Currently with Camille & Diane

Currently with Camille & Diane

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4 聲音
Learning about the world; one useless story at a time.

Spring has sprung-a-dung-dung! We're in full bloom. A sight for sore eyes but also a fright for sore noses AKA allergies. We discuss the beautiful flowers we DIDN'T see in Japan because SOMEONE chose to go to SPAIN instead, how Diane's glad braces are reversible, and the ways in which Satanists are actually pretty chill.

Perhaps the best audio quality we've ever achieved?! Love tracking out growth at the ripe age of our mid-20s (that made Diane gag to type). But yes, it's festival season and with that we find out what's hiding in the crevices of Diane's car, Camille's inexplicable aversion to cauliflower, and the *FACT* that Lorde is 80 years old.

Camille uses today's episode as a platform for her problematic defense on why she's not pork-free. But it's OK because Diane is a sinner as well :( And she is also apparently quite.....confused about the exact identity of David Foster (Wallace). And don't lie! You were, too!!! Produced by: Camille Kopischke & Diane Kang Edited by: Diane Kang Music by: Jon Cozart Art by: Isaac Benavidez

Camille chose the themes and one of them is CLONES. Yes, spooky wooky or a fun science experiment that could also lead to our doom? Well it starts with tiny South Korean dogs. Then onto bananas. Then onto celebrity dopplegangers. Help us find our clones!! Produced by: Camille Kopischke & Diane Kang Edited by: Diane Kang Music by: Jon Cozart Art by: Isaac Benavidez

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