butt for 3 days, a funeral home found with 30+ bodies not properly stored, a dude pulled a gun on two women who didn’t thank him for holding a door open, TV news anchor suspended after a chaotic & slurred broadcast, a neighbor dispute involving a backyard sex toy display, a guy facing $30K in fines for not cutting his grass, Divers recovered a man’s lost $80K prosthetic leg, and more!

Dave and Chuck the Freak talk about an assault at a beauty store, human brownies lemonade Craigslist ad, someone who was arrested in a store without pants on, the backyard beer yoga guy, the worst thing that ever happened to you, a goldfish fetish, pegging, a diarrhea disaster after a potluck, the vibrating bike seat, a dating site for guys with below average dongs, and more!

Dave and Chuck the Freak talk about the worst food decision you’ve made, a side effect that includes rectal oil, whale vomit, creepy delivery drivers, what would happen if Chuck were to move in with Dave, a senior BINGO brawl, penis extenders, your porn history, listeners looking for threeway help, random voicemails from a grandma, and more!

Dave and Chuck the Freak talk about shocking sexual insults, an old lady fights off an intruder using MMA, illegal underground casinos, the worst songs to have sex to, body piercing catastrophes, the rub n tug guy, calling the cops on a lady during sex, and more!

Dave and Chuck the Freak talk about the nurse who dropped a heart transplant, first date pet peeves, the Jeep guy with a tiny dong, boating under the influence, catching your partner kissing a parent, the devil’s threesome, interrupted poops, female perverts, the gas station owner who gave the best news interview, what happens when parents count down to zero, and more!

Dave and Chuck the Freak talk about an OnlyFans mom, your turn on that you discovered accidentally, the worst thing you’ve had in your hands, a listener’s clone-a-willy discovery, Dave’s short fuse, how you deal with dirty people, a gay orgy theft, cat-chelors, a needle found in a man’s dong, and more!

Dave and Chuck the Freak talk about a paralyzed man who managed to save some swimmers in trouble, what each state fears the most, a woman who walked in on her husband banging her mom, revenge that trade workers have taken, a dude who robbed a bank in order to buy tires for his lover, the first time on an escalator, an old orgy gets busted, Dave’s 4am visit from the cops, mystery poops, diarrhea songs, and more!

Dave and Chuck the Freak talk about the odd thing that arouses you, a kidney donation robbery, if women find men with tiny balls more attractive, a toothbrush perv in the cemetery, sex dolls for seniors, when you realized that you were becoming your dad, an auto shop owner gets revenge, weed and boners, work cell phones, a sitting on the lips update, and more!

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