City Journal's 10 Blocks

City Journal's 10 Blocks

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City Journal's 10 Blocks, a weekly podcast hosted by editor Brian C. Anderson, features discussions on urban policy and culture with City Journal editors, contributors, and special guests. Forthcoming episodes will be devoted to topics such as: predictive policing, the Bronx renaissance, reform of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, homelessness in Portland, Oregon, and more. City Journal is a quarterly print and regular online magazine published by the Manhattan Institute.

Oliver TraldijoinsTheodore Kupfer to discuss the role of expertise in American life, the origins and future of wokeness, and the sources of political belief.

Former Popular Mechanics editor and new Manhattan Institute senior fellowJames B. MeigsjoinsBrian Anderson to discuss the state of the global energy economy, the technological innovations that could make energy use more efficient, and the bad policies that contributed to the current crunch.

Former secretary of educationBetsy DeVosjoinsReihan Salam to discuss the case for school choice, the curriculum wars, and the need for educational transparency.

Nicole Gelinas,Rafael A. Mangual, andRobert VerBruggenjoinBrian Anderson to discuss the Supreme Court's ruling inNYSRPAv.Bruen, including its possible effects on public safety in New York City, the implications of its legal reasoning, and the likely response by city and state lawmakers.

Urban planner and Mercatus Center scholarM. Nolan GrayjoinsBrian Andersonto discuss municipal zoning’s past, present, and future. His new book,Arbitrary Lines: How Zoning Broke the American City and How to Fix It, is out now.

Harvard professor and human evolutionary biologistJoseph Henrichdiscusses the psychological, cultural, and institutional roots of Western development. His latest book,The WEIRDest People In the World, received the Manhattan Institute's 2022 Hayek book prize.

San Francisco–based journalistErica SandbergjoinsBrian Anderson to discuss the Chesa Boudin recall election, the broad-based coalition of voters who ousted the district attorney, and whether this week marks a mere blip for the city or the beginning of a new era.

MI senior fellowStephen EidejoinsBrian Anderson to discuss the meaning of homelessness, how the concept has evolved over the course of U.S. history, and the public-policy roots of the nation's current homelessness crisis.

On this week’s special episode, communications consultantYael Bar Tur,police chiefArt Acevedo, and Secret Service communications chiefAnthony GuglielmijoinedRafael A. Mangual to discuss law enforcement in the time of the Internet.

ProfessorDaniel J. MahoneyjoinsBrian Anderson to discuss history's great statesmen, the classical and Christian underpinnings of their virtues, and attempts to write certain figures out of history. His new book,The Statesman as Thinker: Portraits of Greatness, Courage, and Moderation, is out now.

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