BC Today from CBC Radio British Columbia

BC Today from CBC Radio British Columbia

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BC Today is where British Columbians connect on issues facing their lives and their community. Every week day at noon PT and 1pm MT, BC Today host Michelle Eliot delves into the top story for the province.

There's a heatwave on the horizon, and in general, we're expecting hotter and hotter summers in British Columbia. We'll talk to an expert in climate-safe infrastructure about what we need to do to prepare for a warmer future. And in our second half, tips and tricks to navigate a red-hot jobs market.

Random Covid screening returns at some Canadian airports. We'll talk about that, and other Covid measures, with epidemiologist Dr. Christopher Labos, amidst another wave of Omicron. In our second half, a summer festival with no alcohol: we'll talk to Sober Fest organizer Mike Manhas.

Several emergency rooms were temporarily closed at points over the weekend, and B.C.'s Interior continues to be hit the hardest. We'll chat about the situation and possible solutions with Dr. Ray Markham, executive director of the Rural Coordination Centre of B.C. And in our second half, 20-30 Ukrainians arrive in our province every day, fleeing war in their home country. One of their biggest challenges? Housing. A representative from the United Way joins us to talk about ways to help.

B.C.'s highest court has dismissed an appeal of a landmark decision upholding the province's public health care laws. Dr. Brian Day had challenged laws preventing patients from accessing private care when wait times are too long. We'll get reaction from the B.C. Health Coalition, and hear your thoughts about accessing private health care. And in our second half, after two Covid summers, it's a boom year for nuptials. A Surrey event planner fills us in on the latest wedding trends.

Many parents of very young children are breathing a sigh of relief as Health Canada approves the Moderna vaccine for kids under five. We'll talk to the president of the Canadian Medical Association, Dr. Katharine Smart. And in our second half, we're joined by Beachcombers actor Jackson Davies to remember his co-star Pat John, a member of the shíshálh Nation, who passed away this week.

The Bank of Canada has hiked its benchmark interest rate to 2.5 per cent. We'll talk to economist Bryan Yu about what it means for homeowners and renters. And in our second half, some dog-owners are petitioning TransLink to make riding with their pups easier. We'll hear the pros and cons of pets on transit.

NASA has unveiled the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope, allowing us to see the universe like never before. Quirks & Quarks host Bob McDonald joins us to talk about the Canadian connection, and what it means for space exploration. And in our second half, it's summer reading season and we're talking about the best books to "lift you up" with expert booksellers.

Canada's industry minister François-Philippe Champagne says he'll meet with telecom giants after the nation-wide outage on Friday. We'll talk with a digital workplace expert as well as a staff lawyer for the Public Interest Advocacy Centre about what the government can and should do next. And in our second half, what's on your summer bucket list? Expert moms Yoko Evans and Hannah Newbert weigh in.

Thousands of Canadians are without phone service since the early morning hours, others are having issues with basic daily tasks like using their debit or credit cards. We talk with BC Today listeners, and Ritesh Kotak, a cybersecurity and tech analyst, he is also a member of Canada's E-Crime Cyber Council. In the second half hour, Brian Minter talks about mid-summer plants, and talks with our callers who have queries about their plants. And we say goodbye to our beloved Ross Bragg.

Canada is banning adopting, buying, fostering, importing dogs from more than 100 countries from around the world to control the spread of dog rabies. Belle Puri talks with an animals lawyer on this. In the second half, we hear from some experts about the impact of rising prices on summer camps.

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