Angels and Awakening

Angels and Awakening

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Julie Jancius is The Angel Medium™ and host of the #10 spiritual podcast, Angels and Awakening, which receives over 2 million downloads a year in 70+ countries around the world. Julie is a world renowned angel expert on a mission to teach you how to connect with your angels and loved ones on the Other Side in order to make living “Heaven on Earth.” Her book (also titled Angels and Awakening), courses and sessions will help you do just that!In 2015, Julie thought she was going crazy when she suddenly began hearing her intuition clearly and seeing visions. Come to find out her estranged father had passed away on the same day her visions started. Her dad had been communicating with her the entire time!To figure out how, Julie left her corporate career to study with world renowned, God-based healers. Every time she works with a client, their Spirit Team (angels, guides and loved ones) are right there waiting to deliver positive, uplifting messages. Her life’s work is about teaching you how to make that connection for yourself.You can work with Julie LIVE every month in her Angel Membership program. As a member, you’ll have access to a new course each month that takes you deeper into yourself, your intuition and your connection. Her book, Angels and Awakening, is the first in a series that were written to go along with her monthly Angel Membership. If you are on a spiritual quest or looking for a community of like-minded souls to talk to, Julie’s Angel Membership is what you’ve been searching for!Julie is also the founder of Angel Reiki, a method of energy healing that simultaneously teaches you how to develop your unique God-given spiritual gifts in order to work one-on-one with people. To train with Julie, join her Angel Reiki School™.Named the #7 Top Coach in Chicago Entrepreneurs Magazine, Julie is known for breaking down complex spiritual topics and making them easy to incorporate into everyday life. Through her inspirational talks, books and courses, Julie will help you understand who you truly are; the purpose of your soul; and how to deepen your connection with the Other

Hello beautiful souls! As her family faced loss after loss, Janet’s angels were always present and would reveal themselves to her to provide comfort. Janet shares stories where she would receive unexpected greetings from the angels - and their appearance would come during moments when those greetings would also be a message of healing. In this angel story, we pray for those who’ve experienced loss among their family and for those taking care of sick family members. ++++++++++ Upcoming Events: Buy a ticket to Julie’s upcoming events here: Work With Julie: Book A Discovery Call with Julie: Buy Julie’s Book titled, Angels and Awakening, on: or Angel Reiki School. Learn to bring through angel messages: Angel Membership Waitlist. Get access to Julie’s past courses and new LIVE events almost every week: Private Mentorship with Julie: Email for details! Book a Session with Julie or an Angel Reader on her team: Be Our Angel: Share this podcast on your social media accounts! Volunteer your time/skills: Email Write a 5-Star Positive Review and we’ll enter you into a monthly drawing to win a free 20-minute reading with Julie*. Don’t forget to give us your contact info, so we can let you know if you win! Congratulations to Jenna M. who is our winner for the month of July! Join Me on the Socials Website: Instagram: Facebook Group: TikTok: @angelpodcast

Hello beautiful souls! In today’s angel story we hold space for Michaela and the challenges she faced caring for a loved one who was ill. In spite of the challenges she faced, Michaela felt the presence and guidance from Spirit through many signs, from animals to numbers. I hope this episode touches your heart and helps you to feel Spirit’s presence as well!! +++++++++++ Upcoming Events: Buy a ticket to Julie’s upcoming events here: Work With Julie: Book A Discovery Call with Julie: Buy Julie’s Book titled, Angels and Awakening, on: or Angel Reiki School. Learn to bring through angel messages: Angel Membership Waitlist. Get access to Julie’s past courses and new LIVE events almost every week: Private Mentorship with Julie: Email for details! Book a Session with Julie or an Angel Reader on her team: Be Our Angel: Share this podcast on your social media accounts! Volunteer your time/skills: Email Write a 5-Star Positive Review and we’ll enter you into a monthly drawing to win a free 20-minute reading with Julie*. Don’t forget to give us your contact info, so we can let you know if you win! Congratulations to Jenna M. who is our winner for the month of June! Join Me on the Socials Website: Instagram: Facebook Group: TikTok: @angelpodcast

