Chronicles of the Awakened

Chronicles of the Awakened

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50 聲音

Chronicles of the Awakened is a audio novel based on the written works of JA Laraque.It is a Sci-Fi adventure epic that takes place in an alternate world where humans unlocked the power of Life Energy just in time to face extinction. 

Arc 1: Blue

What happens when you die? Do you retain all your memories, feelings and experiences? Do you get to see loved ones who had passed on? What will we experience in our afterlife? David Zavior never asked such questions.His life was harsh with no time for dreams of what may come, but memories of pain and death he had experienced.When he found the love of his life everything changed for the better, but that peace was short lived.

After her death with only vengeance on his mind, David was focused by hate, but when a moment of emotional weakness claimed his life, for the first time David wondered what was next. after death and all the wonders and mysteries within.Just as he is about to accept his afterlife and once again find peace, cracks within his paradise arise that will question his existence before and after his death.

Arc 2: White

When a human dies it is their Life Energy that passes on to the afterlife. The transfer from one plane of existence to another was watched over carefully by Angels and Demons alike since the beginning of mankind. Ten years ago all that changed. Now special human souls known as Angelics fight to protect the dead from the Demonics who wish to claim the life force for themselves.

Vincent, who was murdered as a young boy, now find himself as an adult in the world between the living and the afterlife as he must fight against the Demonics while unraveling the mystery of Life Energy, it’s connection to living humans and the disappearance of the original Angels.  

Created and Narrated by: J.A. Laraque

Cover art by: Rene Leyva


David Zavior recalls the end of one war and the beginning of another.  

David discovers the end of his life is only the beginning.

Discovering there is life after death, David searches his memories to find the answers to his dreams.

Before David can be at peace in his own personal heaven he must heal the wounds of his past by learning the truth about the final days of Clara's life.

The events of the day the meteor fell are revealed, Will David and Clara be able to continue after learning the truth?

Devastated by Clara's experience, David recalls his first true love and wonders if he will ever be able to be at peace.

David learns the connection between his afterlife and the creation of life itself.

Torn between two Clara's, David finally learns who is behind the only life and life-after he has known.

David travels to the realm of Creation and confronts the being behind his torrment.

On the brink of death, David remembers an important point in his life that may be the key to his future.

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