Back to the Bible Canada with Dr. John Neufeld

Back to the Bible Canada with Dr. John Neufeld

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Daily Bible teaching with Dr. John Neufeld from Back to the Bible Canada.


What is the relationship between our faith and our works? Are these in polarized tension? James says, "No." Faith and works pull in the same direction.Faith That Works: James has been called the New Testament Book of Proverbs. It is a book of wisdom for Christians - wisdom that is evident in our conduct. We are reminded that wisdom is more than just what we know. Wisdom shines through our speech, works, humility, prayers and patience through troubles. So for those who need wisdom - God has an endless supply to give.

When a window breaks, it breaks all the way. The whole is distorted by even a minor fracture. That is true of God's law as well. So when we love and obey, we should do it wholly andsincerely.Faith That Works: James has been called the New Testament Book of Proverbs. It is a book of wisdom for Christians - wisdom that is evident in our conduct. We are reminded that wisdom is more than just what we know. Wisdom shines through our speech, works, humility, prayers and patience through troubles. So for those who need wisdom - God has an endless supply to give.

God doesn't play favourites - but we do. James call us to a practice of faith which embraces all people - regardless of external appearances.Faith That Works: James has been called the New Testament Book of Proverbs. It is a book of wisdom for Christians - wisdom that is evident in our conduct. We are reminded that wisdom is more than just what we know. Wisdom shines through our speech, works, humility, prayers and patience through troubles. So for those who need wisdom - God has an endless supply to give.

Have you ever forgotten what you looked like? James points to that danger if we hear God's Word but do not obey it. We develop forgetful souls - not knowing who they are.Faith That Works: James has been called the New Testament Book of Proverbs. It is a book of wisdom for Christians - wisdom that is evident in our conduct. We are reminded that wisdom is more than just what we know. Wisdom shines through our speech, works, humility, prayers and patience through troubles. So for those who need wisdom - God has an endless supply to give.

To listen well is a life skill. It is also a skill to develop with God. James teaches us how to hear God well. It is a lesson of the heart, not just our ears.Faith That Works: James has been called the New Testament Book of Proverbs. It is a book of wisdom for Christians - wisdom that is evident in our conduct. We are reminded that wisdom is more than just what we know. Wisdom shines through our speech, works, humility, prayers and patience through troubles. So for those who need wisdom - God has an endless supply to give.

God only gives what is good. We may not easily recognize goodness in each gift but we live with this confidence - the goodness of God does not change. We experience grace every day.Faith That Works: James has been called the New Testament Book of Proverbs. It is a book of wisdom for Christians - wisdom that is evident in our conduct. We are reminded that wisdom is more than just what we know. Wisdom shines through our speech, works, humility, prayers and patience through troubles. So for those who need wisdom - God has an endless supply to give.

Those who fix their eyes on the eternal rewardsare strengthened for persistent endurance. The prize is worth the patience.Faith That Works: James has been called the New Testament Book of Proverbs. It is a book of wisdom for Christians - wisdom that is evident in our conduct. We are reminded that wisdom is more than just what we know. Wisdom shines through our speech, works, humility, prayers and patience through troubles. So for those who need wisdom - God has an endless supply to give.

When James speaks of joy, it has both a present and future perspective. That means we can smile at what God is now doing and what He has in store for us all.Faith That Works: James has been called the New Testament Book of Proverbs. It is a book of wisdom for Christians - wisdom that is evident in our conduct. We are reminded that wisdom is more than just what we know. Wisdom shines through our speech, works, humility, prayers and patience through troubles. So for those who need wisdom - God has an endless supply to give.

Do you have people in your family who have not yet come to faith? Jesus did! At first His own siblings did not believe in Him. Today we hear from Dr. John about the story of James, the brother of Jesus, leader of Jerusalem church and author of this book of wisdom.Faith That Works: James has been called the New Testament Book of Proverbs. It is a book of wisdom for Christians - wisdom that is evident in our conduct. We are reminded that wisdom is more than just what we know. Wisdom shines through our speech, works, humility, prayers and patience through troubles. So for those who need wisdom - God has an endless supply to give.

Since trouble comes to every Christian, we all should be prepared to face it. Peter closes this letter to Christians under pressure with three commands. The commands speak to the way we view trials, our awareness in them and the means to endure. Listen to Dr. John explain Peter's commands about humility, alertness and standing fast. Listen for God's promise to all believers under pressure.Under Pressure - Instructions For God's People: Whether it is overt persecution or subtle pressures, Christians have always faced trials in this world, and our culture is no exception. The book of 1 Peter offers us encouragement by reminding us of our identity as chosen sojourners and commending us to continue to do good.

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