All Home Care Matters

All Home Care Matters

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All Home Care Matters is an informative podcast and YouTube show that helps viewers and listeners learn about resources, tips, & discussion on all things home care.

All Home Care Matters was honored to welcome Dani Waxman, the founder and creator of RecallCue a dementia day clock that helps to support families and their loved ones with dementia. For the past 20 years, Dani Waxman has worked with leading Israeli high tech companies. In these roles he has served as a senior member of the product team defining product strategy, UX/UI, and managing development teams. In 2007 he Co-Founded and served as CEO of TriviaFix which quickly grew to one of the leading online sports trivia sites on the Internet. In 2017 he began work on RecallCue to help care for family members living with dementia and now focuses on creating innovative digital solutions for people living with dementia, their families and caregivers. RecallCue’s Day Clock, an app used by thousands of families across the world, provides all the features of a traditional Day Clock with the added value of allowing family members and caregivers to be actively in touch with a loved one even from remote locations. RecallCue includes the ability to set reminders, send messages, share photos, display daily schedules and even have 2 way video calls - all on a standard tablet. Family members of all ages, can use their phones to easily manage the Day Clock and show loving care from near and far.

All Home Care Matters was honored to welcome three remarkable guests that all specialize in the field and study of dementia. Each of these guest are Master's trained and educated in dementia. The first guest, Bettina Morrow obtained a BA of Social Work from Deakin University, Australia, and a Masters in Dementia at the University of Tasmania, Australia. Bettina possesses experience with intellectual and developmental disabilities, child protection, hospital social work and over 16 years in adult protection services with the past seven years as a APS supervisor in Colorado. Bettina has worked in a professional capacity in Australia, England, and USA. Our second guest, Sarah-Kaye Page is currently inciting change within the aged care industry. She has worked within the aged care industry for the past 9 years in different roles including personal carer, lifestyle coordinator, and dementia consultant. She has also spent almost 20 years in the hospitality industry. She has helped to crea...

All Home Care Matters welcomed Patti LaFleur as a guest to the show to share her and her mother's story of love and mixed dementia. During this interview Patti shares the incredible bond that her and her mother shared and her story of being a care partner with her mother. Patti had the ultimate opportunity to be the care partner for her Mom, Linda. They were meant to be. Linda adopted Patti when she was a baby and Patti had the amazing opportunity to care for her as she lived (and thrived!) with dementia and type 1 diabetes. Patti cared for her full time for about three years and her goal was to find joy every day as her care partner. It was a true partnership between them and you could always find them creating, singing, laughing and loving together every day! Patti's background is in Elementary Education and she was a Kindergarten teacher for the last 9 years. Patti had a true understanding that behavior is communication allowed her to maintain patience and love with her mom as th...

All Home Care Matters welcomes Author and Director of AlzAuthors, Ann Campanella to the show. Ann is the author of the book, "Motherhood: Lost and Found" and share her story of caring for her mother who was diagnosed with dementia. This remarkable story takes the reader through Ann and her mother's caregiving journey. Through Ann's journey and story she authored "Motherhood: Lost and Found" which would go on to be named one of the best Alzheimer's books ever.

All Home Care Matters was honored to welcome a remarkable guest, Katherine Klimitas. Katherine is an artist, public speaker, author, designer, and an inspiration. Katherine is a New Orleans-based artist and designer who sold her first watercolor at age 10. As the daughter of veterinarians, Katherine expresses her family’s life-long love of animals through her meticulous life-like paintings. She earned a B.A. from Loyola University in 2011, and today at age 33, runs her multifaceted business KAK ART & Designs from home. When clients learn that Katherine has Osteogenesis Imperfecta, also known as brittle bone disease, they are captivated by her unique perspective. She and her parents stopped counting her broken bones at 500 at age 10. She’s 2 feet 7 inches tall, gets around in an electric wheelchair, and creates all of her art, jewelry and commercial graphic design while lying on her side.

