Big Orange Couch: The 90s Nickelodeon Podcast

Big Orange Couch: The 90s Nickelodeon Podcast

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234 聲音
Where all things 90s Nickelodeon are discussed!

On the 234th episode of Big Orange Couch: The 90s Nickelodeon Podcast, Andrew, Joey, and Bob discuss the year 2001. Topics include: books, albums, TV shows, songs, video games, movies, and interesting events. Plus, Bob's hot Ferguson takes, disagreements on Scrubs, Lord of the Rings, GameCube, and so much more!

On the 233rd episode of Big Orange Couch: The 90s Nickelodeon Podcast, Andrew, Joey, and Manny attempt to write their own Nickelodeon crossover episodes. Plus, Nick's past crossover episodes, a listener letter, and so much more!

On the 232nd episode of Big Orange Couch: The 90s Nickelodeon Podcast, Andrew, Joey, and Melissa discuss the fourth season episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark, "The Tale of the Renegade Virus." Also, our own campfire intros, bios, trivia, ratings, stray observations, a listener letter, and name the episode. Plus, the sound of nature, Saturn, dinosaurs, or Knights, and so much more!

On the 231st episode of Big Orange Couch: The 90s Nickelodeon Podcast, Andrew and Joey discuss their top five weirdest episodes of Nickelodeon. Also, listener letters, close calls, Fergusons, and YouTube Comments. Plus, what makes something weird, Andrew watches two 1999 movies, and so much more!

On the 230th episode of Big Orange Couch: The 90s Nickelodeon Podcast, Andrew, Joey, and Lyndon discuss the year 2000. Topics include books, interesting events, movies, TV shows, songs, albums, and video games. Plus, Joey's proposal for a new podcast, DeviantArt, and so much more!

On the 229th episode of Big Orange Couch: The 90s Nickelodeon Podcast, Andrew, Joey, and Max discuss the third season episode of Doug, "Doug's Garage Band." Also, Taking It to the Max, listener letters, What Would YouTube Comments Do, bios, trivia, ratings, stray observations, and name the episode. Plus, memorable concerts, Andrew and Joey's memories of playing in a band, Nickelodeon bands, and so much more!

On the 228th episode of Big Orange Couch: The 90s Nickelodeon Podcast, Andrew, Joey, Lyndon, and Justin discuss the My Brother and Me episode, "The Charity." Also, listener letters, bios, trivia, ratings, name the episode, and stray observations. Plus, favorite 90s sport-star cameo's, Paul Reubens, waiting for autographs, and so much more!

On the 227th episode of Big Orange Couch: The 90s Nickelodeon Podcast, Andrew, Joey, and Chris discuss the year 1999. Topics include: TV shows, video games, music videos, songs, albums, Nickelodeon shows and episodes, movies, books, and interesting events. Plus, close calls, Ferguson picks, listener picks, and so much more!

On the 226th episode of Big Orange Couch: The 90s Nickelodeon Podcast, Andrew, Joey, and Brett discuss the second season episode of Salute Your Shorts, "The Man Who Would Be Ug." Also, bios, trivia, ratings, stray observations, name the episode, and listener letters. Plus, what made Kirk Baily so great, favorite Ug episodes, favorite lines, and so much more!

On the 225th episode of Big Orange Couch: The 90s Nickelodeon Podcast, Andrew, Joey, and Bup debate five separate listener-submitted topics. Topics include: Michael v. Pinsky, Mike v. Mo, Chokey Chicken v. Honker Burger, Spunky v. Porkchop, and Gary v. Betty Ann. Plus, we discuss the passing of Kirk Baily and so much more!

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