Conversations with God

Conversations with God

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23 聲音
Conversations with God is a platform where I discuss various topics and everyday events occurring in the Body of Christ. I will delve in the Word of God and apply it to what we all deal with on a daily basis. This podcast will seek to encourage everyone to converse with God and build a relationship with Him. Have a conversation with the Lord today!

Having a good support system is one of the greatest blessings anyone could have. Find good friends and family who will support your dreams and goals. Be thankful of the special people in your circle.

Do you feel like you need to prioritize your life a littler more? It is easy to get distracted by blessings and world occurrences. In the midst of everything going on let’s learn how to plan and be more productive with the time we have been given.

Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you try you just keep hitting brick walls? Every time you try to get ahead here comes another trial and storm. Know that because we live in a fallen world we are going to have some rough times. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against evilness and wickedness in high places. As you draw closer to Jesus we will experience some warfare. Rest assured though - we have a Father who knows all and sees all. He is our ROCK, SWORD, and SHIELD! He will lead and guide you into all TRUTH! Special Guests- Jessica Thomas, Rebena Jones & Brenda Thomas.

Now is the time to turn back to God and change! Try something new or just be still! Have faith and don’t be afraid... God is in control of everything. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

As you spend time with the Lord and read His Word, little seeds are being planted in your spirit. Share those little nuggets of wisdom and exhortation with others because someone needs to hear it. Press pass your fear, open your mouth, and spread the gospel. You may be ridiculed but you will eventually receive a reward for your obedience!

What is your position on business owners or black business owners for that manner? Are people supportive enough? There are certain attitudes that people have for blue collar workers and then there is a different attitude towards business owners and entrepreneur. Let’s talk about it...

This one will have you laughing a lot. My special guest- Jessica Thomas and I discuss our views on marriage. Marriage is so important to God but based on life experiences, everyone’s view on marriage is different. Let’s talk about it. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

You are not too messed up to be saved. There may be many of times when you feel too insignificant or too far gone but it is never too late to be saved and set free. If Jesus is capable of saving the worst of the worst from destruction, He can save you. Allow Him to be your Anchor and source of redemption! You are worthy to be saved! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

It’s important to be a little transparent especially with the Lord. He already knows everything about you anyway. Today, I have a special guest with me and we talk a little bit about ourselves. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

Have you ever just wanted to testify about what the Lord has done but didn’t have the words to speak? Maybe you just couldn’t say enough. That’s how I feel in this moment. Taste and see that the Lord is good. See that He is awesome no matter what! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

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