All Jupiter Broadcasting Shows

All Jupiter Broadcasting Shows

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1,133 聲音
Every audio version of Jupiter Broadcasting's productions.

Mike's ready to make a case for Declarative UI, and Chris pulls back the curtain to reveal a spicy take.

We try and bust a common Linux distro myth. Then what surprised Chris about his new Steam Deck.

Our thoughts on the new Works with Home Assistant program, some changes to Alex's off-site backup server, and a million bits of great feedback.

Why Google says we should all go rolling, Red Hat's got a new boss, Microsoft gets called out, and why it might be the year of Linux hardware.

Why we feel recent attacks by the Software Freedom Conservancy against Microsoft are costing the SFC serious credibility.

We were fixing servers all night, but at least we have a great story. A special guest joins us to help make a big show announcement. Special Guest: Tim Canham.

Brent sits down with Tim Canham, Senior Software Engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. We explore topics including the hardware and software powering NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter; JPL's switch from Solaris to Linux; the open source projects, tools, and philosophy at JPL, ...and more. Special Guest: Tim Canham.

The community is quick at work; we share major updates on our new website project, and chat with the "Offical" Podcasting 2.0 consultant to find out what he's developing next for podcast listeners. Special Guest: Alecks Gates.

The new movement to leave GitHub, an Ubuntu bug biting 22.04 users, the hardware platform Fedora might start taking seriously, and a major desktop dev departs Red Hat.

Mike's Linux Toolchain for 2022, and his first week with CoPilot. Then we chat about the series of choices that led us to go independent so many years ago.

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