Critical Thinker Podcast

Critical Thinker Podcast

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30 聲音
Real life issues and news, giving a critical thought towards political, entertainment and social trends

America is reopening slowly and most americans are scared for their lives, what's your openion.

In a Facebook group a these names come up about conscious community pimps. Tariq Nasheed, Dr Umar Johnson, Boyce Watkins and More. Plus I witnessed pandemic pimping and price gouging myself, lets talk about it

Discussing X NBA player Stephen Jackson comments on bitter black women on The Critical Thinker Podcast

From being temporarily homeless to shooting and editing videos for stars in New york City like Vladtv and more etc... an his story is far from over

The novel coronavirus outbreak has raised concerns across the globe, with more than 113,000 confirmed cases worldwide.But to some, the coronavirus outbreak is reminiscent of epidemics that have caused a panic in recent memory, including SARS, MERS, the Zika virus, and swine flu.So how exactly does the coronavirumics?s stack up to those epide

Watching the totally shaocking Netflix documentary The Pharmacist, I was amazed at how good it was and disapointed at the same time as the doc went on. Here's my recap on the Netflix documentary The Pharmacist and ofcourse my critical thinker content.

Happy Martin Luther King Day, I want to take time and shortly discuss the effect the Civil Rights Movement have on black people today. Please listen and give your opinion.

This episode, firt RIP to a NOLA legend 5th ward weebie, The entire Mississppi prison system went into lock down, oprah dropped out of Russell Simmons Doc and people are hinting that diddy knew what they were planning towards Biggie and Pac's death, could it be true?

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