Cwic Media- LDS Podcast / Come Follow Me

Cwic Media- LDS Podcast / Come Follow Me

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PRACTICAL THEOLOGYA new approach to the scriptures!1) The Higher & Lower Laws2) Temple Imagery & Drama3) Authorship4) The Nehor PrincipleTheology, History, No fluff. LDS, Mormon. Unscripted!'I have been looking for an LDS podcast like this! Not like anything else out there!'Unique, weekly Come Follow Me LDS CommentaryLatter-Day Saints, ChristianBook of Mormon New Testament Old Testament The products (services) and content offered by Cwic Media are neither made, provided, approved nor endorsed by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Any content or opinions expressed, implied or included in or with the goods (services) offered by Cwic Media are solely those of [name of User] and not those of Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Do The Reforms Under King Josiah Set The Stage For Lehi's Jerusalem? - We plant a seed for Isaiah and Hezekiah and The Suffering Servant - Was King Josiah who we are told he was? - What did the Deuteronomistic Reforms do to the Religion in Judah? - Losing "The Lord of Hosts" and The Brazen Serpent Website -

Such a Void Creates A Great Opportunity For The Church - With the west disparaging boys, men, and the "patriarchy," the Church should be a refuge for men. - Jordan Peterson covers three accusations made by Critical Social Justice, mostly against men. - We should be putting up billboards metaphorically saying, "Men, You are Welcome Here!" Website -

There Are Fewer Male Members Of The Church - What messaging are we giving men? - Do we adequately portray a positive male experience in the Church? - So many women's programs, so many single women in the pews Website

The Prophetic Mantle - What is meant by the story of the two she-bears? - Spiritual blindness Website -

Identitarianism Seeks to Destroy the Traditional Family Language can be a virus to our understanding of the world. Ibram Kendi's new book, "How To Raise An Antiracist", often replaces "parent" with "caregiver". It is a conscious decision to redefine parent/child roles. The primary target of Identitarianism is the Traditional Family. Website -

Love Is A Verb First. It Is A Price. -Mercy = payment, cost, sacrifice. The Love of God is His sacrifice and his work for us. - Love is expressed as part of a relationship, not just a feeling. - The "Mercy Seat" on the Ark of the Covenant represents the Throne of God and His Love for us. - When we love, we are willing to pay the price. - Is God's love unconditional? Website -

Elijah The Miracle Worker - Elijah is almost alone in his priesthood and support of Jehovah - His confrontation with the priests of Baal or similar to our circumstances today - Mt Horeb is a temple stage that brings in the "still, small voice" Website -

Gratitude Should Come With The Principles of the US Constitution - Sets the stage to leverage agency for good and bad - Other ideologies fight against these "established" principles - The US and the Constitution are born through the shedding of blood - The founding of the US is based on "abasing one self", not "exalting oneself". - Lehi's Dream and the Doctrine of Christ Website -

Church Culture Throws a Wrench in The Spiral of Silence The Spiral of Silence is a communication theory of why voices are stifled by others. However, what are the reasons Church members stifle their own voices? If one is asking why the Brethren don't say more, maybe they do. And maybe one should ask first what they themselves should do. Anxiously engaged in a good cause through "their" own free will. Website -

Where Does The Problem Lie? - Telos is the "supreme end of man's endeavour" - Cicero. Or, Moses 1:39, "this is my work and my glory -- to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." - What is the purpose of mortality? - What is the purpose of God? Do we choose to put the problem on other fallen men and women, or do we worry first about our own fallen state? Do we push for a certain type of political "justice" over faith and repentance, or do we focus our efforts and worship within the context of The Plan of Salvation and the "supreme end of man's endeavor"? Website -

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