Cars Yeah with Mark Greene

Cars Yeah with Mark Greene

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Cars Yeah is a podcast created for Inspiring Automotive Enthusiasts™. Mark interviews successful entrepreneurs who have discovered how to work, play, and have fun with their passion for everything automotive. Do you wish your career could be in the automotive field you're passionate about? If you are looking for inspiration, motivation, and actionable advice during your daily commute, workout or while in the garage playing with your cars, Mark Greene delivers. Each episode brings you their story, successes, failures, and those AH-HA moments in their journey. Each episode includes the Last Lap where you'll hear quick-blip-of-the-throttle answers and the Checkered Flag with a tough automotive question.

Raj Dasgupta is the CEO at Electrovaya, a company focused on new battery technology in the industrial and automotive space.

Matt Chambers is the Founder and CEO of Curtiss Motorcycles where he and his team have created two-wheeled works of art and innovation.

Eduardo Santella is the owner of Citric Studios and the Brand and Marketing Director for Dieseldorff Kaffee, a coffee producer out of Guatamala who are proud partners of Peninsula Signature Event Series as their official coffee of the The Quail, a Motorsport Gathering's Tour.

Aaron Zeilinsky is the General Manager at Porsche Monterey. They host thier Porsche Monterey Classic as Car Week begins at their dealership. Porsche Monterey is a sponsor of this year’s The Concours at Pasadera.

Richard Renard is an ex-long-time racer and the Executive Director at Large of the venerable Laguna Seca Raceway Foundation that exists to raise funds for the development of the Laguna Seca Recreational area. Appropriate given the first race he attended as a boy was at Laguna Seca in 1957.

Rick Barnett is the Chairman at The Concours at Pasadera. Now in its 4th year, this event launches Car Week on the Monterey Peninsula and this year features the Ferrari’s 75th anniversary.

Heather Gardner is the Owner and Manager of Monterey Touring Vehicles and Classic Car Rentals. She and her team provide you with a unique way to experience the beauty of the Monterey Peninsula and surrounding areas by renting and driving a classic car.

Bryan Nazario is the Director of Marketing for Adobe Road Wines. Adobe Road Wines will be the featured wine at this year's The Concours at Pasadera, an event that kicks of Monterey Car Week.

Rich Crombie is the Field Marketing Consultant for Port of Subs, who have been a major sponsor of Hot August Nights for many years. He has been the DJ and MC for Hot August Nights for the past 17 years.

Bobby Bryant has been giving his time and energy to the Reno/Sparks community for the “For Kids Foundation” of Nevada’s annual fundraiser to being one of the longest tenured volunteers for the widely popular Hot August Nights Classic car event and has been a volunteer since the events inception in 1986.

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