A Brief History of Everything

A Brief History of Everything

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21 聲音
A history podcast - fresh from the classroom to your audio device. Join your hosts, Chris and Thomas, as they discuss historical questions raised in the classroom, in the never ending quest to keep active minds engaged.

In this episode, Chris and Thomas follow on from their last discussion about the roaring 20's to look at the Great Depression and the subsequent events that followed. Join them as they take apart the 1929 Crash, the Great Depression, Hoover's and FDR's responses and then the impact all this had on the world stage.

Chris and Thomas return to discuss the 1920's in America, starting with the fall-out from World War One, through to the 1920 election, scandals, prohibition and all those roaring things.

In the lead up to Season 3 - The American Half-Century, join Thomas for a brief solo look at the United States and their role in World War I. These minisodes are designed to fill in the gaps before Chris and Thomas address the bigger questions in Season 3 of A Brief History of Everything: The American Half-Century.

Chris and Thomas are back with a preview of Series 3 of A Brief History of Everything, a look at the American Half-Century. In this chat, they outline their plans for the series, and give an overview of where the series is headed.

Season 2 is go, and in this episode, Chris takes a deep dive into the #history of Impeachment and the US President. From the presidents who found themselves under investigation, to those who faced a vote in the Senate, the role of impeachment has been something which has helped shaped the political landscape of the United States and the role of the President itself. Please check out our patreon at www.patreon.com/abhoe if you'd like to support us.

Chris returns to outline the new series of A Brief History of Everything. Returning March 15, 2019!

Chris returns to talk about the impact of the Tet offensive of 1968 on not only the Vietnam war, but on America itself. He looks at the key players and their role, the aims for both sides, and the long term impact.

Chris returns with a brief update about the status of the podcast, and plans for the future!

1h 42min

Chris and Thomas take you on a tour of the rise and consolidation of Josef Stalin. From party paper-pusher, to totalitarian leader, we dig into the how and why.

In this episode, Chris and Thomas dive into the ideological background and policy implementation of Margaret Thatcher, and discuss her role in the creation of a post Cold War Britain.

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