Bregman Leadership Podcast

Bregman Leadership Podcast

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199 聲音
Peter Bregman, CEO of Bregman Partners, chats with thought leaders about successful leadership. These short interviews are focused on ideas that you can use to become a more powerful and courageous leader. Stay tuned for the next great conversation.

How can we approach life with an “I am fulfillment” attitude? Emily Fletcher, founder of Ziva, returns to the Bregman Leadership Podcast this week to…

How can you create a cooperative team of rockstars? This week, we’re joined by Niren Chaudhary, CEO of Panera Brands. Discover his strategy for creating…

How can we better understand addiction? Anna Lembke is a psychiatrist and professor of psychiatry at Standard University School of Medicine. She is most recently…

How can we plot our growth? Award-winning author, CEO of Disruption Advisors, and friend of the show Whitney Johnson returns to discuss her newest book,…

What if thinking didn’t happen exclusively in the brain? This question is a fascinating jumping-off place for our conversation this week with acclaimed science writer,…

How can you improve your mental toughness? We continue our conversation with Mark Divine, retired U.S. Navy SEAL Commander, motivational speaker, and author of Staring…

How can a daily practice change our minds? For the next two episodes of the podcast, we have the pleasure of speaking with Mark Divine,…

Can you turn your workplace into a “laboratory” to do emotional healing? Susan Schmitt Winchester is the head of Human Resources at Applied Materials and…

How can we improve someone else’s day? Howard H. Prager is president of Advance Learning Group, and a speaker, executive coach, leadership consultant, and most…

How do we rewrite our owner’s manual? Jim Loehr – world-renowned performance psychologist, New York Times bestselling author, and co-founder of the Johnson & Johnson…

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