Brutal Ends

Brutal Ends

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Brutal Ends is a podcast that focuses on the most captivating and terrifying murderers in history. From Victorian rippers to modern day serial killers, we explore them all.

Nikolai Dzhumagaliev was known by the media as Metal Fang. He raped and killed at least seven women, and was suspected of up to fifty more.

Leonarda Cianciulli was a fiercely protective and superstitious mother who would stop at nothing to keep her children safe....including human sacrifice.

Elfriede Blauensteiner was a middle aged woman in Austria who took deadly care of her elderly gentlemen companions, then forged their wills for inheritance money.

David and Joe Nicely masqueraded as constables executing a warrant when they shot elderly Herman Umberger in front of his family.

The Bender family ran an inn along the Great Osage Trail from 1870 to 1873. They were a spiritualist family of German immigrants, well known in the area. Little did their neighbors know that many of their lodgers would never leave the inn alive.

Hinterkaifeck was a small farming community with no official name. It was here, on a small family farm, that a gruesome crime scene was discovered. The entire Gruber family was slain after being lured, one by one, to their deaths.

After fatally poisoning his young son’s Halloween candy, Ronald Clark O’Bryan was responsible not only for the death of his 8-year old son, but for also ruining Halloween for children for years, as parents cautiously inspected each morsel after trick-or-treating. Ronald Clark O’Bryan killed his son and almost killed three others by handing out poisoned halloween candy in order to collect on life insurance policies he had taken out on his children.

Albert Fish was a pedophile, sado-masochist, cannibalistic serial killer who preyed on children. When he was arrested, even his own family wasn't surprised.

William Palmer was executed in front of 30,000 spectators for the poisoning death of his friend. He was known to have killed ten people, including five of his own children, for financial gain.

Between the years of 1918 and 1919 New Orleans was terrorized by an axe wielding serial killer who attacked people in their beds.

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