All Home Care Matters was honored to welcome two executive directors from the California Caregiver Resource Centers to share and discuss the tremendous work that the California Caregiver Resource Centers are doing to help support families and caregivers. The California Caregiver Resource Centers (CRCs) are a network of 11 centers throughout California which annually serve over 18,000 family caregivers, who are caring for adults affected by chronic and debilitating health conditions, degenerative diseases, or traumatic brain injury. Combined, the CRCs serve every county in California. Each CRC tailors its services to its geographic area, and offers family caregivers a range of core programs from counseling and care planning, to legal/financial consulting and respite, at low to no cost. John Beleutz, Executive Director of Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center and Michelle DiBuduo, Executive Director of Valley Caregiver Resource Center, are here to represent the CRCs. John, Executive Direc...

All Home Care Matters is excited to welcome Marie Vaudry the founder of Gleam in Your Eye. Gleam in Your Eye is a dementia activity and resource that is helping families with loved ones with dementia stay active and engaged. In 2021, Marie set out to create a more comprehensive experience that includes logical activities, while also addressing the sensory and physical needs of patients. Surrounded by a passionate team, she founded Gleam in Your Eye and developed an innovative product offering a monthly subscription box filled with fun and stimulating activities. The boxes are delivered directly to the homes of patients, making life easier for caregivers. Each box includes five different games, designed to engage the senses, provoke logical thinking, invite play with words, stimulate artistic expression and encourage light physical moves. Gleam in Your Eye is a monthly subscription box of games adapted for people with moderate dementia. Like everyone, these persons deserve a positive...

All Home Care Matters is honored to welcome back, Marianne Sciucco R.N. the Co-Founder of AlzAuthors to talk about an important event that they will be hosting on June, 7th. This event is virtual and is free for all who wish to attend. Caring for a father with a dementia diagnosis brings to caregiving its own special set of circumstances and considerations. In this AlzAuthors Live! There will be a Virtual Q&A where the speakers will explore these changes and challenges. The four speakers that will be featured are: Andrea Couture: Author of "Embracing What Remains" (A Memoir) Irene Olson: Author of "Requiem for the Status Quo (A Novel) Patti Davis: Author of "The Long Goodbye" and "Floating in the Deep End: How Caregivers Can See Beyond Alzheimer's (Memoirs and Caregiving Guide) Tanya Ward Goodman: Author of "Leaving Tinkertown" (A Memoir) Their stories will inspire and empower you on your own dementia journey with your dad. #dementia #authors #alzheimers Event Details The event is o...

All Home Care Matters is honored to welcome Mr. John Ederer the founder and CEO of VerifyCare as our guest for an in-depth interview about how VerifyCare is helping to revolutionize the caregiving experience for families and their loved ones. VerifyCare is a support app for any kind of caregiver. Keep a detailed record of caregiving duties provided for your Care Recipients. Use Tasks to track vitals like heart rate, blood pressure, and much more. Manage medications, organize schedules, view detailed graphs, and coordinate care with family and friends. Invite others to the Care Team to keep extended family and friends informed about their care. With a caregiver app like VerifyCare, managing care has never been easier!

All Home Care Matters was honored to welcome Lucy Stewart, Associate Curator of Education, Carnegie Museum of Art to share an exciting new program at the museum called "Mindful Museum". The new "Mindful Museum" program is designed for visitors over 55 years old. The “Mindful Museum,” is a suite of accessible programs and activities that expand Carnegie Museum of Art as a destination that nurtures the mind, body, and soul for visitors over 55. Mindful Museum will begin in May 2022 and run through December 2022. The following are the programs that are being offered through the "Mindful Museum": Art Paths | Wednesdays, all day, May 4 - December 28, 2022; on-site only. Drop-In Drawing | 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, 9:30 - 11 a.m.; on-site only. Chair and Wheelchair Yoga | 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, 9:30 - 10:10 a.m.; on-site as well as access to online recordings. Crash Course Art History Classes | Dates vary by month, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.; on- site as well as acce...

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