Beyond The Edge Radio

Beyond The Edge Radio

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Beyond The Edge Radio is a monthly two hour alternative talk radio podcast hosted by Eric Altman and the BTE Cre. We discuss a variety of topics and occasionally interview fascinating guests on a variety of topics including the paranormal, strange and supernatural, mysterious and the Macabre. Anything unusual, and you'll find it right here! Visit our official website at and click on listen live. "Lock your doors, and open your minds!" Alternative Talk Radio with an attitude!

Better late than never, and thanks for your patience as BTE Radio is back with episode 2, Weird Wisconsin. Join Shawn and Marieanne Donley, Marie Samuels, Jay Bachochin and Eric Altman as we take a look at some of the reported hauntings, cryptids, strange locations and serial killers that contribute to weird Wisconsin.

In this episode we welcome back old and new co-hosts to the show. Marie Samuels returns as our co-host. Sean "The Forkchop" Forker joins us as our color commentator. Shawn and Marianne Donley from Panic D and Our Haunted Travels join us as new co-hosts and Jay Bachochin from WPI hunts the truth and Finding Jay join us as a new Co-Host. We discuss what we've been up to the past 1 1/2 years, storming area 51, Bob Lazar, Government cover ups and more. A fun laid back return to BTE Radio.

In this episode of BTE Radio, we welcome back Author, Researcher and Folklorist Ron Murphy for the full two hours. Marie is not with us this week as she is remains under the weatherand Marie welcome back Author, Folklorist, Lecturer, and researcher Ron Murphy. Ron is an eclectic and Fortean Author who writes about a variety of subjects from Ghosts to Vampires to Cryptids. In this episode, we'll be talking with Ron about all those creepy crawlie creatures and things that go bump in the night. Join us for the latest podcast as we welcome Ron Murphy back to BTE Radio.

This week as we welcome back our good friend and researcher Dr. Brian Parsons. Brian was scheduled to be on with us in October however due to technical issues, the interview never aired. Brian has graciously agreed to return to talk all things UFO, Cryptid and Paranormal with us this week. Marie will not be joining us this week due to an illness and we wish her a speedy recovery. Filling in this week, will be none other than BTE Radio Co-Founder and former Host Sean "The Forkchop" Forker. It will be great to have Sean back with us this week hosting BTE Radio again as it will be having Dr. Brian returning to the show. Tune in for what is sure to be another great episode of BTE Radio. About Dr. Brian: Brian D. Parsons is the Director of Ghost Help (formerly a paranormal group from 1996-2011), the Executive Director of ParaNexus and has worked with a number of groups and organizations since 1996. He is the host of the Paranormal News Insider that is heard on WCJV Digital Broadcasting e...

Seth Breedlove, Mark Matzke, Brandon Dalo from Small Town Monsters return this week to the show to discuss their latest documentary film "Invasion on Chestnut Ridge" and their newest project "The Flatwoods Monster." They will also discuss their new You Tube Series Small Town Monster Case Files starting with Indrid Cold. There will be a lot to talk about this week as we devote the entire two hours of the show talking with Seth, Brandon, Mark from STM. You can catch Invasion on Chestnut Ridge on Amazon Prime and see BTE Radio's very own Eric Altman featured in the film. You can learn more about Small Town Monsters or order the documentary film and any of STM's films by visiting their website See you this week for another visit from STM on BTE Radio!

We're back this week with another episode of the Haunted Spotlight. Shawn and Marianne Donley of Dark Shadow Ghost Tours and Panic'D are back with a brand new location this week in the first half hour. At 8:30, we welcome Author A.H Verge. A.H has written and released Nightmare in the Woods through Glannat Ty Publishing. ​Life was good for a young boy and his family living in northern New Jersey during the summer of 1976. Yet their world was about to be turned upside down with the discovery of an unknown creature lurking on the edge of their property. Throughout that long summer the family would continue to have terrifying encounters with the creature known as Bigfoot! Not only would they see the creature on multiple occasions, but would have terrifying close encounters and make a cast of its footprints. ​ NIGHTMARE IN THE WOODS is the true story of one family’s frightening encounter with the unknown right in their own back yard. A. H. Verge was originally born on a dairy farm in...

Shocktober continues as we celebrate our 10th anniversary this week on the show and our annual Halloween show as we welcome Author, Musician and Legend Hunter Lyle Blackburn back to the show this week. During the first half hour Shawn and Marianne Donley are back with a new episode of The Haunted Spotlight! Then at 8:30 pm est. Eric and Marie welcome back our good friend to the show Author, Musician and Legend Hunter Lyle Blackburn. We'll talk with Lyle about his new book Beyond Boggy Creek, his work with Small Town Monsters, and find out what Lyle has been up to. Join us this week as we celebrate 10 years of BTE Radio, visit the Haunted Spotlight with Shawn and Marianne Donley and welcome back Lyle Blackburn as Halloween comes early to BTE Radio.

In this episode of BTE Radio, Eric and Marie welcome back Spirit communicator Barry Strohm. In the first half hour Shawn and Marianne Donley take remember the Alamo in this edition of the Haunted Spotlight. At 8:30 Author and Barry Strohm talks with us about how he got involved in communicating with his spirit guides and some of the interesting spirits of the past he has spoken with. We find out what happened to JFK and DB Cooper. What really happened to Billy the Kid and John Wilkes Booth? What do the saints and popes have to say and hear a very special message from Jesus Christ. You have to tune in to find out what the spirits have communicated with our guest Barry Strohm this week on BTE Radio. To learn more visit

This week on BTE Radio, Eric and Marie discuss Eric's trip to Wisconsin in search of the Beast of Bray Rd and his adventure with Jay Bachochin of WPI Hunts the Truth. Jay joins us to discuss some of the history, his experiences and share the unusual encounter Jay and Eric had on Friday night while out in the Kettle Moraine forest. Tune in for an intriguing night of paranormal discussion with Jay, Eric and Marie this week on BTE Radio

BTE Radio is back after a long hiatus as we head into the fall. Eric and Marie welcome back Shawn and Marianne Donley of the Haunted Spotlight, Dark Shadow Ghost Tours and Panic'D. Eric, Marie, Shawn and Marianne talk about how they spent their summer, places visited such as the very haunted Harpers Ferry West Virginia. Join us as we shake off the dust and brush off the cobwebs and get back to business this week as we return live to BTE Radio.

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