Cipher: The Zodiac Killer

Cipher: The Zodiac Killer

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Cipher: Cracking The Case Of The Zodiac Killer. Join us on each episode as two friends do their absolute best to deep dive into one of the most famous unsolved cases in American History. Hosted by Bill Thigpen and Brian Cook.

A quick update on the status of the show. Also, we address a few fan correspondences.We will return shortly!!Any questions or comments to add to our imminent return, please email us!zodiackillerpodcast@gmail.comFind us on Facebook and Instagram: @cipherpodcast

We're back!! On this weeks return episode, we recap a bit, and then move forward, covering correspondence between Zodiac and attorney Melvin Belli. We also address the "suspected" Zodiac abduction of Ms. Kathleen Johns. Was she really given a ride by the notorious killer, or was she simply looking for someone to pin it on?Thanks for hanging in there; it's good to be back.All audio clips are property of ABC, and NBC news. Theme song written and performed by our very own Brian Cook!Find us on Instagram, @cipherpodcastFind us on Facebook, @cipherpodcastEmail your comments and questions, zodiackillerpodcast@gmail.comVisit for official merchandise and support our little show.Thanks!!!!

October 11th, 1969. Taxi Driver Paul Stine is gunned down in cold blood on a warm San Francisco evening. Could this be just another body for the murderer known as The Zodiac Killer? Or, could this be the final stop in his reign of terror?E-Mail us with your questions and input, zodiackillerpodcast@gmail.comVisit our official merch store, zodiackillerpodcast.rageon.comFind us Facebook and Instagram, @cipherpodcastAll audio clips property of Hard Copy, Paramount Domestic Television.

September 27th, 1969. Bryan Hartnell and Cecilia Sheppard are having a relaxing late afternoon on the shore of Lake Berryessa, Napa, California. Little did they know that a hooded figure was lurking behind the trees, ready to claim his next victims. Did they survive, Or were they just merely numbers to add to The Zodiac Killers ever growing body count? Listen in to find out.Make sure to follow us on Instagram @cipherpodcast, and on Facebook @cipherpodcast.Email us with any and all feedback or questions;

This week, we update all you listeners on where we have been, (sorry) and what we've been up to. We dive into the Zodiac correspondence of August 4th, 1969, sent to the San Francisco Examiner; the firs time Zodiac actually gave himself his chilling moniker. Make sure to follow us on all our social media, and now you can find us every week on Spreaker. Thanks for listening.

For all you new prospective listeners, and even for our current fan base, is the pilot episode of Cipher: Cracking The Case of The Zodiac Killer. Tune in each episode as two friends try their best to deep dive into one of the most infamous unsolved cases in American history. Hosted by Bill Thigpen and Brian Cook.Make sure to find us on Facebook and Instagram, and now, we are available on Spreaker!

Our continued discussion about the Zodiac attacks of July 4th, 1969. If you'd like to have your voice be heard, email us at and give us your input!! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Send in a voice message: this podcast:

We're back! Thank you ever so much for hanging in there. On today's show, we start our discussion on the attacks of Mike Mageau and Darlene Ferrin from July 4th, 1969. If you have anything to add about this attack, or and input at all about the zodiac case itself, please feel free to contact us through our various social media. We would love to hear from you! We hope you enjoy this episode, and stay tuned for part 2, coming soon.--- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Send in a voice message: this podcast:

Thanks for tuning in to the newest podcast from Gold Star Media. Hosted by Bill Thigpen and Brian Cook. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.· Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Send in a voice message: this podcast:

Part 2 of our discussion and postulation about the attack on Lake Herman Road on December 20, 1968. Email us at to share your opinion and let your voice be heard. Thanks!--- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Send in a voice message: this podcast:

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