Creative Rebels - The Podcast for Creatives

Creative Rebels - The Podcast for Creatives

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Inspiring interviews with creative people who have rebelled against the 9-5 (..And advice on how you can too) Hosted by David Speed and Adam Brazier, co-founders of Graffiti Life and Parlour Tattoo.Instagram: @rebelscreate

In this episode we talk about the future of the Creative Rebels podcast and the exciting future for the community. Follow us; @adambrazier & @davidspeeduk --- Send in a voice message:

In this episode we go deep in audience building and social media. Follow us; @adambrazier & @davidspeeduk --- Send in a voice message:

Another year of creativity is ahead of us. In this episode we talk about how you can make the best of this year by building stronger habits and having your 'one big thing' Hosts - @adambrazier & @davidspeeduk --- Send in a voice message:

What a way to round off this year. A fantastic chat with our good friend; Coach, Podcaster and Author, Alex Manzi. Thank you to everyone who's listened this year. We love you. Merry Christmas! --- Send in a voice message:

Sophie Gamand is a photographer and artist, dedicated to capturing images of shelter dogs. Sophie balances a creative career with making a positive impact on the dogs and shelters that she works with .Sophie’s most famous work takes pit bull dogs and, with the addition of a flower crown, challenges the view of this breed and has helped house numerous abandoned dogs. --- Send in a voice message:

Based in Sydney, Kris Andrew Small’s work is a joyful explosion of colour, typography, pattern, and collage. He often takes societal issues and channels them through loud and abstract visuals. Kris has collaborate with clients including Nike, Apple, Dazed, Die Zeit, Adidas Originals, It’s Nice That, Channel 4, WeTransfer, Reebok and more. He’s also exhibited internationally at institutions like the V&A in Dundee and MAD in The Lourve, Paris. --- Send in a voice message:

In this episode we discuss; Making with Meaning, Mindset & Skillset. NOW is the time to be a creative! Follow us on the gram; @Adambrazier & @davidspeeduk Or the show @rebelscreate --- Send in a voice message:

Tori Dunlap is the founder of Her First 100k. She made $100k before the age of 25 and is on a mission to empower her audience to become financially literate. She talks about financial feminism; shining a light on the wage gap and many other money inequalities! --- Send in a voice message:

Laura Ghiacy is a personal trainer and content creator. Laura passionately speaks out against diet culture and makes engaging content to bust myths around food and fitness. We spoke to Laura about creating content on camera, taking the leap into your own business and making an impact on TikTok. --- Send in a voice message:

In this Episode Adam & David talk about Pricing your work and breaking down how many customers you need to turn your passion into a career. This one's a detailed one so get a pen and paper ready. Follow us on instagram; @rebelscreate Or @adambrazier & @davidspeeduk --- Send in a voice message:

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