Birds, Booze, and Buds Podcast

Birds, Booze, and Buds Podcast

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A show to give advice and tell stories about bird hunting and other things.

Connor and I chat about all things waterfowl hunting. From Michigan to Alaska and everywhere in between. Connor is a hardcore Michigan based guide. He spend many days each year chasing Honkers, Mallards, Turkeys, and all other manners of fowl!

Sam joins us this week to talk about an EPIC trip he is packing to take. We also cover lots of conversation topics such as Pittman Robertson, predator trapping, Turkey Hunting, and much much more!

A.J was good enough to jump on the podcast on short notice this week. We chat about the Project Upland Film that they did about little old me last fall. The film is on their YouTube channel and is titled A Love Letter to North Dakota.

It had a been a bit since I hate my good friend Nate Akey on the podcast. We chatted about what hes been up too as well as plans for a new puppy and for the upcoming season.

Its not often that I get the chance to hunt or chat with one of Americas Elite. The Army Rangers are exactly that. We shared a few fun days of hunting last year and lots of drinks and laughs. I hope you all enjoy it!

WARNING!!! A bottle of bear proof may have been injured in the making of this podcast! Its always good to sit down with old friends and talk about hunting trips. This one however is a bit different. We were happy to have Brent Kroll come down and have some beers with Bruce and Myself and ask him questions about the Alaska Trip that we have coming up.

Matt and I talked about the ins and outs of Nutri Source. My dogs LOVE their new food and are doing great on it. We also briefly talk about one of the great holidays in Minnesota....the walleye opener! Roger Schumann of Schumann Guide Service and I had one of the craziest days of fishing ive ever had! After words we were both tired but chatted a little bit about the day. I CAN'T sing his praises as a fisherman and a human in general highly enough. If you want to book a great fishing trip get ahold of him! Spots are filling fast!

The story you are about to hear is based on true events! Names and places were changed to protect the innocent. Just kidding, this is the podcast I did the day after shooting my first bear. A HUGE thanks to everyone at OnX Hunt for helping me with this. Jack and Andrew were awesome. I cant wait to go do this again next year.

I sat down with some buddies the night before CJs surgery do have a drink and swap war stories. Todd is the owner of Windy Sage Pudelpointers here in Billings and a buddy of mine. So we came over to play with some puppies and chat about the breed and some hunting stories. Bob is new to bird hunting but has dove in head first. He was a podcast listener then a Jamboree guest of mine last year in North Dakota.

Thank you all for the texts and messages on Instagram and facebook. This terrible experience has seriously been eye opening to me on many fronts. On one hand I feel like a dumbass for putting her in the situation to get hurt that I did. On the other hand the outpouring of well wishes and support from the B3 extended family has reminded me how amazing people are. Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU ALL!

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