ACEP Frontline - Emergency Medicine

ACEP Frontline - Emergency Medicine

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ACEP Frontline, hosted by Dr. Ryan Stanton, features in-depth conversations on the hottest topics in emergency medicine and critical care.

The new National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is live! As of July 16, 9-8-8 is the new direct, three-digit line to trained counselors, opening the door for millions of Americans to seek the help they need. In this throwback episode, John Draper, executive director of the Lifeline, talks with host Dr. Ryan Stanton about the implications of this new hotline and how it affects emergency medicine. [Episode originally aired Nov. 2, 2021.]

In this episode of the Frontline from the Emerald Coast Conference, we talk with Dr. Jeffrey Goodloe about hyperactive delirium, the risk, management, and the evidence.

In this episode of The Frontline, we join Dr. Randy Sorge to discuss the management and updates in COPD care.

Recorded at the Emerald Coast Conference (ECC22) in Sandestin FL, we talk with return guest and host of EM Board Bombs, Dr. Blake Briggs, about aortic dissection and its presentation, risks, and management.

Workforce considerations in emergency medicine are a huge concern within the profession. In this episode, we feature an update from ACEP President Dr. Gillian Schmitz, which was recorded at the Maryland ACEP meeting.

Voluminous documentation of patient encounters is the norm in medicine, but coming in 2023, our approach and the focus will change. In this episode with Dr. Jason Adler, we discuss the changes and how they may have gotten it right this time.

When faced with an infection, it is key to know the right choice at the right time with regard to antibiotic management. We visit with Dr. Brian Levine, editor-in-chief of the 2022 EMRA Antibiotic Guide, talking about the changes, tips, and hidden treasures.

Medicine evolves over time as more and higher quality evidence becomes available. In this episode of ACEP Frontline, we talk with one of our favorites, Dr. Ken Milne, about how 2.8% reflects the evidence in emergency medicine.

Dr. Louis Profeta is a large and influential voice on SoMe, and a LinkedIn "Top Voice". In this episode of ACEP Frontline, we chat about is new article targeting some of the really bad decisions by administrators during the COVID-19 pandemic. Link to the article below! "Some Hospital Administrator Decisions Contributed to Patient Deaths During the Covid-19 Pandemic…You Should Know That" -

Advocacy is one of the keys to the success and future of emergency medicine. In this episode, we talk with first time attendee, Dr. Jacob Altholz about is experience at the 2022 ACEP Leadership and Advocacy Conference and why being active in health policy is so important.

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