Beauty Bytes with Dr. Kay: Secrets of a Plastic Surgeon™

Beauty Bytes with Dr. Kay: Secrets of a Plastic Surgeon™

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The hot new location for all your beauty needs. Learn how to stay beautiful on the inside and out with advice from Kay Durairaj, MD, a top plastic surgeon from Los Angeles, California. This podcast will feature the inside scoop on trends in plastic surgery, botox, fillers, beauty, and wellness. Guest stars will include influencers, entrepreneurs, and other top plastic surgeons across the country. Stay tuned for Beauty Bytes, and follow us on Instagram @beautybydrkay.

Summer trends, outfit inspiration, and fashion advice! Hey Beauties, on this week's Five Minute Friday, we have guest speaker Jazmin Whitley! Jazmin is my personal stylist who always keeps my outfits looking trendy and fashionable. Today, we're going to be going over the latest summer trends, how to style your outfits, how to dress to look younger, and some of the hottest fashion pieces to wear on a night out. Do you sometimes not know what to wear? Listen in to find out our tips and advice! Click Here to check out my Instagram! Click Here to check out my skincare products! Click Here to listen to more podcasts!

Hey Beauties, In this week’s episode, I am talking about the amazing benefits of…mushrooms! There are a variety of different types of mushrooms that are used for a multitude of benefits. Purposes from anxiety, clearing up skin, and boosting your beauty! I dive into the 4 types of mushrooms, Cordyceps, Reishi, Tremella, and Chaga, and the variety of benefits they provide both internally and externally. From providing oxygen to your body, boosting your immune strength, detoxifying your body, and pulling moisture into the skin, mushrooms do it all! Listen to how incorporating mushrooms can improve your overall health and wellness! If you have a question or something you’d like covered on the podcast, send me a DM or email and I’d be happy to respond! Click Here to follow my Instagram Click Here to shop my KD Skincare

Hello, Beauties! Welcome back to another episode of Beauty Bytes with Dr. Kay: Secrets of a Plastic Surgeon! Today, I am talking all about lip filler migration. In recent years, Lip filler migration has become a huge concern among patients and injectors. Lips have been over-filled repeatedly to fit unrealistic beauty standards, and now the negative side effects are more apparent than ever. If you have filler migration, we discuss options on how to dissolve it with an enzyme called Hylenex and start fresh. If you have a question or something you'd like covered on the podcast, send me a DM or email and I'd be happy to respond! Click Here to check out my Instagram! Click Here to check out my other skincare products! Click Here to listen to more podcasts!

On this week’s podcast, I give you the top 5 benefits of doing a chemical peel. Chemical peels are a safe, reliable, and effective way to transform your skin and have you glowing when you walk out of quarantine. From increasing the cell turnover rate to improving texture and tone, a facial peel will have you feeling baby fresh. It’s shocking how smooth, soft, and luminescent your skin will become after just one chemical peel! This simple beauty hack will leave your face feeling lighter, brighter and tighter. Hit play to hear how you can give your skin a total rejuvenation all from the comfort of your home, and don’t forget to check out my “Pretty at Home Peel” on my website! Shop the Pretty at Home Peel here Find me on Instagram here Shop my full skincare line here Check out my website here

Hi Beauties! On this week’s episode of Beauty Bytes with Dr. Kay: Secrets of a Plastic Surgeon, I am excited to introduce Dr. David Karli. He attended medical school at the University of Maryland and completed his residency in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School. Karli has been an Interventional Pain Specialist for just over 22 years with his own practice in Vail, Colorado. Today we are talking all about “Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy” (PRP), the use of a patient’s own platelets to accelerate the healing of injuries in the tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. We discuss how and why this technique has become so popular within the world of aesthetics! I love informing my Beauty Bytes with information! Have a question or something you’d like covered on the podcast? Send me a DM or email! Click HERE to follow me on Instagram Click HERE to purchase KD Skincare Click HERE to listen to more podcasts Click HERE to visit David Karli’s website Click HERE to follow David Karli on Instagram

Sleeping with makeup, washing your hair too much, and picking at your acne. Hey beauties, on this week's Five Minute Friday, I chat about different bad beauty habits that could leave you more prone to acne, oily skin, and any deterioration in your beauty and health. We are all guilty of committing at least one of these discussed habits and that is why we need to train ourselves to shift away from those habits! It takes three weeks to formulate a habit into your daily behaviors. Do you have a bad beauty habit? Listen to find out more on how to resolve those habits! Click HERE to follow me on Instagram Click HERE to purchase KD Skincare Click HERE to listen to more podcasts

Combatting against aging, boosting hair growth, and improving your quality of living. How can you experience all of that? Hey Beauties! On this week’’s Podcast, we are here with Drew Taylor, the Ceo and Co-Founder of Acorn Biolabs that specializes in regenerative medicine! Regenerative medicine is geared towards preserving or freezing your younger stem cells and saving it for the future use! This technology leaves room for many potentials that can provide us with a better appearance, health, and life! Acorn Biolabs strives to make regenerative medicine accessible for everyone! Want to learn more about how to preserve your cells? Listen to find out more! Click HERE to follow me on Instagram Click HERE to purchase KD Skincare Click HERE to listen to more podcasts

Cellulite, crepey skin, and stubborn fat, can all be treated with injections! Hey beauties, on this week’s Five Minute Friday, we chat about the Top Three Treatments to try for a summer body. Summer is a time to be free and have fun without worry! If you struggle with textured skin, cellulite, or dimples, I recommend Radiesse to help smooth out your skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Kybella is a fat melting shot that permanently melts and destroys fat in stubborn areas which is great to help you feel more confident in your body. Some of these areas include armpit fat, double chin, and bra strap bulges. Want to feel confident with your buttocks, try Sculptra! Sculptra is great for a tighter, firmer, and perkier butt. Curious to learn more about these treatments and why they are great for a summer body? Listen to find out more! Click HERE to follow me on Instagram Click HERE to purchase KD Skincare Click HERE to listen to more podcasts

Human trafficking, trauma, depression, how do you move forward from this experience? Hey Beauties! On this week’s podcast, we are here with Margo Graff! She is an amazing action actress and is trained in stunts and martial arts. She shares her story as a victim of human trafficking and how micro-dosing has helped her move forward in life! Micro-dosing is when you intake small amounts of mushrooms that functions to rewire your brain through neurogenesis. Do you have trauma that you are struggling to move forward from? Listen to find out more. Click HERE to follow me on Instagram Click HERE to purchase KD Skincare Click HERE to listen to more podcasts Click HEREto check out Margo Graff's Instagram

Anti-aging, anti-cancer, and immune system support, what supplements does your body need? Hey Beauties, on this week’s Five Minute Friday, we chat about my secret supplements and regimen to boost your health and maintain vitality. Adding a teaspoon of turmeric to your water can slow down the aging process. Supplements that are rich in antioxidants are great for blocking the effects of ultra violets and reduce oxidative damage. Some great supplements I swear by include magnesium, vitamin C, curcumin, and collagen powder. My Internal Radiance Collagen Power is great for bone strength, joint health, and skin elasticity! Want to learn more about these supplements and why they are great for your beauty and health? Listen to find out more. Click HERE to follow me on Instagram Click HERE to purchase KD Skincare Click HERE to listen to more podcasts

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