Ancient Tree of Life Spirituality Show

Ancient Tree of Life Spirituality Show

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9 聲音
♀️ Explore Spirituality Practices for Beginners: Explore Spirituality Practices for Beginners & Spiritual Health. Join our Podcasts. Learn more! ??

Ancient Triple Goddess Celtic Meditation. In this podcast show, The Ancient Triple Goddess Celtic Medication, learn How to Build Up Your Energy and Walk With The Gods.

Saturday Ancestral Remembrance. Welcome to The Ancient Tree of Life Podcast Show and Episode 8. While it is short, it is also very sweet.

The Spiritual Descent of Inanna. In this podcast, we will be discussing information from a meditation that I performed on March 26, 2019. This would have been during the time of my annual personal Ancient Sumerian and Babylonian AkiTi or Akitu. The AkiTi or AkiTu is a very old celebration at the beginning of the Spring Equinox. The celebration is based on the old Sumerian and Babylonian reverence of the Ancient Anunnaki.

Have you ever wanted to connect with a loved one who had passed? How about a grandmother or grandfather you have never met? Or better yet, how about your ancient ancestors or distant culture that you feel a lingering connection to? Those subtle tugs or inner voices just maybe your ancient ancestors trying to get your attention. But how do you connect with those who are no longer with us? How do you connect with the land of the dead?

Society is full of tales, stories, and legends. Tales of Heroic deeds and stories of monsters and things that go "bump" in the night. As I have gotten older and wiser, I have learned, that not all tales, stories, or myths are false. They are simply hidden and riddled with misinformation, prejudice, and ignorance. Did Vampires, Witches and Werewolves really exist? If so, how, where, and when? And if they did exist, where did they go? Or the better question, where are they still?

Astral Projection or Shamanism is about walking the stars with the ancient Gods, Energies, and Your Ancestors. As you receive information through meditation ritual and prayer, you bring back information that you share with your community, friends, and loved ones. The goal is to become the Great Mother or All-Father which protects, provides, and oversees the wellbeing of your people.

Astral Projection or Shamanism is about walking the stars with the ancient Gods, Energies, and Your Ancestors. As you receive information through meditation ritual and prayer, you bring back information that you share with your community, friends, and loved ones. The goal is to become the Great Mother or All-Father which protects, provides, and oversees the wellbeing of your people.

Astral Projection or Shamanism is about walking the stars with the ancient Gods, Energies, and Your Ancestors. As you receive information through meditation ritual and prayer, you bring back information that you share with your community, friends, and loved ones. The goal is to become the Great Mother or All-Father which protects, provides, and oversees the wellbeing of your people.

The History of Ancient Babylonian Gods and Goddesses Presentation at the Kern County Pagan Community. Episode 1

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