Current Waves Podcast

Current Waves Podcast

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The Current Waves Podcast is an indulgence in open-mindedness and a search for the truth. Jake, Jay, Ethan & Ben use their thirst for knowledge to voice their thoughts on topics revolving around History, Culture, and Society. This Podcast is a no-holds-barred experience, driven to open the flood-gates of curiosity surrounding some of life's biggest mysteries, events, and issues.

This is a short clip from our Patreon bonus episode back In October. If you like this little taste, please subscribe at podcast/ Enjoy!

In this episode, we cover an interesting place... The Kowloon Walled City. The distinctive history and culture of the city of darkness make it one of the world's most unique and strange places ever built by humans. Join us as we learn all about the Kowloon Walled City.

On this episode of the Current Waves Film Club, we try something a little different. The boys do a commentary watch along on the Conspiracy Thriller, Under the Silver Lake starring Andrew Garfield. If you simply want to hear our thoughts and synopses you can jump to the 2 hour and 18 minute mark of the episode. Enjoy!

There have been four American presidents assassinated while in office, however, many more came close to having their time in office cut short by would-be assassins. Some presidents managed to avert death multiple times within the same year and one even fought back. These attempts were undertaken by political radicals, drunk skyjackers, and even a member of the Manson Family.

This week, the boys explore the background behind one of the most notorious cults of the 21st century, the Heaven's Gate Cult. We’ll examine their leadership, creed, and try to unravel the motivation behind the group’s actions. How a group of highly intelligent people could believe in a cause with such vigor, that it ended in one of the largest mass suicides in US history?

Welcome to the first episode of our newest series, the Current Waves Film Club! In this series we discuss and review some of the worlds finest moving pictures. In this our first episode we go over the 1979 Conspiracy, dark comedy feature, WINTER KILLS! Tune in to this episode and our ongoing series for all your movie review needs!

This is a story of ingenuity, rebellion, and ultimately… freedom. And this story begins simply, with a disgruntled man. Better yet a disgruntled Italian Engineer. The protagonist of today's tale is Giorgio Rosa also known as the Prince of Anarchists. The engineer developed and built a small platform out in the ocean and once completed declared independence and created his own nation, The Republic of Rose Island. This is the story of the rise and demise of the Republic of Rose Island and the Prince of Anarchists, Giorgio Rosa.

Most Americans are aware of the divide on the Korean Peninsula between the capitalist South and the communist North. Many though are not aware of how this situation came to be and how decades of hostilities were used as a proxy between East and West during the Cold War. We discuss the history and ongoing conflict of the nation of North Korea and why it is a wholly unique nation in the world today.

Aliens, UFO's, Orbs, Cattle Mutilations... What the heck is going on at Skinwalker Ranch? If you are curious to know the answer, tune in to this episode as we cover the scientific study of the Skinwalker Ranch by the NIDS team. It's another episode of crazy tales of the unexplained.

Sound the Ham Horn, it's our 30th Episode! We are covering one of the strangest locations on the planet... The Skinwalker Ranch! We share some stories from the events that have occurred on the ranch and make a few jokes along the way. Put on your tin foil hats for this one folks! It's gonna get weird!

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