Hello beautiful souls! I knew Savannah's angel stories would be filled with messages by Spirit, but I didn't expect to also learn so much from a shared experience we had. Savannah's angel stories display the love of her spirit team through dreams and signs. Savannah also shares how she grew in spirituality going through PMDD - premenstrual dysphoric disorder. I hope this episode helps others also going through their own trials and tribulations and how we’re praying for you. Books mentioned in this episode: ‘In The Flow: Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life’ by Alisa Vitti Code Red: Know Your Flow, Unlock Your Super Powers and Create a Bloody Amazing Life. Period. ‘ by Lisa Lister ++++++++++ Upcoming Events: Buy a ticket to Julie’s upcoming events here: Work With Julie: Book A Discovery Call with Julie: Buy Julie’s Book titled, Angels and Awakening, on: or Angel Reiki School. Learn to bring through angel messages: Angel Membership Waitlist. Get access to Julie’s past courses and new LIVE events almost every week: Private Mentorship with Julie: Email for details! Book a Session with Julie or an Angel Reader on her team: Be Our Angel: Share this podcast on your social media accounts! Volunteer your time/skills: Email Write a 5-Star Positive Review and we’ll enter you into a monthly drawing to win a free 20-minute reading with Julie*. Don’t forget to give us your contact info, so we can let you know if you win! Congratulations to Jenna M. who is our winner for the month of June! Join Me on the Socials Website: Instagram: Facebook Group: TikTok: @angelpodcast

Hello beautiful souls! Jennifer’s angel story today shows us how there are a variety of special ways to experience Spirit. From a loving gesture her mother used to do, to an extraordinary healing Jennifer experienced. Spirit wants to touch us mentally, spiritually, and physically and Jennifer’s story shows the transformation we can experience if we are only open to that call. ++++++++++ Upcoming Events: Buy a ticket to Julie’s upcoming events here: Work With Julie: Book A Discovery Call with Julie: Buy Julie’s Book titled, Angels and Awakening, on: or Angel Reiki School. Learn to bring through angel messages: Angel Membership Waitlist. Get access to Julie’s past courses and new LIVE events almost every week: Private Mentorship with Julie: Email for details! Book a Session with Julie or an Angel Reader on her team: Be Our Angel: Share this podcast on your social media accounts! Volunteer your time/skills: Email Write a 5-Star Positive Review and we’ll enter you into a monthly drawing to win a free 20-minute reading with Julie*. Don’t forget to give us your contact info, so we can let you know if you win! Congratulations to Jenna M. who is our winner for the month of June! Join Me on the Socials Website: Instagram: Facebook Group: TikTok: @angelpodcast

Hello beautiful souls! Matt Kahn (author of ‘The Transformative Power Of Holding Space’) joins the show to teach us what it means to show love in all you do. He shares his reflections on life experiences that allowed him to learn more about holding space for others and being mindful in your actions. Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher, healer, public speaker and best-selling author multiple times over. You can buy his book at all the major book sellers: ++++++++++ Upcoming Events: Buy a ticket to Julie’s upcoming events here: Work With Julie: Book A Discovery Call with Julie: Buy Julie’s Book titled, Angels and Awakening, on: or Angel Reiki School. Learn to bring through angel messages: Angel Membership Waitlist. Get access to Julie’s past courses and n...

Hello beautiful souls! I’m happy to introduce Justine who has several wonderful angel stories to share with you today - these are experiences that allowed her to feel even more connected to her family. Through visions, gifts, and signs in unexpected places, Justine's grandmother and father have communicated their love for her as well as their encouragement for her future. I hope this episode also encourages you to not lose hope if you’ve lost someone. They still love you, and they are still looking out for you. ++++++++++ Upcoming Events: Buy a ticket to Julie’s upcoming events here: Work With Julie: Book A Discovery Call with Julie: Buy Julie’s Book titled, Angels and Awakening, on: or Angel Reiki School. Learn to bring through angel messages: Angel Membership Waitlist. Get access to Julie’s past courses and new LIVE events almost every week: Private Mentorship with Julie: Email for details! Book a Session with Julie or an Angel Reader on her team: Be Our Angel: Share this podcast on your social media accounts! Volunteer your time/skills: Email Write a 5-Star Positive Review and we’ll enter you into a monthly drawing to win a free 20-minute reading with Julie*. Don’t forget to give us your contact info, so we can let you know if you win! Congratulations to Carolina G. who is our winner for the month of June! Join Me on the Socials Website: Instagram: Facebook Group: TikTok: @angelpodcast

