CounterPunch Radio

CounterPunch Radio

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CounterPunch Radio

This time Eric welcomes back author and economist Michael Hudson to discuss his new book "The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism, or Socialism" available from CounterPunch. Eric and Michael discuss the nature of financialization, neoliberalism, and how these ideas form the basis of the modern global capitalist system. The discussion also explores the role of the US Dollar, the nature of debt as a weapon, US financial imperialism, and so much more. More

This week Eric welcomes back to CounterPunch economist, author, and scholar Richard Wolff to discuss the state of the US and global economy. Prof. Wolff provides his analysis of the inflation issue and what banks, corporations, and the US Government can and should (but probably won't) do. Eric and Richard also discuss unemployment, interest rates, the crypto collapse, the future of the US dollar as a global reserve currency, and much more. Don't miss the latest CounterPunch Radio! More

This time Eric welcomes back economic analyst and journalist Doug Henwood to discuss the economic situation in the US and globally. Doug provides his analysis of the causes and implications of the current rise in inflation, and how much of the Left has failed to properly analyze the situation. Eric and Doug also discuss issues ranging from "de-dollarization" and the impact of Russia's war in Ukraine to the political fallout for Democrats in coming elections and more. Don't miss this week's CounterPunch Radio. More

This time Eric welcomes back to CounterPunch Radio author and historian Shalon van Tine for a discussion of the greatest Russian/Soviet films of all time. Eric and Shalon present their top 5 films and go back and forth discussing various aspects of these films and filmmakers. If you are a film nerd or just a student of history, this is an indispensable conversation for you exclusively at CounterPunch. More

This time Eric chats with historian and author Doug Greene about his brand new book "A Failure of Vision: Michael Harrington and the Limits of Democratic Socialism." Doug explains who Michael Harrington was, the role he played on the socialist left in the 60's and beyond, and the Democratic Socialists of America, the organization he founded. Eric and Doug discuss the nature of democratic socialism and the historical conditions in the US that led to its prominence on the Left. This critical look at Harrington, DSA, and democratic socialism is essential reading for any socialist trying to make sense of the Left in the US today. Don't miss this fascinating conversation on CounterPunch Radio! More

This time Eric welcomes historian and author Marcus Rediker to CounterPunch Radio to discuss how the study of history can impact our politics today. Marcus explains what he means by studying "history from below" and how that perspective translates to our thinking of present day struggles. The conversation touches on the nature of slave resistance on the Atlantic, how and why that history has been suppressed, and the importance of unearthing it for future generations. Marcus also introduces the audience to the radical abolitionist Benjamin Lay and explains why Lay matters so much, even nearly 300 years after his death. So much important ground covered in this conversation with one of America's leading historians and radical scholars. Don't miss it! More

This time Eric welcomes back Jason Stanley, Professor of Philosophy at Yale University and author of the bestselling book "How Fascism Works." Eric and Jason discuss the war in Ukraine, the nature of the propaganda and disinformation, the manipulation of historical narratives and much more. The discussion also explores how Putin's Russia aligns with some of the core elements of fascism identified in Stanley's book. Don't miss this important CounterPunch Radio! More

On this 200th episode of CounterPunch Radio, Eric welcomes back to the show award-winning journalist and author Barrett Brown to discuss the roles of private intelligence firms, fascist billionaires, and careerist mainstream journalists in undermining democracy and doing the bidding of the corrupt institutions of the US State. Barrett discusses his role with Anonymous and Wikileaks, his time in prison, his release in 2016, and how the Trump-Clinton election broke the brains of so many on the left. Eric and Barrett also explore the utter bankruptcy of the corporate press and how they have played an integral role in pushing us to the brink of the fascist police state. Don't miss CounterPunch Radio this week! More

This time Eric chats with Dr. Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University and author of The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance 1917-2017. The conversation explores the early years of the Zionist movement and how it was perceived by prominent Palestinians, including Dr. Khalidi's ancestors, and the inextricable link between Zionism, colonialism, and imperial power. Eric and Rashid discuss everything from attempts to erase Palestinian culture and history to the impact that Israel's rightward shift has had on younger generations of Jews, especially in the US. So many topics covered in this important conversation with one of the most prominent voices of opposition to Israeli policies and oppression. Don't miss this CounterPunch Radio! More

This time Eric marks the passing of legendary actor and civil rights icon Sidney Poitier with a conversation with Aram Goudsouzian, Professor of History at the University of Memphis and author of Sidney Poitier: Man, Actor, Icon. The discussion touches on everything from Poitier's early life and training as an actor to his tenuous relationship with Black radical politics in the 1960s. The second half of the conversation explores Poitier's lasting impact and relevance to today. More

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