Bernie and Sid in the Morning

Bernie and Sid in the Morning

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Good mornings start with New York's most compelling morning show. Entertaining and Informative. Listen to Bernie and Sid everyday from 6AM-10AM on 77 WABC.

On this Wednesday hump day edition of Bernie & Sid in the Morning, Sid goes solo as Bernard takes the day, with the theme of today's program being "too little too late." Too little too late from Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg on dropping the charges on bodega owner Jose Alba who was arrested for murder after clearly defending himself, too little too late from NYC Mayor Eric Adams regarding the influx of illegal immigrants that are jam packing our city's shelters, and too little too late from President Biden and his administration on literally anything ever. In other news of the day, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other squad members decided to fake their own arrests during a pro-abortion protest yesterday in D.C., the Dems continue to push electric cars and green energy despite the other issues that are paralyzing Americans daily, the shark infestation around Rockaway and Long Island keeps beaches closed at least for the near future, and Sid gets naked for 77 WABC Radio. Brian Kilmeade, Marlaina Schiavo, Peter King and Joy Taylor join the program, and as always make sure you don't miss out on Lidia Reports and a special "Beat Sid" edition of The Peerless Boilers Beat Bernie Contest. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Glenn, from Howard Beach, is ready to take on Sid in today's game! Will Glenn's smarts be enough to take Sid down or is Sid a step too quick for him? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Veteran media producer, satirist, and social critic Marlaina Schiavo makes her debut on Bernie and Sid in the Morning to talk about the New York school systems, the Parental Act, fashion, and tease a potential push-up competition. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Co-Host of "The Herd" and host of "the Joy Taylor Show" Joy Taylorjoins Sid to discuss her upbringing into the sports industry, working with Sid early in her career, and previews the upcoming NFL season. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Former Congressman Peter King makes his weekly appearance on the show and cracks down on Alvin Bragg and how he so poorly handled the Jose Alba case, 9/11 responders getting the money they deserved, and the illegal migrant issue plaguing the country. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Johnny, an actor from Connecticut, is ready to take on Bernie in today's game! Will Johnny nail the role or will Bernie be too big of a star for him? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Charlie Gasparino from the Fox Business Network joins the program to talk about where interest rates are headed, cancel culture, and the economy at large. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

One Tough Podcast Host Bo Dietl makes his weekly Tuesday appearance on the show to talk about qualified immunity for police officers, concealed carry, and the ATV's tormenting Queens. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

You Suck!
2h 59min

On this Tuesday edition of Bernie & Sid in the Morning, the boys spend a majority of the program going through all the politicians, publications and news networks that, for lack of a better term, just flat out suck. Why do they suck? Because they actively root for the demise of our Democracy and pedal false narratives that make the stupid people in our country, of which there are a lot, believe every word they say and every thing they do. Americans need to start listening to their own gut and making decisions for themselves using only the facts to make said decisions, instead of using every word from a biased stranger as their end all be all scripture. In other news of the day, Black Lives Matter swings and misses once again, Dr. Anthony Fauci announces he'll retire before President Biden's term is up, Sid discovers that Taylor Swift is a raging liberal, go figure, the boys beg the question of what exactly it is that Mayor Eric Adams does on a daily basis, President Biden continues to lose support from his own party, and the University of Pennsylvania faces backlash after nominating transgender swimmer Lia Thomas for the accolade of "Woman of the Year." All of this and so much more to start your Tuesday morning with Bernie & Sid in the Morning. Bo Dietl and Charles Gasparino join the program, and as always make sure you don't miss out on Lidia Reports or The Peerless Boilers Beat Bernie Contest. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Jeffery, an airline pilot from East Meadow, is ready to take on Bernie in today's game! Will Jeffery have a smooth landing to victory, or will he crash and burn against Bernie? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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