Hello beautiful souls! Today’s episode was such a fun one to record as my guest Dr. Julia Mossbridge walks us through the many ways science and spirituality can go hand in hand. Julia teaches us how science can be used to find your spiritual gifts and uncover your purpose. We also chat about being in a state of unconditional love - oneness - and how that opens you up to many more benefits and messages from Spirit. Julia’s degrees are in neuroscience and communication sciences and disorders. She’s the author of multiple books including ‘The Calling’ and ‘Transcendent Mind: Rethinking the Science of Consciousness.’ To learn more about Julia and her organizations: (Teaching unconditional love and mental time travel) ++++++++++ Upcoming Events: Buy a ticket to Julie’s upcoming events here: Work With Julie: Book A Discovery Call with Julie:

Hello beautiful souls! Amber Rae returns to the podcast to share her angel story where she followed the literal push of the spirit! Amber Rae is an artist, speaker, and author of 'The Answers Are Within You.' Today, she reveals how following Spirit led her from one beautiful moment to the next and how much her life changed from then on. You can learn more about Amber at the following: Instagram @heyamberrae +++++++++++ Upcoming Events: Buy a ticket to Julie’s upcoming events here: Work With Julie: Book A Discovery Call with Julie: Buy Julie’s Book titled, Angels and Awakening, on: or Angel Reiki School. Learn to bring through angel messages: Angel Membership Waitlist. Get access to Julie’s past courses and new LIVE events almost every week: Private Mentorship with Julie: Email for details! Book a Session with Julie or an Angel Reader on her team: Be Our Angel: Share this podcast on your social media accounts! Volunteer your time/skills: Email Write a 5-Star Positive Review and we’ll enter you into a monthly drawing to win a free 20-minute reading with Julie*. Don’t forget to give us your contact info, so we can let you know if you win! Congratulations to Carolina G. who is our winner for the month of June! Join Me on the Socials Website: Instagram: Facebook Group: TikTok: @angelpodcast

Hello beautiful souls! Even though my guest on today’s episode has an angel story to tell - and we normally share those on Thursdays - Lina’s story is so stuffed full of lessons, life, and spiritual hugs that we wanted you to listen to it now. After awakening from an earlier life dotted with depression, Lina began to receive many signs from Spirit. And even as her life has taken an unexpected turn, Spirit has continued to shower her with love in surprising ways. +++++++++++ Upcoming Events: Buy a ticket to Julie’s upcoming events here: Work With Julie: Book A Discovery Call with Julie: Buy Julie’s Book titled, Angels and Awakening, on: or Angel Reiki School. Learn to bring through angel messages: Angel Membership Waitlist. Get access to Julie’s past courses and new LIVE events almost every week: Private Mentorship with Julie: Email for details! Book a Session with Julie or an Angel Reader on her team: Be Our Angel: Share this podcast on your social media accounts! Volunteer your time/skills: Email Write a 5-Star Positive Review and we’ll enter you into a monthly drawing to win a free 20-minute reading with Julie*. Don’t forget to give us your contact info, so we can let you know if you win! Congratulations to Carolina G. who is our winner for the month of June! Join Me on the Socials Website: Instagram: Facebook Group: TikTok: @angelpodcast

Hello beautiful souls! You’re in for a real treat today as we have both a husband and wife share their angel stories - and in all my time listening to angel stories, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of an angel story bringing in signs to cut tension. Ken and Evonne share stories they’ve experienced together. And stay tuned as there are unexpected angel messages that come through from one dad to another. ++++++++++ Upcoming Events: Buy a ticket to Julie’s upcoming events here: Work With Julie: Book A Discovery Call with Julie: Buy Julie’s Book titled, Angels and Awakening, on: or Angel Reiki School. Learn to bring through angel messages: Angel Membership Waitlist. Get access to Julie’s past courses and new LIVE events almost every week: Private Mentorship with Julie: Email for details! Book a Session with Julie or an Angel Reader on her team: Be Our Angel: Share this podcast on your social media accounts! Volunteer your time/skills: Email Write a 5-Star Positive Review and we’ll enter you into a monthly drawing to win a free 20-minute reading with Julie*. Don’t forget to give us your contact info, so we can let you know if you win! Congratulations to Carolina G. who is our winner for the month of June! Join Me on the Socials Website: Instagram: Facebook Group: TikTok: @angelpodcast

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