Babaji's Kriya Yoga Lectures of Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiah

Babaji's Kriya Yoga Lectures of Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiah

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Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiah spent decades traveling the world teaching the scientific art of Babaji's Kriya Yoga. In that time, he gave well over a thousand lectures. The organization he founded, International Babaji Yoga Sangam, is now making many of these lectures available to the public via podcast. Yogiar, as Yogi Ramaiah was known, would use a single verse of one of the 18 Tamil Yoga Siddhas for inspiration for each lecture.

Tape two of two based on Bhoganathar's Verse 51. It was recorded December 9, 1981 at the Pilliar Temple in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tape one of two based on Bhoganathar's Verse 51. It was recorded December 9, 1981 at the Pilliar Temple in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

This is the completion of the lecture given on December 15, 1981 at the Sri Anggalamman Temple, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia.

This was recorded at the Sri Anggalamman Temple, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia on December 15, 1981.

Tamil/English. This episode was recorded October 8, 1981 in Porto Novo, Tamil Nadu, India

This episode is from August 27, 1981, at the Om Tat Sath Center, Chase Village, Trinidad. It is also inspired by a verse from Siddha Boganathar.

Tamil/English--This episode continues with Yogiar's lecture of December 6, 1981, recorded at the Ganapathi Temple in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tamil/English -- This episode was recorded December 6, 1981 at the Ganapathy Temple in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

This episode completes Aaji Kondu "Roll Grinding" Bhoganathar Verse #6 that was given by Yogiar at Santa Cruz Babaji Yoga Sangam, June 12, 1981

Aaji Kondu "Roll Grinding" Bhoganathar Verse #6 was given by Yogiar at Santa Cruz Babaji Yoga Sangam, June 12, 1981

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