Cafe con Pam

Cafe con Pam

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Cafe con Pam is the weekly podcast featuring fearless Latine/x and People of The Global Majority that break barriers, change lives and make the world a better place while living in the US. Cafe con Pam is the platform where Latinx are able to share their stories and inspire one another through conversation of course while enjoying a fabulous cup of coffee.

Bobby Herrera shares his story of struggle and how he learned to reframe the lessons so he could become a great leader.

Angie Sanchez shares her story of overcoming obstacles, being the strong one in her family, and always focusing on giving back to the community.

Dr. Mari AKA Academic Mami comes to have a candid conversation about how to approach the topic of race with our Non-Black Latinx families.

Pam shows up with a rapidín episode to "tap" about moms and the feelings around Mother's Day.

Jasmin Alejandrez-Prasad also known as Esoteric Esa, shares her story about embracing her spirituality and embodying the Modern Spiritual Latina.

Cindy Rodriguez shares her story as an Indigenous Peruvian woman living in the US, working as a journalist, and embracing her spirituality while living in flow.

Pam shows up this week to share her behind-the-scenes adjustment to her daily routine so you can learn how to create the routine that works for you.

Vivian Nava-Schellinger shares her journey of living her life knowing the importance of having access and the impact Latinx folks go through when we assume a caregiving role supporting people with chronic illness.

Dr Lydiana Garcia shares with us her experience of growing up in Puerto Rico and moving to Los Angeles to pursue her career as well as working in mental health, specifically in the area of trauma.

Dra. Carmen Román nos platica como decidió dedicarse a la psicología, y cómo ha podido manifestar sus deseos al creer antes de que sucedan. Episodio en español.

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